FabelierGephiWorkshop by by Sébastien Heymann, 12/01/2011 at 6pm
#Fabelier on Twitter, identi.ca, TwitterStreamGraphs, Collecta, flickr
Own objectives
- improve my social network viz
- compare with tools I know
- first hands on bibliometry/scientometry

this very wiki with Yifan Hu layout (
large svg file)
note that the set on the upper left is the wiki documentation
Attended activities
- own introduction
- previously discussed with Mathieu Jacomy (early 2009) after the presentation at ScPo of WebAtlas.fr
- opening quote by Hal Varian
- discover patterns
- mention of Ben Fry (2004 thesis)
- http://wiki.gephi.org/index.php/Manifesto
- architecture (Java NetBeans)
- layouts
- metrics/statistics
- including page rank
- which can then be used after in ranking
- filters
- can be combined, especially useful for boolean operators
- e.g. not "this" in node label
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in code repository
PmWiki graph format exporter done through GraphCSV action (and GraphVAN action)
- self discovered
- additional layouts
- display only nodes after a filter
- e.g. only Id with "AutoDebate.*" use regex
- apply ranking
- node size based on size of the page
- node color based on number of revisions of the page
- apply partition
- e.g. coloring based on number of revisions
- interesting by showing that most pages are edited less than 5 times
- own needs
- how to zoom without a mouse
- optional bottom right button
- how to use the "play" feature? (seems to be called "Dynamics")
- crash
then had to leave... :'(
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Overall remarks and conclusions
- glad I prepared before hand
- should have checked the timetable and see that most of the things I knew were at the beginning
- sees tricky to make headless equivalent, heavy as requiring JVM
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Other reviews or coverage
To do
- consider other own datasets
- browsing habits
- e.g. Firefox SQLite logs
- done via shell_scripts/browser_queries
- HTTP Graph -- A Gephi plugin analyze the web as you browse
- see Wandering Wikipedia: Datamining My Firefox History by Adam Fletcher, The Simple Logic
- Visualization
- Person
- add and link logs, e.g. edge weight = number of shared links
- bibliometry
- Seedea:Research/Bibliography
- Path:/ with all links overall, cf earlier exporter done for GM script
- also proposed in Epistemetrics
- links to explore
- http://infosthetics.com/archives/2010/07/review_gephi_graph_exploration_software.html
- http://www.youtube.com/user/GephiOrg
- http://vimeo.com/channels/gephi
- http://ateliercartographie.com/
- discovered before
- share the PmWiki recipe on http://PmWiki.org
- then share also on http://netwiki.amath.unc.edu/ since it is based on PmWiki
- see also http://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~wyos/skyrails/ in 3D but without layout feature
- using Path:/pub/graph.van
- useful tools
- Gephi an open source graph visualization and manipulation software
- do another visualization but without generated indexes
- thus removing *.*RecentChanges esp. Site.AllRecentChanges