^ : Control key
meta : Alt key
From personal use
- use
option before the server name and port
- e.g.
/connect -ssl soa.blinkenshell.org 6697
- checking spellcheck.pl which uses GNU aspell
/quote servercommmand parameter
- message levels
- /trigger add -regexp 'Thanks|thanks|thank you|Thank you|merci|Merci' -command 'echo You would do the same for me. (by Guy Kawasaki)
- move windows around (similar to my Vimperator binds
- /bind meta-{ command window move left
- /bind meta-} command window move right
- /alias Xsearch /say X_URL?action=search&q=$0 : provides a link to search through website X
- activities aliases
- /alias read /away reading; set activity_hide_level all; exec screen -X select reading; : sets away status and jumps to a specific window
- /alias stopcurrenttask /set -c activity_hide_level; away;
- to log with timestamps
- /calc 40*37.5 : returns
- ^T : transpose_characters
- note that those text edits are coherent with Bash (cf Shell)
- ^K : erase_to_end_of_line
- meta-b : backward_word
- meta-f : forward_word
- meta-d : delete_next_word
- meta-Delete : delete_previous_word
- /lastlog -clear : remove the result of lastlog
- /bind : to create keyboard shortcuts for commands (including aliases)
- meta-[0-9a-zA-Z] : jumps to the nth window
- down arrow : to type a new sentence (stacking)
- up arrow : to go back in history without having to /echo in order to keep a sentence in memory!
- /lastlog : manipualte the log of the current window
- /lastlog -file ~/public_html/logs/filename.txt : save in the indicated file
- /lastlog -regex Utopiah.*http : search the indicated regular expression
- /set activity : to see the list of activity related parameters (see settings documentation for details)
- /alias neuf /timer add neuf_deconnection 7000 0 /echo Attention ------- deconnection imminante (~3min) ------------ : creating an alias for a timer launch every ~2 hours warning that the reconnection should happen soon
- ^y: paste cut content from C^left, C^u, ...
- /id : alias for /q nickserv identify $0
- basically setting up a proxy to remotely control a running irssi instance
That was tried in order to paste content from Vimperator to irssi (tried with AutoHotKeys instead)
- /lastlog word : searches word from the current window
- /CHANNEL ADD -auto #channel IRCnetwork : connect automatically to the channel
Binding /away to /tweet
- limited to predefined ones?
- bitlbee/twirssi
Timezone per person
- set of aliases
- tny /exec - TZ=America/New_York date
- List of zoneinfo time zones value of TZ environment variable, on Wikipedia
- apply a command each time a specific person opens a PM with me or I open a pm with them
- example
- X from NY opens a private window
- /tny is executed
- potential solution
- trigger by Wouter Coekaerts
/trigger add -privmsgs -masks 'Hivemind*!coevolution.seedea@gmail.com' -regexp '^' -command '/tbr'
Exploiting logs for social behaviors
- behavior_pattern=hello; person=paul; tail -20000 ~/irclogs/network/$person.log | grep -i $behavior_pattern | grep -i $person | sed "s/:.*//" | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -n -r | head -3
- returns
8 14, 6 15, 3 22
- meaning 8 times hello at 2pm, 6 times at 3pm and 3 times at 10pm
- consequently one should expect the next first greeting of the day to happen between 2pm and 3pm
- explanations
- tail is used to keep the data fresh, as behavior tend to change over time
- sed is used to just keep the hour
- sort, uniq and and head are used to make the distribution and only keep part of it
- note that behavior pattern is a "signature" thus has to be at the time significant and unique
- used most of the time in that situation and in that situation only
- it could be completed by a counter-pattern
- technically using
grep -v
- improvements
- generate triggers to be warned ahead of time that an event is likely to occur soon
- pull out their profile (e.g. Person:X) few minutes before the expected interaction
See also Person
Note for a friend
- next time friend say sth to me, the note is displayed locally
- if I think about sth for you and you are not here but Id rather discuss it live, I just add a note
/alias note trigger add -once -privmsgs -masks '$0*' -command 'echo $1-'
- improved with
/alias tnote exec echo \$(date -R) $0 $1- >> ~/sharedlinks; trigger add -once -privmsgs -masks '$0*' -command 'echo -level hilight -window &bitlbee $0 -> $1-'
which adds the triggers to a specific file that get dispatched to Person
- actually rename the initial version to
for "silent note"
Calendar notification
- /timer add deletetorrent 70000 /echo Attention ---- delete the torrented file in the buffering folder ----
- using the timer plugin to set a warning in the future once and Wolfram|Alpha to check the timing is right (here ~20hrs)
- interfaced with only calendar so when X joins and X is in my calendar
- output the note+URL
- see also learning notes on bitlbee
Dynamic ignoring
section 10. ignoring
Cf voting/talking experiment (cf proposition in http://agi-wiki.org/ChanLogs/ of the 13th of April 2010) , talking with credit. Every time you post a sentence to the channel you spend 1 credit per word. Everybody in the channel can then vote your sentence up or down. For votes up you earn a % of credits, for down you loose a %. If you have 0 credit you have to wait a certain amount of time to get some. You vote on the X last messages including * for all or a data (from now to then).
wonders how ignore could make use of logs and eventually dynamically ignore on topics (from keyword) or groups of people (nicknames and adress)
11:02 < Utopiah> leth: sure, ignore on irssi supports regex so I guess doing stats on logs shouldn't be hard, would just have to issue a command saying "that line was bad" a sufficient amount of time (but you can set a threshold level)
11:02 < Utopiah> actually we could use bayesian filters if we do it a a group, like Gmail spam
11:04 < leth> Utopiah: yeah, might be a good idea.. but you'd want to know when it activates incase it does something it shouldn't do..
11:05 < Utopiah> leth: right, keeping logs of what it hides and review it periodically and change the threshold, eventually adding a whitelist
11:07 < Utopiah> leth: since the amount of crap on the net, I tend to think investing some time on it could be valuable :-#
11:07 < leth> Utopiah: yeah, i thought realtime notification when it hides something, but yeah, also logs so you can review it.. good idea. and a whitelist also a good idea.
11:08 < Utopiah> leth: problem with notification is that it gets your attention when most of the time you precisely don't want to waste it :/ but yes it's safer, could just replace by ****** for example but that would make you curious, wouldn't it?
11:08 < leth> Utopiah: it is sad that the internet is turning ignorance into such a well practiced technique..
11:09 < leth> Utopiah: just something like "username has been ignored. to review logs use command /ignorelog"
11:10 < leth> Utopiah: i'd rather read that then whatever caused the ignore..
11:11 < Utopiah> right, I think that also what could be done is a exponentially long "reset" period, i.e. you ignore by default for X minutes then each time you have to reignore you don't just ignore for the same time but by a multiple of the previous amount
11:14 < Utopiah> leth: idea was also to be flexible enough, for example I don't want to ignore you but when you talk about somebody Im ignoring, I shouldn't see your sentence
Last chats recovery across different networks
- group nicknames
- activate irssi logs
- check date
- print in the newly opened window with contact Y the last X lines from logs
Inspired by Simon.
See also
My notes on Tools gather what I know or want to know. Consequently they are not and will never be complete references. For this, official manuals and online communities provide much better answers.