Murena CMF Phone 1
From with hardware and software pre-installed.
- used App Lounge to have App Store + F-Droid as one interface, no account required
- microG services
- installed Termux via F-Droid
- updated then installed sshd
- added Termux:Boot to have sshd on boot
- enabled `termux-setup-storage` in order to be able to add content visible by other apps
- e.g. `scp` music then play via VLC
- connect via ssh key, passwordless
- use developer mode then USB debugging to allow `scrcpy` then be able to type on phone
Nebulas Mars II Pro
adb connect IP
works without any developer mode activated
- in shell
pm list packages
- booting straight to VLC
- to consider
- removing lense distortion e.g
adb shell setprop persist.lynx.openxr.distortion 0
- rooted using
- saved
as qvr.tar in ~/Prototypes
- why even root in the first place?
- building Wolvic
- unable to access cameras via scrcpy, either local via scrcpy-server or scrcpy as client/server
- Android settings is available by pulling the top of the screen via scrcpy
- for settings
adb shell am start -a android.settings.SETTINGS
then scrcpy to be able to interact
- unsure how to do that within the Lynx UI, thanks for the pointers
- go back home
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.HOME
- to access
through termux :
- on desktop
adb tcpip 5555
with Lynx plugged in
- within termux
adb connect localhost:5555
- termux-boot works but the IP changes during every boot
- consequently termux must be started once, then sshd then possible to go back to home via adb
- can use
adb shell am start -n com.termux/.HomeActivity
- consider
- turn sensor off/on for recording
- off
shell am broadcast -a com.oculus.vrpowermanager.prox_close
- on
shell am broadcast -a com.oculus.vrpowermanager.automation_disable
- reset on reboot
- start the browser with a specific URL
adb shell am start -n com.oculus.vrshell/.MainActivity -d apk://com.oculus.browser -e uri ""
In order to be able to use Termux with addons, e.g , use the F-droid build.
See also
Used for mirroring on VR and AR devices but also eInk, e.g PineNote with stock OS.
- stream Quest/Quest 2 on low-end device, e.g RPi4
scrcpy -n -m 1024 -b 10M --max-fps=24 -f
- unfortunately
fails, bug in the HMD
Example to get WebView on a device :
cd ~/Prototypes/flutter-plugins/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/build --workdir /build/example cirrusci/flutter:stable flutter build apk
# if built and installed before
# docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/build --workdir /build/example cirrusci/flutter:stable flutter clean
# adb uninstall io.flutter.plugins.webviewflutterandroidexample
adb install example/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk
adb shell monkey -p 'io.flutter.plugins.webviewflutterandroidexample' -v 500
# to check and control from desktop
# scrcpy
Used on AugmentedReality for the Google Glass Enterprise 2 and VuzixBlade.
- random moment polling (QS)
- elastic behavior (QS)
- InnovativITLab:WheelShare/
- consider C2D instead of polling
- automated creativity remote control
- add to public and private PIM
Discovering Ionic/Cordova
- SRE steps (cf Principle)
- created
- installed ionic with dependencies via
- started to follow
- created account after started the build
- installed Ionic View on Android phone after started the build
- made an Android image via
android avd
- terribly slow boot (1min black screen, several minutes on the Android splashscreen)
- found while look for information on the slow boot time
- started in parallel (since the emulator was taking too long) Quick start from and trying in the WebView app
- without success, seemed limited to psuh/deploy/analytics...
- focusing instead on testing on a phone proper
- sending the apk from the build to the phone, worked
- using
ionic serve
to test in the browser
- nicely handles live reloading
From personal use
- find architecture to install apk
adb shell getprop | grep product.cpu.abi
- apps on Google Play are account based
- not device based
- they can not be migrated to other account, just re-installed on another device
- to check the content of files written by an app via
adb shell
cd /data/data/
- to access the SDcard simply enable via the nofication menu
- using connectbot to access ssh
- QRcode
- general key resource Android tutorials
blundell's Notification-for-a-user-chosen-time
Hello World by CLI
Requires JDK, Ant, AndroidSDK
- explains how to
- create an emulator image with
android avd ...
- use a template with
create project
- compile with
ant debug
- send the application to it for testing with
avd -s DEVICE install PATH/TO/APP.apk
- use adb to connect to a device (virtual or not) to run commands
Elastic Behavior
blending PIM and QS via QRcodes
- consider also for gamification
- generate QRcode via with your server URL
- take the QRcode after doing your action
- display result
grep " /RealLife" /webroot/var/log/lighttpd/access.log | awk '{print $4 " " $7}'
- X sampling per period (e.g. day, week, etc)
- enter server URL
- enter habit to track
- pick type of expected input values
- optionally generate QRcode to put in the target locations
- optionally activate conditional reminders (mobile notifications)
- visit server URL of results
- request Scan intent to ZXing library to consider own server as "trusted" URL
- generate set of home cards or stickers based on that trusted URL
From YetAnotherTutorial
- notifications
- location
- UI
- geo-notification
- sleep tracking
- accelerometer
- voice actions
Social gatherings
To explore
My notes on Tools gather what I know or want to know. Consequently they are not and will never be complete references. For this, official manuals and online communities provide much better answers.