Predictive framework
The goal of each prediction is to provide a useful thinking framework, a usable model.
Few rules
- The more general and accurate a prediction is, the more fundamental it is.
- You judge a prediction recursively
- You don't judge the person who does the prediction but the prediction itself
- If you want to judge the person to evaluate the predictions, evaluate his previous predictions
Current predictions
Name | Creativity flood | Robotic everywhere | Nearby platform |
Description | Automation (robotics + software) + Democratization of innovation means (DIY) -> increasing needs of quality externalization and creativity | progress in robotic (a la Olivia Social Robot) + automobile industry and its costly production chaines requiring to re-invent itself (suggested during Pleniere Communaute Ingenierie Connaissances ) + aging population | Local wifi "box" is after the server, the remote desktop, the desktop and the mobile phone the new platform to conquer. The first usage will be focusing on proximity services around the home or work to collaborate with a limited known set of peers and restricted to privacy conscious groups reluctant to the "cloud" rhetoric. |
Updates | ? | ? | sporadically using cafe hotspots with their dedicated applications, constantly using FreeWifi or Neuf Wifi hotspots, discovered LaDistribution in April 2011 (cf FB_Wiki:Events/RailsCampParis3 ) |
Probability of happening | ? | ? | ? |
History | ? | ? | ? |
Falsification | ? | ? | ? |
Confirmation | ? | ? | ? |
Source Trends | ? | ? | ? |
Past predictions
- imdb-like website with voting, commenting and a trust distributed system (~2002 at Lannion, intranet)
- rss-like website to monitor website novetlies (~2002 at Lannion, intranet)
- SocialHUB, an abstraction to spread a message on all the current social tools
- idea date : February 2008 (original suggestion)
- existing projects
- trend of the community of users
- search improvement through multiple parallel experiments
- Innovation table, see description from my submission to the french OSEO-Anvar (schematic to include)
- La table de brainstorming branchée sur le web from, November the 6th, 2008
- "La société japonaise Kayac en collaboration avec des chercheurs du laboratoire Inakage de l’université de Keio, a mis au point un “bureau créatif”, c’est-à-dire une pièce pour favoriser le brainstorming en stimulant les participants de données et d’images puisées sur le web en fonction de leurs propos."
- DHT bittorrent
- project during IUT (should find the paper and the date)
- p2p Javascript (in the browser distributed computation)
- keyboard-less touchscreens mobiles, discussion with Guillaume
- before (precise date?) iPhone/smartphone became as popular as they are in 2006+
- "neural circuitry produces noises but our ability to use this very noise to compute could be thoughts themselves" (date and original formulation to find!)
- From spyware To zombies How government driven surveillance is a potential opportunity for cyber-warfare
- article started during spring 2009
- early articles in June from China starting to confirm the trend
- using own supermarket receipts to optimize and simplify next purchases
- discussed with Sylvain and Paola (logs?) and kept a lot for several years
- launched in early 2011
- progressed a lot since then and renamed Skerou Photographiez votre ticket de caisse et retrouvez tous vos achats
Prediction template
Name | affordance to the prediction |
Description | what will be the new situation, where and when (ideally written in an algorithmic form too) |
Impact | what will it change |
Updates | list of news on key component of the prediction (date, journal, data, confirmation/falsification, ...) |
Probability of happening | based on description and updates, what is the probability that the prediction is correct (denoted PoH) |
History | chronological list of previously added PoH |
Falsification | what data prove that the prediction is not realistic (PoH approaching 0) |
Confirmation | what data tend to show that the prediction is correct so far (PoH approaching 1) |
Source Trends | on what pre-existing models does this prediction relies on, the coherence with those models has to be absolute |
Prediction markets
To do
- subscribe to RSS feed Im interested in on some predictions markets
- add LaTeX equations
- add failed predictions
- hard to remember, survival bias?
- my first
- mp3 player
- IUT Lannion (~2001)
- Internet connection
- 56K Auberge de Jeunesse de Dinan (~199?)
- LIPSOR : Laboratoire d’Innovation, de Prospective Stratégique et d'Organisation
- Paul Saffo's talk from Convergence08 in the HistoryMuseum, November the 16th, 2008
- to forecast correctly, you can not allow what you want to happen to impact what the prediction say should happen
- look back, use rear view mirror to look for the general pattern, not the specifics
- always look back twice as far as you are looking forward
- look for indicators, look for what don't fit
- opposite of research in the sense that good forecasters reach quick conclusion then find glitches as fast as possible instead of trying to prove their original model is correct
- religious oriented books tend to think in the long run and in that aspect are interesting for forecasting
- the person who think in the longest run wins in the long term but also in the short term
- The World in 2050 from IBM Research
- European Futurists Conference Lucerne (EFCL) dedicated to the professional needs of futurists AND long-term decision makers in Europe.
- The Secret to Effective Forecasting by Paul Saffo, Long Now Foundation,, November 2008
- Les publications de Futuribles
- Futuribles Revue mensuelle de prospective sur les grands enjeux du monde contemporain et ses évolutions possibles
- example of systematic review
- Long Bets - The Arena for Accountable Predictions by The Long Now Foundation
See also
- Recorded Future Temporal & Predictive Analytics Engine, Media Analytics & News Analysis