From personal use
- rootless NVIDIA container fix :
- tail logs : docker logs containername --tail 10
- works also with relative time e.g --since 5m but more demanding
- changing policy for reboot : docker update --restart=unless-stopped CONTAINEDID
- entrypoint from docker-compose takes precedence over Dockerfile
- with x11, image dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc
- curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://localhost/containers/json | jq .[].Names
- checking for updates via WatchTower docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock containrrr/watchtower --run-once -d --monitor-only
- podman as drop-in replacement
- --add-host adding host IP as named host
- docker stats --no-stream to see resource usage and if need be add constraints
- docker network where withing a same network container can communicate by container names e.g. ping peertube
- instead of docker rm $(docker ps -a -f name=peertube -q) consider docker-compose rm
- using with jq to parse output
fabien@fabien-CORSAIR-ONE-i160:~$ curl $(docker inspect upbeat_shannon | jq .[0].NetworkSettings.IPAddress -r) : <!DOCTYPE html>
- moving a container with volume and docker-compose
- docker network prune to remove unused interfaces that might create conflicts
- to list all containers, including ones not currently running docker container ls -a
- useful to restart a container running just temporarily e.g. Nextcloud local instance for pulling large video out of an iPhone
- change the ports values in docker-compose.yml if docker-compose up fails because of a used port, typically 8080
- docker stop instance_name: stop the instance
- docker start instance_name: start the instance
- docker rm instance_name: delete the instance
- docker logs instance_name: get console output if the instance
- docker inspect instance_name: get details of running instance including IP address
- docker ps: list running instances
- docker help : the MOST important command ;)
- made first own Docker file
- difference between container and images
- an image, result of a build from a Dockerfile, is not running
- exiting container if process in daemon mode
- depending on the target usage but if passed the -d parameter must make sure to run the target process in foreground
- docker attach to access the terminal inside a running container
- if you need a shell instead exec -it containername /bin/bash
- note that vi/vim might not be present, consider sed instead to edit configuration files
- docker -p 80:80 for HTTPd port mapping
To explore
My notes on Tools gather what I know or want to know. Consequently they are not and will never be complete references. For this, official manuals and online communities provide much better answers.