Here ideas are simply gathered without any specifically required form or quality, simply unrefined ideas.
Eventually top selected idea will move into The OIMP repository.
(template to follow)
Utopiah's analysis articles
Moved in the dedicated's page : Utopiahanalysis.Utopiahanalysis
Build RSS flux for trend watching
for top research labs per area (add journals ?)
add wikipedia list of important publy RSS ?
ex. : CS algorithmic_information_theory key papers
pmWiki based prototype
walking through/experiencing your own cognitive network explicitely thus re-inforcing your memory about it, allowing you to improve both
do I have all the required data within the current wiki for the visu I want ?
do I need more ? let's try with just this !
! Idea to eventually merge with Seedea
economy-based seedea based on pmWiki
- associate prices with ?action=)
! to merge with seedea.internalmotivation
Cognitive advantage of visualization
my hypothesis is that our brain today is highly visual, we usual it for visual tasks intensively thus by it's very plastic nature it improved a lot in this area and it EXTREMELY powerful with visual manipulation.
thus complex sets of information are more easily "workable" visually.
(no magic, just because we are used to it, our brain remapped itself to take advantage of this ability)
thus a cognitive scaffolding HAS to be visual.
thus an element of it, a cognitive tool, has to be to.
(Thus your NoI map should be visual even if it requires a bit more efforts initially.)
Example : military plane fighter visual interfaces (should look for research papers based on that the Visualization page of Seedea thank's to XPlane founder)
! Idea to eventually merge with Seedea.Visualization
Fully distributed p2p
Being able to rebuild networks after major failures (all node disconnected) in an automated fashion
avoid any fixed point
n = node
N = network of nodes
S() = shared strategy for all n in N, ability evolve
from result of previous N rebuild based on last used S
MP = list of meeting point computed by S() outside of N
MP() = list of trusted node in N
including the node who created MP() on the support
(using encrypted steganography as a protocol, parasitic behavior
eventually injecting data in the most requested documents
thus having a positive behavior on targeted servers to parasite)
based on larger previous card(N)
S could determine a smaller set of results (MP)
or a bigger (MP) set to distribute the load
as long as (MP) is not empty it should function,
eventually by falling back to less and less requiring versions of S
the used strategy would be shared only amongst peer of your trusted network (and evolve over time based on network topology evolution, alias add/removal of peers)
FreeNet guy :
"meeting points" are atm the seednodes but
opennet and seednodes/meeting points are only a workaround as many people dont have friends running freenet to make it easier for them to connect
too much hassle for very little cases
People do that outside of the network (online or offline)
+ possibility to use OpenNet to re-escalate to DarkNet.
+ if there would be an automatic way, there would be another point where attackers could compromise the network (compromising the connections between friends is much harder)
But he said it could be faster than man made version
it's basically what guys do when they look for females :P
(MP) = local bars
Could also be used for botnet communication or any material on which the author does not want to be traced back. By hiding information into famous material that several people will download, it will be impossible to find who download it for the normal viewing purpose or for the hidden data.
Links to exlore
Cross protocol P2P sharing
bootstrap new networks and facilitate transition from other network (eventually enable fallback in case of new network problems)
use abstraction layers and peers as connectors
BT guy : such things are frowned upon as most multi-network clients are a jack of all trades and a master of none
i.e. they're not acting as a good implementation on any of the networks they're connecting to
- would you consider webseeds being like that ?
they have... issues. but since they only seed (i.e. contribute bandwidth) they can't pose much harm
"watermark" EVERY personnal idea with a link to the Seedea project
(meme, visual, url, ...) for (or any other reachable reference that include stats)
Cognitive leverage
example of cognitive leverage :
- technological tools (abacus, computer, ...)
- social delegation (getting the cognitive work done by someone else)
- mixes : everything
require : you live in a cognitive demanding environment
(cognitive abilities are driven by your environment)
by becoming a center you reconfigure the network around you
Using CL to maximize the chances of being a "center node"
network center node
exists even in purely distributed infrastructure
it emerges naturally as it is part of the optimization process
constant "oscillation" between purely distributed and central nodes
the topology of the network evolves based on usage
the network constantly self-optimize as it is part of a environment with resources pressure
emergence of center nodes
re-distrubition of the load (alternatives appearing)
mathematical equation of treshold that precedes center node emergence,
simulation of the "balancing"/"oscillating" state and determine frequency based on env.
(using sin/cos?)
why do center nodes emerge?
to facilitate growth in complexity
as center nodes embeded simpler nodes functionnalities (!)
An entity that can use cognitive leverage to be a center node
can use it's position to gain an advantage by studying the network topology
and thus gather information to favorize and anticipate the evolution
and reposition itself as a center node again later
(schema of dependency on center nodes curves and their superposition over time)
The ability of a center node to transition to a better position
depends entirely on its ability to read and understand ithe networks it relies on
(the network that provide it's required resources)
Ex :
you need to understand the map and to have a ticket to move where you need to go
who is the competitions and what is the size of the targetted population
what are the barriers to entry ,...
Copies will emergence over time in order to gain central position too
alternative will stabilize the network with fallback nodes
the dependancy level over time will is probably (based on what ?!) a bell shaped curve
(ordered by lifetime?!)
PS : strategies are resources too but they "transcend" the rest
(weird ... gotta reformulate better)
Example :
- evolution over bio/silico/... over
- viruses over...
- tic-tac-toe over nature/bt
Functionalities emergence detector
Definition of a functionality
(inspired by biological evolutionary science + computer science)
usable function provided by an organism
Potential solutions
- clouds
- trackback
- community bars
- social network wheels
- vote
- user generated content
- ... and the other "web2.0 packages"
Evolution of the size of the population P using a functionality F over time
(supposedly growing)
Produces a visualization that embedded suggestions based on good practices.
Based on identified sources
- website that gather a lot of users who use tools (that embed methods)
Compute statistics
Based on equations
- see notion of emergence {$ d(card(P(F)))/dt $}
Detect trends
Based on compared functionalities emergences (use other trends for calibration)
Based on good practices
- see previous capitalization on similar functionalities (previous return on experience)
(have to add the written text)
To explore
- Automatized discovery and possibility to interface them thanks to :
PS : SensorWeb 2.0: Service-Oriented Middleware for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks seems to be limited to hardware based sensor, not directly for "software sensors" as in discovering new WebServices, API, SaaS, ...
- discussion with Susan Blackmore on Temes
e-resources (intangible economy resources) pool
Computation cycles
Name | EC2 | MS Live Cloud |
Specialization | | |
Data storage (distributed physical hosting)
Name | S3 | FreeNet | GNUNet |
Specialization | | | |
Message transmission
Name | XMLrequest | email | FreeNet | Tor |
Specialization | | | | |
Name | Freelancers outsourcing | AmazonTurk | SASS | Online APIs from vendors |
Specialization | | | | |
Physical hosting
See Seedea.HostingMatrix
Name | | CyberBunker | SeaLand |
Specialization | | | |
To link with
Cloud computing market auto selectors
Moved to CloudArbitrage
IMified wiki
enable "write through IM"
Technical mean
Call IMified API from a pmWiki PHP cookbook
(to integrate to Seedea high level I/O)
Fundamental Concept Tree Balancing
result of a nice "conversation" =
mutation of your FCT to
- A) rebalance it (change of topology)
- you "correct" your FCT by re-ordering the position of nodes, you did not learn any new concept but you are able to better organize the one you are already using.
- B) add new nodes
- you've learned an entirely new concept that thanks to coherence with your pre-existing FCT you can branch logically to connect it with the older ones
- C) A and B
- you've learned a new concept that is not a "leaf"
- you've learned a new concept but learned it makes you re-arrange the FCT it relies on even if it is a "leaf"
...thus the more mind-blowing an experience is, the closer to the root the C situation happens.
A>C>B regarding effectiveness
but it's more costly ! (especially since we think about info creation vs deletion cost based on the reference from the guy who made the conference on ... arg... the french guy... black PPT... somewhere named in the wiki, had to check this out)
Decision Tree Maximization
the objective of a strategy is to access a network of resources
a strategy can be represented by a decision tree
one tactic can be to maximize the "largeur" of your tree in order to have maximum freedom of move and minimize the decision tree of entities competing for the same network of resources.
Live notes from AI94 in Palo Alto
concatenate the whole wiki in a one page (done) and check the length (done) organize it refine it and find the core of ti
live alimentation/integration to my wiki/tool (that's what I did back then in AI meetup)
I can , based on statistics, determine the best environment for me to get ideas based on the curves over time that I produce based on my data
Add GPS data after on each interaction
measure the number of click to integrate the idea to the system
measure it in order to have data to optimize it
measure the number of clicks to get someone else to ACTUALLY get it.
judge and optimize it
The luck factor (study on randomize self define people who think they are lucky) -> added to Shelfari, also read the booklet version
Critic from Don Steiny (from ISNAE, Institute for Social Network Analysis of the Economy)
idea funnel
have bet on the ideas not only with people who BUILD them but with external feedback from REAL users
- Do it = produce the content
- Automate the process
- Abstract the process
(NOT the opposite)
quality of an idea
number of time the idea has been succesfuly used by someone who intended to use it (even if it was initially intented for another use !)
thus user feedback is required
if some solution already exist check
(exemple with Agglom recently)
- date of beginning
- number of actual user
conclude if it was a good idea or not
eventualy decide to do it anyway if
- market can get a newcomer (other idea non totally scalable)
- realization is a bit different (functionnalities are actually different)
- consider the barrier to entry
Improvements for Seedea
move those improvement to their own individual pages (use a wikilist)
offline version
1) select the data (/wiki/)
2) add the mini-server for the destination system (server recipe for windows)
3) package all this (tar.bz2 or zip with PHP)
4) make a Seedea online page to obtain this (php on the server)
5) make a synchronization script (use the 2 different Site.AllRecentChanges)
1) add the answers from the interviews (in the notebook)
2) decide what information should use the most visual place
3) define a visual language that is understandable for the targeted audience
4) make visual for very few ideas and try them on the audience
Lifeline of an idea
Use Sparklines
- size of edition (integer)
- time of action (time stamp)
- author (string)
- optional comment (string)
- based on the edition "summary" input
- optional pre-defined event (ref)
- if system word triggered in the edition "summary" input
Graphic are generated for each idea as pmWiki page and can thus be included. Priority in frequency to the most popular ideas.
- lifeline graphics navigation could be inspired by Google Finance management of the mouse wheel to zoom in and out in time
Idea = existing structure
(an existing structure to harmonize and formalize)
+= author
+= keywords
+= lifeline
Every data is automatically generated but with human supervision for possible correction. If possible, the corrections SHOULD be learned by the system (long-term AI goal).
- hospital screen for heartbeat
Going further
- using inspiration + author to have "lineage" of ideas
Geography of the intangible
Atlas of Cyberspace by by Rob Kitchin and Martin Dodge (ISBN 978-0201745757)
Site Web issus de Internet : géographie d'un réseau par Gabriel Dupuy (ISBN 2-7298-1099-4)
urls perso
To share with
Visualization based on geographical/mapping principle of the UniNetVerse theory
Moved to Utopiahanalysis.UniNetVerseVisu.
Internet Shortcut Layer
Managing the different layers of shortcut on the Internet
Managing the different layers of shortcut on the Internet
detect shortcuts that website like Gmail provide and be able to detect any conflit with Vimperator bindings and also discover shortcuts and new website I browse
- Using a GreaseMonkey script with Vimperator on Gmail
automatically detect which shortcuts does a website trap (without analyzing code with events keypress as it could be too heavy?)
To explore
- :help pass-through in Vimperator
Open Access Science
Offer access to quality databases to researchers who are not inside labs who do not have large amount of resources
- Offer directly usable solutions to promote
- Science Commons
- Publish or Perish
- Science Gateway
- Zotero >
2collab from Elsevier, free to use but open? (to check)
- List the open alternatives
- Directory of open access journals : covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals
- Ranking Web of World Repositories by the Cybermetrics Lab CSIC
- PLoS
- FirstMonday
- Open Access by Clyde Smith
- Academic Commons (dedicated to Liberal Arts and education in general)
- aims to provide the most comprehensive and freely available access to scientific knowledge on the internet
- IN-TECH providing OA content on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Manufacturing and Operations Researchsince since 2004
- arXiv,e-print archive, Cornell University Library
- Movements
- Right to Research promoting Open Access
- List the closed sources
- propose access by any legal mean possible
- propose way to circumvent classical accesses
- legally if they exist
- illegally if not other solution is available
- shared accounts (cookie forging, pre-configured vpn, ...)
- pre-selected off-line material (regular batch download from the databases, ossibily broadcatching)
- be conscious that illegal websites already exist
- enter the URL of the domain
- get login information with percentage of successes
- provide feedback on your try
To study
- Harvard University Press releases first OA journal by Kaitlin Thaney, February 3rd, 2009
- Open Access News : News from the open access movement by Peter Suber
- What is the difference between Springer/Thomson/Elsevier?
- How is this science publishing market structured? topology of this financial network? consequences?
- Research papers on actually how big publishing houses can (or do) harm science?! (eventually in methodology, philosophy of science, sociology...)
- Est-ce que le déluge de données va rendre la méthode scientifique obsolète ?
- dossier Abonnements numeriques de Science de l'information 2008, vol. 45, n2 (removed, too long)
- Digital-Scholarship by Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
- Open Science Grid : the "mission is to help satisfy the ever-growing computing and data management requirements of scientific researchers, especially collaborative science requiring high throughput computing."
- Open access to the scientific literature: a peer commons open to the public by Hélène Bosc, Copyright Regulation in Europe – An Enabling or Disabling Factor for Science, Communication. European Workshop, November 2008
- Panton Principles Principles for Open Data in Science
- Berlin7 Open Access Conference
Seamless communication
Automatically connect yourself and stay connected to all your communication channel (IM/IRC/...).
- have a remote shell for screen/irssi/clients-with-chatbot(IMified with a Bloglines notifier using API for update, listsubs and getitems)/RSS(On Facebook news)/Twitter/... eventually with some basic regexp and action on events
- Use a tool like WikiMatrix but for shells in order to quickly compare prices/performances(uptime/connectivity/...)/features(languages/datastore)/security
- smooth non-stop transition from a laptop/PC to an internet tablet like the Nokia N810 with Android/Maemo (as in auto switching when my tablet connect to the home/work wifi)
Progresses so far
- 24/7 screen with
- irssi for IRC
- connected to IM (Gmail/MSN) with bitblee
- connected to twitter with twirssi
- connected to Seedea with XMLRPC (not fully functionnal)
- having a timer
To do
- connect to email accounts (possible with mutt but it's not a light solution)
- try with a mobile device how "intuitive" it is
- connect to VoIP accounts (limited to messages regarding missed calls only?)
- Skype plugin for BitlBee by Miklos Vajna
- Nokia seamless project
- Discussion on IRC on IM clients with Vimperator interface
Have a visual geo-strategical summary of the tendencies in AI. Eventually based on our AImatrix.
Expected result
Visual map of the host who publish the most cited article recently
- each host is positioned geographically and provide
- links to its key papers (with link to authors)
- links to its contacts
- possibility to refine the map by keywords
- produce trends curves
- top evolving keyword (thus what one can expect to be topic)
- provide also linear RSS streams for inter-connections with other systems (avoid external API calls)
- source journal(s) (no need to subscribe, just meta-data are required!)
- database (to gather raw information and generated statistics)
- algorithm to determine what article is key (popularity by citations?)
- host display that providing geographic mapping ability (free API)
- determine key journal with (or the more up to date but beware of Thomson-only bias!)
- extract for every lab the set of information
- name
- location
- date of last publication
- date of last update for each project
- ...
- plot each lab on the map
- add their information
- link labs based on cross publication
- fundings
- Discovering YetAnotherPotentiallyGreatAILab (UMBC eBiquity)
- TeleGeography maps
(cognitive proxy)Seedea information overload (!)
+ add pmwiki vim syntax file with vim online edition (pmwe in Python)
wiki as a learning tool
Final result
- a memorization RSS feed (especially now that PageFeed is installed)
- return your commented edits on a subset of pages at the appropriate moment
Alternative solution
Import with DERI Pipes to a learning system
data from
- this pmWiki with last edition time of
- Apply Date of last review (example in English Vocabulary) to all learning sheets
- Integrate it to Oimp.CAST
- Suggest revisions/update of knowledge as RSS feeds, eventually use RSSnotifier or a virtual agent to handle such messages (all integrated here within Seedea)
Cramarama seems to also have a Wikipedia analyzing bot that transform (not so accurately) content to flashcard based on the same principle.
Study time of last edition with Forgetting curve with SuperMemo, a tool that implement Wozniak's algorithm
or also The Read / Review / Review Graph
See also
You limit the access of Internet to a growing amount of websites based on your learning goals.
- you use a tool (like OpenDNS) to limit access only to website that relate to the course
- A child can easily disable OpenDNS by reverting to default DNS nameservers (or by allowing computer to detect DNS servers automatically)
- when a child encounter a limitation and want to dwelve deeper you open access to new resources
- you study learning paths and discover effective patterns (based on the efficiency of concept aquisition) and you facilitate those paths for other children
- Information overload
- Chronic'Art #48 article on the risk of Internet oriented technologies in the classroom
- Developmental Artificial Intelligence that use limited simplified environments as learning places
To share with
Structuring chatbot
It's a presence on IM/IRC that propose you to use good practices to define a problem by discussions.
See also StigmergyLive in The Lab
- how do we get there first
- then from here to there
- etc...
- Chatting with brilanon on #opencog :
13:01 < UtopiahGHML> explaining to someone else is very often an extremely good way to progress. You have to sumarize, clarify, modelize, formalize and overall you end up with an updated model of the problem even if the other person does not provide "knowledgeable" feedback.
13:02 < brilanon> yes!
13:07 < UtopiahGHML> brilanon: you should write a chat bot to help you to improve this soft by discussing with you (questions on new terms, checking possible logic incoherence, etc...) and that you could code-update live with simple commands
13:09 < brilanon> UtopiahGHML, you are right, a bot that only reframed issues would be good, lol
13:09 < UtopiahGHML> notice me when it's ready :)
Visual Food Weight
It displays aliment (processed or not) with size proportionnated to the calories it provides (eventually within the aliment it's proportion of glucides, lipides and proteins by slices of different colors).
- have a DB of aliments with their constitutions and calories
- have a DB of visual representation (scalable thus probably vector based) for each aliment
- offer a way to naviguate through this newly generated viual database and offer tools to compare or to generate menus
- Preparing my orange juice ;)
Automatic Visual Moduling
Automatically configure the shared display based on the interaction situation
- prepare predefinied visual modules
- 1 person >O
- 2 persons face to face >O< or >O O|O O< or...
- 2 persons remotely
- N persons face to face
- N persons remotely
- try to detect the configuration based on geolocalisation and number of simultaneously connected users (and also the number of devices!)
- lively propose to change from one visual module to the next
- thinking about 3 people using iPhones as physical interface on a table
Social reading
cognitive overload recovered by social means
using some social feed rinsing tool?
you and trusted friends rate item within your feed client (online or standalone) then you choose to read only well rated feeds (or they would just appear bigger)
- mashup with bloglines+greasemonkey+website
- then from here to there
- etc...
Going through feeds where writters just post
- AideRSS Use PostRank. to score, filter and track performance of any RSS feed.
- delicious (plus some tweaks required)
Modern Biliography
Moved to Oimp.ModernBibliography as a full OIMP project!
Helping Sheldon
Yahoo! Answer themed on The Big Band Theory
- provide a space to share help
- add problem from the last episode
- earn money from specialized advertisement
- including Think Geek and other for-profit organization that target our audience
- but first generalist like GoogleAds especially since it requires no "official structure) limiting cost
- vote for
- the problem of the week (since it's a weekly serie)
- the next new feature (offer donations of cash and work)
- use previous work from
- snap2objects
- Seedea
- StigmergyLive
- ...and reference them explicitly
- eventually some ideas could be fed back to the author of the original show, using it as a way to remunerate us and the users and also gather a bigger crowd (creating events)
Using the Sheldon persona is part of the questions to clarify but as long as we don't post long part of the show, based on Fair use, it should be ok.
Eventually being bought by CBC would be a quick easy solution
Discussion with Paola regarding the serie and its audience based on the idea of Marcel Mauss : The Gift based and the Xmas episode
Similar projects
Internet guide
Moved to Oimp.InternetGuide.
Serendipity RSS
an serendipity through RSS system to avoid to circle around in the websites you already know
- you subscribe to an RSS feed that will suggest daily a certain amount of new websites
- totally random
- based on your preferences
- explicit tags (input)
- OPML file
- url of your personal blog/website
- Facebook groups you've subscribed
- digging your delicious account for tags
Outils Froids on Serendipity
To explore
- General RSS news hubs
- Social RSS solution
- Potential alternatives
Twitter Trends RSS
Having a blog (with an RSS feed) covering the Twitter trends.
having a 3/4 lines post on #spectrial to explain that it's on TPB
Running prototypes
WhatTheTrend by matthewmayer and also now Tagalus a covered by RWW (March 09)
eventually using Yahoo!Pipes to generate an RSS feed from
PS : this had been suggested to the official Twitter website (Ticket #32202)
Beats Mining
Find the most trendy songs based on your own taste according by mining the most recent sources.
- collect key places
- homepage of your favorite DJs with their playlist
- compute key indicators
- most famous this week (or other time frame)
- newest (fastest emerging)
- rarest
- collect suggestions from other key places
- labels
- online shops
- recommendation/suggestion engines
- pandora
- generate a playlist
- and for each song you have visual indicators (as a curve of profession) and keyboard shortcuts to browse extremely fast to
- rate it
- bag it/drop it
- comment it
- place cue points (might not work well with free extract)
- suggest it to friends (eventually making a network)
- export the playlist
- you come back to step 1 for a new cycle
- but this time with your history so that you have ONLY news
- RSS flux of statistics of best whatever style [MinimalHouse] DJs playlists
- idea from March 2007 after a week spent bouncing from DJ to labels websites and building a solid compilation quickly without being a pro
- classical dataming techniques
Know when somebody clicked a link you shared
- send the link to the website
- the website stores it
- it initiates the visits to 0
- the website gives you an 2 URLs back
- 1 to share
- 1 to track the information with an RSS feed
- you share the new URL to a friend through an email/IRC/...
- she clicks it
- the website that stores 1 visit
- the IP
- the time
- extra services to apply
- aggregating several feedback RSS
- statistics
- visualization
- geolocalization
- make link shorter and hide the AppEngine origin
- ...eventually automatize and randomize this
Since then a lot of shortening services (including from HootSuite provide close tool. Yet they don't give notification. Eventually a mashup with could solve this.
I shared a link on IM to a friend who should open it only the following day. I found that provides a similar service (actually with "To view the exact time they clicked on this link, as well as their geographic location when they clicked it, please go here: LINK", it seems to even provide the extra, maybe just using Bloglines email generating option it could be enough)
Food feed
Let "edge otakus" enjoy their passion by directly delivering food but also automatically handling the command.
- list places supporting command through APIs
- IM+NLP could do the trick
- use the recommendation engine to pick a meal
- filtering out based on the history of commands
- filtering based on physician diagnostic (ability to monitor it if required)
- ability to buy food through IM during my stay in Shanghai
Game of the Mechanisms of the internet
Guess for each website what is its core algorithm/mathematical equation.
Overlay (eventually using ShiftSpace) on each website you visit to propose you N choices regarde the website function (its core added value, the "what you use it for"). The higher your score, the closer the potential choices thus the harder. Sets (association of website/functions) could be edited through a wiki as it's very simple to use even for a large mass of people. The content of the game/question would then be translated to XML/JSON to be queried by the client.
I visit Netflix and the overlay propose me :
- recommandation engine
- random suggestion
- search engine
After picking I have the correct answer as recommandation engine a link to developp the topic a bit more.
If I get it correctly, next time I visit it, the propositions will be potential equations that could be used by Netflix.
- just delivering content would be the identity function
- it could be interesting to see the evolution over time (as a web1.0 web2.0 webX.0 approach to see waves/trends)
Our related projects
Thinking about supervized learning and the recently visited page on recommandation engine night held in early 2009 in Netherlands.
Augmented reality heuristics system
Display heuristics on top of daily life objects. The goal being to evolve more efficiently in one's own environment.
Display the ideal soap/water ratio for the washing machine.
- identify your tools
- gather heuristics about your tools thanks to a global database
- display the heuristics
- provide feedback on your own results (worked/didn't work)
- for each positive feedback the system provide more "pro" heuristics
Complementary rather than replacing smart appliance
The advantage over localized embodied programming ("smart appliance" i.e. LG washing machine that can select the correct program based on weight) is that
- it is possible to make "mashups" between different objects
- it is possible to update the heuristics and adapt them based on the user personal behavior and learning patterns
They (AHRS and smart appliance) stay complementary.
Technical implementation
If glasses or overlay system stay too expensive, RFID + mobile phone could be a cheaper alternative.
- Ztamp:s RFID stamps that makes your objects come alive by Violet
Washing my clothes in a new machine ;)
See also
- In-Formed: Embedding Statistical Data into Everyday Household Objects, information aesthetics, May 2009
- WISE: A Workflow Information Search Engine, IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, March 2009
- "Workflows are widely used for representing business processes, web services, scientific experiments, and activities in daily life, like recipes."
- Process Wiki focusing on business processes
- Layar free application on your mobile phone which shows what is around you by displaying real time digital information on top of reality through the camera of your mobile phone.
- Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry demo SixthSense, TED 2009
- Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens by Babak A. Parviz, IEEE Spectrum September 2009
Our related projects
Shift Space Wiki
Automatically know if I already referred to the page I am currently visiting.
- parse my wiki where I annotate a lot of pages (videos, books, etc...) to generate a list of links pointing to the wikipage where it appeared (eventually with an anchor) + 1 line before/after
- use this list so that everytime I visit a page I already referenced on my wiki, a button appear on the page to point me to it
See also
Thinking about my notes on documentary I watched and how ShiftSpace could make me benefit from it more easilly.
Smart Panic
Running against the swine flu!
- track the notifications with your GPS (eventually crossing multiple sources)
- also use '09 Swine flu outbreak dashboard from theAirDB or related mashups
- use pandemic spreanding algorithm with for each update calculate the closet safest point based on your current location
- have heuristics based on the transmission vector and the flux
- EpiSimdemics: an efficient algorithm for simulating the spread of infectious disease over large realistic social networks, 2008
Chatting about H1N1 debacle (+finally make the SemanticWeb useful! :-# )
Natural screen ambiance
using the light up/down to simulate dawn/dusk on my laptop in order to keep a "natural" rythm
- call the light up/down button from the command line
- get the local time of dawn and dusk from an online web service
- apply the user configuration
- how fast should the transition go
- how many time can the user "counter it"
Documentary from the BBC on the "bodyclock"
Information freshness
Be able to quickly and simply visualize how fresh a piece of infromation is in a context you are not familiar with
Browser script (Greasemonkey) that displays dates with a colored background relative to how OLD the date is
- stick some CSS into the page
- today = css red, 1 week = css orange, 1 month = css yellow, 1 year and older = brown
- find the relevant nodes
- list of regexes to find dates either on
- having a mapping of date -> CSS class
- add said class
Reading yet another blog and having difficulty to assess how "fresh" the article was.
Text 2 Age
Approximate the age/generation of a writer based on the frequency of trends of rare words.
Build a linguistic analysis tool :
- gather trends of words per period
- parse the input text (or corpus)
- associate a weight/probability to each word
- order by weight/probability then deduce based on coherence of the most indicative (rarest with highest certainty and smallest period covered) words
Potential solutions
Reading aphorisms and finding "hitherto" to intuitively guess the age of the writer based on that information.
PR Detector
Confirm an intuition about a potential link between a group and media relay.
- detect a trend in media coverage (fast growth/reduction of coverage of a specific situation)
- hypothesize on what interest group (based on the content of the news) have motives to get this information public
- measure the news reference volume of the news and the group
- see if there is a potential correlation
Reading Tous les Colombiens ne s’appellent pas Ingrid, Paola Ramírez Orozco, Le Monde diplomatique, 2009 and tried to use Google Trend (attemps 1 2 3 4) to quickly confirm/infirm the hypothesis of the author.
Mapping Tomorrow
Map of utopias/dystopias in science-fiction literature knowing that it is very often (always?) inspired by learning the state of the art in science and engineering then imaginating further..
- gather they key idea of a period
- organize them in a phylogenic fashion (?)
- display a tree of the possible futures
Discovering Blood Music in H+ mag article on possible futures and thinking about the schemas from The Future of Subjectivity Edward Miller
Our related projects
Feeling Complexity
pedagogical value of a little device to make one "feel" complexity
- input the student algorithm
- estimate its complexity (using Big O notation or sth similar)
- change resistance accordingly
- see Haptic technology / Force feedback
- ask the student to use the handle (a la Babbage engine) to make the computation
- offer potential changes and go back to step 1 to allow comparison
Babagge engine, cycling and thinking, note on sqrt(n) Grover's algorithm during La Revolution Quantique. Eventually André Malraux's quote "On ne s’appuie que sur ce qui résiste."
Learning "tip of the day"
Display next to the search box a learning box related to the last search saying "did you know that you could also do X like this Y and add the option O?". Then provide buttons to "try it now", "I knew it already" and "add to my tips basket"
- use a web overlay system
- GreaseMonkey
- ShiftSpace
- import a learning list
- urls per site
- list of pattern of action
- associated with text to display
- generate a user property
- empty
- display
Searching in Google in a probably sub-optimal manner
Free visuals
Use visual search engine that find similar pictures to find copyleft, creative commons, ... equivalent
- find repositories of free picture (ask Mao if the one he knows)
- feed it to a comparison of pictures
- make an interface be able to send or link to the picture one has and want to find a free equivalent to
- link to the result
Thinking about (finally) correcting my mouseless-autoscroll GreaseMonkey script
Generated Entrepreunariat
Automatically generated a company based on a classical model but dynamically.
- lists costs over time (use market valuation)
- workforce by ability, price and places
- material
- energy
- A is the fastest growing price of material
- R is the fastest dimishing price of material
- B is the lowest workforce cost
- C is the lowest energy costs
- R = P(A*B*C)
- determine P and optimize it
Automated Exit
Anticipate risky situation.
- PIM GPS system
- provide local coordinates
- generate a database of simulated disasters
- room
- building
- city
- region
- automatically cache highly successful escape plans
- regarding the area we are in
- ordered by the most likely disaster
- update risks based on life feeds
- trusted tweeter accounts
- get more precise routes based on the update information
Related resources
- conference on the College de France on simulation social situations (focused on risk management)
- smart exit and simulations PopSci's Future Of: Security, The Science Channel 2009
- the notion of preparatio in Horizon - How to Survive a Disaster, BBC, 2009
Wiki Logs: The Musical
generate a "symphony" from the wiki activity
- wiki activity
- AllRecentChanges
- History
- generate a "symphony"
- Vocaloid
- convert to audio format
sed wiki_activity "s/action/note/" > music_format | convert_to_ogg > singing_wiki.ogg
Remembering that MIDI is a text-based audio format and that previous experiment have been made on the "sounds" of neurones.
Domotic video broadcast
cheaper domotic video system relying on existing home video infrastructure (using multiple TV sets in house for broadcasting useful things instead of TV shows for examples recipes in the kitchen, morning weather in the bedroom, etc...)
What is required
broadcasting part of the controlling PC screen on the coaxial cable and controlling that PC over wifi with an iPhone I think it could make such a system really cheap
Having to install the TNT box in Langrolay and knowing that I would actually not use the TV for classical programs that are broadcasted.
iPhoneMobile phone context music finder
Finding songs that are relevant to your current geograpical and time context.
- locate lyrics databases
- scap with 80legs
- list words about context information with DBpedia
- places
- time of the day
- index the scarapped songs per context information
- consider geoparsing Web services
- obtaining context information for the iPhone (GPS + timestamp)
- querying the freshly generated database to pull out
- list of songs from the more precise to the more general
- iterate over that list to play the first unplayed song
- a song you know is not present?
- suggest it and as soon as it gets validated, earn a period of free usage
"default" music player per platform
- Android Music SDK
- iPhone iTunes itns:// SDK
call it to play a song providing its title? the local filename? sth else? return code if the song can not be played?
See also
Passing by Paris during a very early morning trip to Bretagne and thinking about "Paris s'eveille", a song about Paris in the morning. Sylvain's description of the running app.
StartUp Analysis
Display on top of start-up websites a short summary of what they are actually doing as seen by others (bypassing buzz marketing to focus on internal mechanisms).
- Overlay by ShiftSpace (based on GreaseMonkey)
- Website meta-data from Alexia
- Generalist and Financial data from CrunchBase
- Business model from BoardOfInnovation
- Alternatives by SemanticWeb analysis of altneratives
- Registered Patents from Google Patents
Inspired by
Referrer suggestions
redirect on different pages based on the Referrer information
suggestions and patterns are stored as wiki pages, making it very practical
- include a part of page on the frontpage
- provide explanation
- we see you came from X thus we suggest you page a, b and c
- patterns should be build thanks to httpd logs
- order suggestion from each source by
- the most visited page
- the longest read page
- ?
- check MarkupExpressionsExtensions which can use $ReturnLink (referrer link), $Browser, $DomainName and $IPAddress
- consider using directly $HTTP["referer"] and url.redirect at the httpd configuration file level
- visitor comes from Google with the "Fabien Benetou" keywords
- visitor comes from
- suggest technical pages and reading notes
Inspired by
Editing yet another wiki profile pointing to my personnal website and wondering how 2 totally different persons could still find it interesting without feeling lost.
A fest for hugs.
- propose it to social entrepreneurs and related initiatives
German Oktoberfest and Free hugs campaign
Smart answering machine
Leverage the set of tools I use for myself in order to improve the classical static and not so informative "Sorry, I am currently away."
- wiki = answers
- IRC logs or archived email = history
- (hopefuly one day FB_Wiki:Tools/VoIP too) = reading and answering medium
- with friends when Im at the pool
- with email when people ask questions
- Hi Im not here but since your msg talk about topic X check my Content/X page
- with prepared FB_Wiki:Events/ that I could miss
- can this be considered a "proxy" to myself?
- can this be a generalization of FB_Wiki:AutoDebate/?
Going to the pool and imaginating my answers based on patterns
Dance code repository
Provide a repository of organized dances in an algorithmic form.
A dance is, after all, just an algorithm : step 1 move foot here; step 2 move other foot there; repeat X times; etc... A step by step process is by definition an algorithm.
- define a format
- Dance Notation Markup Language (DNML)
- XML-encoded STEP (XSTEP)
- import new dances
- curated manually
- generated through BHV files
- tag each by
- estimated date of apparition
- inspirational dance (inherance)
- geographical origin
- provide visualization using for example MikuMikuDance
- find existing similar community-driven website
Proposed at
See also
Wondering about the importance of new activities and that the enjoyable ones are usually those in which you learn and progress, including dance classes.
Networked Pulse
Share your pulse with somebody far away from you.
- pulse watch (usually for pro runner) measures your heart beats
- send the signals with bluetooth to your mobile phone
- mobile phone send this as data packets over the Internet
- other end wear a bracelet with a little round picot (like the one use for computer screens for blind person)
- when it read signal it pushes up
See also
- health monitoring
- romantic gifts
Reading about social predictions.
Weekly Startup Session
Increasingly allocate each week 1h of a day to create a startup pitched to a friend.
- have an idea solving a problem
- find a friend you would appreciate working with and has the competences to push the idea forward
- take 1h the next week and discuss about it
- at the end of the session you have 5min to decide together if you
- add 1h because you both want to allocate more resource to it
- remove 1h because at least one of you is not convinced and think there is still time to be slow
- maintain the current session length because at least one of you is not convinced and think there is still time to be slow
- if participants are not sure about what to do with current session follow a default plan and using templates (Blue Ocean Strategy, Business Model Generation, ...)
- principle, values, goal
- roadmap
- targets
- financing
- prototype
- business model
- ...
Wanting to make Augmented Reality Heuristic System (ARHS) work partnered with a busy friend. Also considering work on Genifer with its author.
New idea unique title
What does it do and why it matters
- how do we get there first
- then from here to there
- etc...
How did you get the idea?