From personal use
- scripts (can) work by default with Chrome (and thus Iron)
Virtual Blinders
In order to make CognitiveEnvironments more efficient, use the concept of Wikipedia:Blinders
with Path:/pub/currenttask. It uses my Irssi#ActivitiesAliases to display my status, hide incoming messages and change my screen display to a page of recommended behavior.
Note that others can thus use this to synchronize their own activities with mine and for example avoid sending inappropriate requests. This is currently reachable through a simple GET request but could, upon demand, become a WebHook. It is also available at Contact#Status.
See also EightSixtwo which delays the page for 30 seconds.
To do
- add "introspection" mode that blocks everything but OwnWikisNetwork
- consider its opposite I:Site/UbiquitousNet
but as the second side of the same coin
- source
/ install
- mouseless-autoscroll page on
- updated default settings
- increase BASE_TIME=4; to 5 previously before September 2010
- increase BASE_TIME=5; to 6 previously before April 2010
- removing directly pages likely to have streaming videos
Reverted PIM links

- source
/ install
- with the dedicated PmWiki conversion scripts gm_reverting_irc_logs_links
- should provide an example User.js on famous websites
- now using User.js over Prefs.js
- might be problematic for deleted links since it will set over existing variable but will probably not remove older ones
- check if a Firefox instance can be queried to reload it via the CLI (seems not possible for this)
- should use nightly Crontab remotely to generate then locally to pull and merge the update every morning
- note that as of the 10/06/2011 it takes roughly ~10 minutes to parse this whole wiki, probably mostly dedicated to applying theme which has no impact on the result here
- except that localmap matters, maybe doing it manually and use ?action=source would be more efficient though, if so then directly hitting the files will be faster put require more processing
- but since localmap is fundamental (more than 500 links) it directly hitting the files then it should still be applied
- manage multiple wikis (cf Wiki.OwnWikisNetwork)
- re-consider the packaging to be more efficient for the farm started in OurP.IM
- known bugs
- impossible to fold if there are most links than the page can show
- partly fixed via keyboard shortcut
- consider flipping the information box for better screen real-estate
- added color per group support
- discussed in September 2010 on freenode/##pim
To do
Inspired by
- diigo similar functionality.
Youtube Brownian Playlist
- play a random song linked to the current one (to infinity)
Functions used
To explore
My notes on Tools gather what I know or want to know. Consequently they are not and will never be complete references. For this, official manuals and online communities provide much better answers.