Nebulas Mars II Pro




  • turn sensor off/on for recording
    • off shell am broadcast -a com.oculus.vrpowermanager.prox_close
    • on shell am broadcast -a com.oculus.vrpowermanager.automation_disable
    • reset on reboot
  • start the browser with a specific URL adb shell am start -n com.oculus.vrshell/.MainActivity -d apk://com.oculus.browser -e uri ""

In order to be able to use Termux with addons, e.g , use the F-droid build.

See also


Used for mirroring on VR and AR devices but also eInk, e.g PineNote with stock OS.

  • stream Quest/Quest 2 on low-end device, e.g RPi4 scrcpy -n -m 1024 -b 10M --max-fps=24 -f
    • unfortunately --crop=1832:1920:0:0 fails, bug in the HMD


Example to get WebView on a device :

cd ~/Prototypes/flutter-plugins/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/build --workdir /build/example cirrusci/flutter:stable flutter build apk
# if built and installed before
# docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/build --workdir /build/example cirrusci/flutter:stable flutter clean
# adb uninstall io.flutter.plugins.webviewflutterandroidexample
adb install example/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk
adb shell monkey -p 'io.flutter.plugins.webviewflutterandroidexample' -v 500
# to check and control from desktop
# scrcpy 

Used on AugmentedReality for the Google Glass Enterprise 2 and VuzixBlade.


  1. random moment polling (QS)
  2. elastic behavior (QS)
  3. InnovativITLab:WheelShare/
    • consider C2D instead of polling
  4. automated creativity remote control
  5. add to public and private PIM

Discovering Ionic/Cordova

  • SRE steps (cf Principle)
    1. created ~/SandboxedReusableExplorations/ionic/
    2. installed ionic with dependencies via
    3. started to follow
      1. created account after started the build
      2. installed Ionic View on Android phone after started the build
      3. made an Android image via android avd
        1. terribly slow boot (1min black screen, several minutes on the Android splashscreen)
    4. found while look for information on the slow boot time
    5. started in parallel (since the emulator was taking too long) Quick start from and trying in the WebView app
      1. without success, seemed limited to psuh/deploy/analytics...
    6. focusing instead on testing on a phone proper
      1. sending the apk from the build to the phone, worked
    7. using ionic serve to test in the browser
      1. nicely handles live reloading

From personal use Android tutorials

blundell's Notification-for-a-user-chosen-time

Hello World by CLI

Requires JDK, Ant, AndroidSDK

    • explains how to
      • create an emulator image with android avd ...
      • use a template with create project
      • compile with ant debug
      • send the application to it for testing with avd -s DEVICE install PATH/TO/APP.apk
      • use adb to connect to a device (virtual or not) to run commands

Elastic Behavior

blending PIM and QS via QRcodes

  • consider also for gamification



  • generate QRcode via with your server URL
  • take the QRcode after doing your action
    • open the targer URL
  • display result
    • grep " /RealLife" /webroot/var/log/lighttpd/access.log | awk '{print $4 " " $7}'



  1. enter server URL
  2. enter habit to track
  3. pick type of expected input values
    1. optionally generate QRcode to put in the target locations
    2. optionally activate conditional reminders (mobile notifications)
  4. visit server URL of results


From YetAnotherTutorial

Social gatherings

To explore


My notes on Tools gather what I know or want to know. Consequently they are not and will never be complete references. For this, official manuals and online communities provide much better answers.