Note that in a file-based event inotify - get your file system supervised handles filesystem events rather than time periods.
From personal use
and others macros
- environment variable enforced
- declare those at the beginning of the crontab
- e.g. DISPLAY (easy since fixed) or SSH_AUTH_SOCK (more complicated as changing)
- using for Irssi for CognitiveEnvironments#TasksByEfficiency
- used pycron cron service written in Python on Windows
- on windows hide commands
- try
START /MIN command
- Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command.
- multiple hours for daily synchronization of backups
0 8,12,22 * * * path/to/
deprecated for rsync
- deprecated for rdiff-backup
- implying that one has authenticated access to the server
- see also Shell for the usage of 7z, also consider md5sum for checking
0 0,8,12,19 * * * /home/fabien/bin/mirrors_rsync; ratpoison -c 'echo mirrorsrsync_done'
- crontab -l : print the content of the current cron file
- crontab -e : edit the current cron file
- regularly saving my crontab file through crontab -l
- possible to do diff on it
- patterns
- m h dom mon dow command
- 15 * * * * command : command get executed every minute 15 of the hour
To do
- tasks on my local machine
- download and refresh the background representing my wiki(s) structure and statistics
From YetAnotherTutorial
- this does that
- this other command is nice
My notes on Tools gather what I know or want to know. Consequently they are not and will never be complete references. For this, official manuals and online communities provide much better answers.