From personal use
- plotting
- plot(X) with X being a vector of values
- subplot(number_of_horizontal_plots,1,position)
function return_value = my_function_name(var1, var2)
- from interactive prompt to file
- simply exist Octave then transform
to your script
- load the resulting script with
source my_script.m
- see also
- X(2:end-1) : remove the first and last value of the vector
- note that X(2:length(X)) works and X(2:size(X,1)) too but it might fail, e.g. using X'
- repmat : replicate matrix
- bsxfun : apply function between matrices of different sizes
- for a clearer explanation see instead SciPy Broadcasting
- syntax
- current dev version,
(x - mean(x))./(max(x) - min(x))
- the current release, however (and in Matlab)
bsxfun(@rdivide, bsxfun(@minus, x, mean(x)), max(x) - min(x))
- see also arrayfun
- whos : shows the currently assigned variables
- see also 'who giving only their names
- pinv : pseudo inverse
- see also inv for the inverse
- up arrow : go back in command history
- in then up arrow : go back in command history limited to commands starting with in e.g. inv(A)
- [1 0; 0 1] : example of matrix notation
- X' : tranverse of matrix X
- help : the MOST important command ;)
- e.g. help inv to get details on the function to get the inverse of a square matrix
From YetAnotherTutorial
- this does that
- this other command is nice
To explore
My notes on Tools gather what I know or want to know. Consequently they are not and will never be complete references. For this, official manuals and online communities provide much better answers.