Here is a list of visual of the desktops background I used and am using right now and also few live screenshots.

Now, on top of those backgrounds those are the software I am using :


  • =donated
  • W=worked
  • $=wants to donate
  • C=active in the community

Automated list (sorted by date of last update)

(cf ToDo especially to use categories)

Offline Apps

Network Apps

Online Apps

Online Apps (non-free)

Currently in the process to migrate to OpenServices/SaaS thanks to the movement lead by

Online communities

  • CouchSurfing ( W C)
  • ($ C)
  • ( C)
  • ( C)
  • ($)
  • ($ C)
  • DeviantArt (C)

See also SocialNetworks.

Tools Im still discovering (no serious use)

  • ClipX tiny clipboard history manager
    • having content + date + software from which it came from (and eventually goes to) could hold information on interesting behaviors
  • VirtualDub
  • youtube-dl Python script
    • list available streams including lower quality or audio only youtube-dl -F URL
    • select and download solely that stream youtube-dl -f DIGITS URL
  • RTMPDump toolkit for RTMP streams
    • mainly for
      • e.g. rtmpdump -S -W -o aaai2010_vinge_som_01.flv -r rtmp:// -y 2010/other/aaai2010_atlanta/vinge_som/aaai2010_vinge_som_01 remotely
      • as of early June 2011 it still works despite "cryptic" value of clip.url, resuming with -e still does not work though
  • proper Revision Control System (RCS), see Programming#RCS
  • SQLite Query Language
  • PostureMinder uses the webcam to automatically detect and remind whenever one sits in a consistently damaging posture for a long period.
    • started the trial professional version as of the 26th of May 2010
    • consider visual of results over time like Exercises
      • this is already directly provided by PostureMinder statistics pannel
  • WinSplit Revolution organize open windows by tiling, resizing and positioning them to make the best use of desktop real estate.
    • does not work properly with one of my main software : Putty and its specific step-by-step resizing
  • pycron cron service written in Python converted to an executable with py2exe
  • Newsbeuter The Mutt of RSS Feed Readers
    • now that Im using PuTTY Tray with URL hyperlinking this should become very interesting to try
  • video related
  • Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR)
    • irssi-otr Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) for the irssi Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client
  • Supybot with its ExternalControl plugin for XMLRPC (learning notes)
  • AutoHotkey : Free Mouse and Keyboard Macro Program with Hotkeys and AutoText
  • SwarmPlayer (failed to get it to work behind NAT)
  • R (tested it to quickly check correlation from data extracted from Semantic DB)
  • VirtualBox (used to test DamnSmallLinux)
  • WireShark (checked frame from a failing Flash application)
  • Process Explorer v11.21 from Sysinternals (checked memory requirements of Java application)
  • Instant Boss time your work/break cycles, reminding you when to work and when to take a break.
    • command line parameters : InstantBoss.exe 60 15 3
    • eventually try UseFulRest instead
  • RescueTime Time Management, Productivity, & Project Tracking Software
  • Python (learning notes)
  • Wakoopa to potentially manage this list automatically!
  • Using Weave and its API

Tools I want to try

  • Minbif provide an IRC-friendly instant messaging client
  • fun and easy way to keep track of the great new product and services your friends are discovering
  • apvlv PDF Viewer behaving like Vim
    • zathura is a highly customizable pdf viewer based on the poppler pdf rendering library
    • Vimperator for PDF
  • equivalent of (remote media center
  • Transmission with its Autotrans Firefox add-on
  • minimalist browsing
  • SpamAssassin Apache Open-Source Spam Filter
  • Iron by SRWare, replacement from Google Chrome, with Vimium
  • Lazyread ebook reader, auto-scroller, pager
    • last release in 2003

Why did I do this list ?

  • to gather notes and improve my learning curves
  • to see my evolution from one solution to another one
  • to provide the possibility for others to suggest me better alternatives
  • to offer to others the possibility to change their own tools
  • to remember that I didn't contribute to some projects
  • to be able to reinstall a full system more efficiently
    • Allmyapps Application Store to find and install the best applications
  • to prepare what I need for my MyServer
  • provide for each tool a feed of the evolution of the comparison between itself and equivalents

To do

  1. transform to a proper automated list
    1. add categories in each page
    2. add optional sum up
    3. add donation variable, eventually with amount
  2. check WikiVS the one stop for up-to-date comparisons.

note that this footer was originally "CogniteScafolding" due to a typo


My notes on Tools gather what I know or want to know. Consequently they are not and will never be complete references. For this, official manuals and online communities provide much better answers.