
Many tools from research in social networking have emerged recently we must benefit from them, especially since our networks have grown a lot and if we want to be scalable and have quality relationships we won't be able to go further without coping tools (again).


Note that being social has a cost (energy, resources, ...) and that maintaining ones network might also be seen with a (non financial) return on investment mindset in order to avoid extremes in both direction (asocial or ultra-social/eusocial).

Potential solution

Note that the wiki format provide natively support for history of each page, potentially way to study the "history of a relationship"


(:pmgraphviz -- [=

   digraph {
      me [label="me" style=filled fillcolor=blue];
      Person.Test1 [label="Person.Test1" style=filled fillcolor=orange];
      me -> Person.Test1;

=] :)

See actually the local implementation (more secure since we are dealing with actual private information). Check Processing for improved visualization.


  • Could family fatigue, meeting family members not for pleasure but because they are related, be a consequence of predictability? Could the low information exchange lead to gradually unpleasant encounters?
    • note that this also happens with long-term close acquaintances but to a lesser degree
    • risks
      • increasing predictability
      • social pressure
      • conflict avoidance
    • advantages
      • no small talk required
      • known domain of agreements
    • solutions
      • find personal topics in which the other person has specific knowledge that is interesting to you
        • unique trips for geography, family heritage and culture, youth and history, ...
      • introduce new topics and activities
      • leverage own skills the other person believe are unique to himself or herself for your own problem
        • offer to do the opposite but never force it, let the person take your offer later on if preferred
    • see also
  • Teamwork as offloaded cognition for the initiator of the project
  • topology of the current social group, dynamics and their consequences
    • 1 to 1 conversation
      • exchange, dialog, absence of the audience, no possibility to hide, ...
    • many to many conversation
      • about "winning", having an audience, demonstrating alpha-type qualities, ...


To do


distance represents frequencies of messages exchange
color type or last message sent

  • link to the social aspect of Cookbook.Cognition#Thinking
    • add Content.Needs and use categories to automatically select the person most likely to be able to help
    • example House.House#Contacts
    • imagine this as a "distributed/social cognition API"
      • consider a resume (formalized as XML resume) an equivalent of API definition or WSDL)
  • integrate my irssi /note
    • /alias note trigger add -once -privmsgs -masks '$0*' -command 'echo -level hilight -window &bitlbee $0 -> $1-'
    • make note read/write in the wiki instead, letting me modify information outside of irssi
  • trust systems
  • Semantic Signup allowing to populate a user page with semantic data at signup time
  • a possible visualization could also be a timeline with the social network as a series of circles (in order to give an "entourage" perspective) representing persons (eventually with significant part of their own contacts) in order to get an overview of the evolution of the personal social network
    • highlighting periods in the timeline, for example transition from a school to another, a place to another and thus displaying radical reconfigurations
  • updated contacts section of the different pages
  • tag cloud per person based on conversation logs
    • generate them periodically to see an evolution over time
      • different color for "new" tags
      • use cron and a command line encoder (like mencoder) to generate automatically a "movie" per person
        • if the person will be present in an upcoming event, review his or her "movie" to refresh your memory
    • consider Wordle
  • find a tool generating social network from recorded voices
    • train and test through movies
      • use for meeting recordings
    • mapping a voice to a person
    • linking persons based on the the lapse between each voice caught
    • positioning nodes based on frequency, length of reply, ...
    • resources
  • trombinoscope test
    • faces of people tagged E (previous presence at the type of Events) that should be present at the event Im heading at (thanks to the calendar recipe)
    • random walk displaying the profile picture of each then asking for a name, upon click display the name under the picture then upon click move to the next
    • objective being to avoid awkward "hey... mister!... what's your name already? Sorry I forgot..." moments
  • display shared links from Irssi#Note in order to keep an history
    • useful to links that friends lost
  • store rendez-vous waiting time statistics
    • produce a small visual (using for example Sparklines)
  • Information context
    • use Google Trends (Insights) to check the context the person you are interested in lives in
      • according to the local situation, from the broadest (world) to the smallest (his or her city, even the neighborhood)
      • in time, from years ago up to now
  • embed good practices or solutions like FamilyFatigueSolutions
  • tech-savy (or better security-savy) trust scale
  • Cultural Intersection
    • find what connects you and other the other person you are talking too thanks to
      • the current location
      • geographical origon of persons present
      • historical background of persons present
    • locate where their cross
    • limit to what should be the most interesting to develop
    • cf notes from the paper notebook written in Italy
  • socially shaping algorithms
    • list the algorithms that impact your own social life through their usage by you or others
    • avoid listing implicit algorithms or models of how we behave
    • guest proposing Le livre des algorithmes maudits by David Guez, poptronics
    • Seedea:Seedea/CollaborativeManagementTools as some deals with reward (financial or social)
    • TunkRank based on the TunkRank algorithm by Daniel Tunkelang
    • Stack Overflow reputation, Hacker News karma, Quora reputation
    • see also Eli Pariser's TED talk
    • we are in a society in which we dont pick who we collaborate with based on the shape of their car but rather on the quality of the algorithm they use (and consciously decide to avoid too) and build
    • Quora Analytics: Who on Quora have the highest q-indices?
      • q-indices, q-index, particularly relevant now that credits are used to request answers
  • social notification on updates
  • trigger on names during conversation to display link to profiles
    • ability to deactivate specific profiles that are too common
  • use the system for the family tree
  • automated counter-Shibboleth
    • briding the gap between what you know and what they say
    • A = stats on your vocabuary based on email or chat logs
    • B = stats on the tribe you want to be part of based on email or chat logs)
    • B - A = what you must learn
  • Real-time meta-data analysis of chat

See also