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Cloud computing market auto selectors / Cloud Arbitrage
Code can automatically find its own execution ideal environment based on its requirements and optimize its execution location based on ordered priorities (including costs minimization).
Give to projects like Oimp.Sustainableserverfarm an economical edge thus an incentive to use them over other solutions.
Potential solution
- design model to estimate cloud computing prices by taking into account
- cost of running code per vendor
- cost of moving code from one vendor to another
- to identify, quantify, and classify the basic sources of switching costs and lock-in see 5 Recognizing Lock-In
of Information Rules
- internal progresses in the field
- Electricity market
- other variables that have the biggest impact on price fluctuation (see Impact Factors detailed later on)
- use an optimization software package to see potential differential from the current price to the future estimated prices from simulations
- Cplex
- ... and others
- mapping the cloud as a graph with costs on edges and applying operational research
- provide a comparison interface
Impact factors
Ordered by importance (the higher, the biggest the impact on the price)
- scale of the vendor
- PUE of the datacenter of the vendor
- local price of energy
- legislation regarding local resources consumption
- rate of adoption of a new technology
Methodology and its justification : so far... just intuition ;)
Ordering is critical as it will change the resources dedicated to investigating that factor, the higher the importance, the higher the frequency of update and accuracy required.
Eventually factors with short-term and long-term effect might have to be distinguished. For example emissions trading has probably a long-term effect rather than a short-term effect despite its potentially high importance.
Properties that a client is looking for
- quality of service
- uptime
- technical requirement
- bandwidth
- position in the stack
- language environment
- price
- image of the hosting company
- green IT
Methodology and its justification : so far... just intuition ;)
(:pmgraphviz --
digraph {
factor_n [label = "factor f"];
subgraph cluster_vendors{
vendor_1 [label = "vendor 1"];
vendor_n [label = "vendor n"];
client_code [label = "client code\n(set of restrictions)"];
vendor_1 -> vendor_n [label="cost of moving code"];
factor_n -> vendor_1 [label="impacts prices"];
factor_n -> vendor_n [label="impacts prices"];
cluster_arbitrage_solution -> vendor_n [label="estimate behavior"];
cluster_arbitrage_solution -> vendor_1 [label="estimate behavior"];
cluster_arbitrage_solution -> factor_n [label="estimate behavior and impact"];
client_code -> cluster_arbitrage_solution [label="looks for the best environment"];
cluster_arbitrage_solution -> client_code [label="pick environment"];
See Oimp.CloudArbitrage-Schemas for more explanations.
Components for an integrated solution
- open software
- closed software
- models
IT accounting management
- Comparison of the 4 keys names of the technology from Google Trends
- Ironically, weather forecast is one of the most computationally costly application and could thus benefit from such a project ;)
- organise les taches de calculs et ameliorer collaborativement les algos utiliser et faire des propositions d'ameliorations.
- c'est un client (like Boinc) que chaque membre fait tourne et qui calcul par region geographique et par jour qu'est ce qui est economiquement et energetiquement le plus viable a consomme et quel outil chez lui il devrait laisser allumer ou au contraite eteindre.
- le BM pr faire tourner le site et quelques inge. c'est de revendre les donnees aux grosses boites qui vendent les optimisation de compteurs (cf FB_Wiki:Content/Energy#EfficiencyTools
) puis de se faire racheter par Google ou des etats du Golfe (paf)
Related events
- CloudCamp an unconference where early adapters of Cloud Computing technologies exchange ideas.
- participated to CloudCamp Paris during early June 2009
- discussion with Josh Fraser from RightScale who mentioned that other groups were working on it but nothing finished yet and that if such a thing would be ready, it would be interesting for him to collaborate to it. Trick is that right now there is only 1 major vendor (aka Amazon) so arbitrage isn't really interesting.
- see also other notes
- GECON Grid Economics and Business Models
Business aspects
Consultancy services
Sell expertize about the topic and the related tools in order to help a client to locate their ideal location now and for a specific period in time.
Potentially sell updates.
Building in-house tools
Using description on this page to facilitate decision making AND justification.
Potentially sell those tools or there usage.
To explore
- Cloud Computing Interoperability Forum (CCIF) including Wiki / APIs projects
- Market-oriented Grids and Utility Computing: The state-of-the-art and future directions by J. Broberg, S. Venugopal, and R. Buyya. for the Journal of Grid Computing, 2008. To appear.
- Optimizing Distributed Application Performance Using Dynamic Grid Topology-Aware Load Balancing, from Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - White Papers, Webcasts and Case Studies - TechRepublic Grid computing offers a model for solving large-scale scientific problems by uniting computational resources owned by multiple organizations to form a single cohesive resource for the duration of individual jobs.
- Models and Metrics to Enable Energy-Efficiency Optimizations from IEEE CS December 2007 (Vol. 40, No. 12) pp. 39-48
- Combinatorial Prediction Markets by Robin Hanson, George Mason University
- BMQOS: A General Self-Adaptive Global Resource Scheduling Algorithm for Computational Grid from Northwestern Polytechnic University
- A Roadmap for the Edge of the Internet by Alan Benner
- The Proportional-Share Allocation Market for Computational Resources in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 28 Aug 2008
- A Dynamic Network Layer for Advanced Cloud Computing : how to add a dynamic network layer to cloud computing infrastructures, to enable the rapid introduction of new network services in support of advanced applications.
- CloudStatus Enterprise monitoring and management for cloud services
- The Meta Cloud - Flying data centers enter fourth dimension by Cade Metz for The Register, February 2009
- The Skinny on Cloud Lock-in, RightScale Blog, February 2009
- Zeus : software traffic management solution ("A Load Balancer for the Cloud" according to RWW)
- Open Cloud Initiative : mission is simply "To Define and Protect 'Open Cloud'".
- The US government defines “cloud computing” by Geoff Arnold, Speaking of Clouds, May 2009
- Nimbus an open source toolkit that allows you to turn your cluster into an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud.
- Moving Data around the Clouds A startup (Cloudkick) hopes to make it easier to hop between cloud-computing services, Technology Review, May 2009 by Kate Greene
- specific infrastructure eventually using adapters (OpenMP/OpenCL)
- Computation and Modeling, Douglas Cohen, LayerOne 2009
- An Economic Architecture for Cloud Computing by Kevin Lai, Google, May 2009
- Kevin Lai in Social Computing Lab (SCL) at HP Labs in Palo Alto
- Cloud Computing, Schneier on Security, June 2009
- Taxonomy: The 6 layer Cloud Computing Stack, Sam Johnston, September 2008
- Lord of the Cloud: John Markoff and Clay Shirky talk to David Gelernter, An Edge Roundtable, 2009
- VPS Performance Comparison, Journal of Eivind Uggedal November 2009
- cloudlets universal server images for the cloud.
- 5 Cloud Platforms You Don't Know About (But Should) by Terrence Dorsey, Redmond Developer News April 2010
- A Comparison of Dedicated Servers By Company, intac April 2010
- Cloud Computing Journal by Ulitzer
- miniCloud by Kimsufi
- Free Cloud Alliance Open Source IaaS, PaaS and SaaS for the Enterprise
- Best Cloud Server
- including "Top 5 Cloud Servers" and "Rank your favorite cloud server"
- I Choose the Cloud .com
- by (now) large SaaS resellers
- map with hosting legislation per country
- what can you host or not regarding the local and international law
- Cloud computing targeted, Clever Tester 2009
- Enthought Scientific Computing Solutions
- SaaS tagged articles on Reconfigurable Computing
- Intel Cloud Computing Technology
- Open Data Center Alliance with its Roadmap
- Stacklet Images And Templates For Xen, KVM, VMWare, Solus and More
- Science Clouds Marketplace
- Whirr set of libraries for running cloud services
- http://www.planforcloud.com
- http://www.ComputeNext.com
- http://www.docker.io
- http://CoreOS.com
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