native install
then source ~/.tridactylrc
to get back autocmd, etc
autocmd DocLoad fabien\.benetou\.fr.*action=edit js document.getElementById("author").value = "Fabien"
viewconfig autocmds
to list auto commands
to check for browsing context in js e.g autocmd
autocmd TabEnter .* js fetch("http://localhost:7777/currenturl?url="+window.location.href+"&referrer="+document.referrer)
to track any tab newly focused on
to execute JavaScript int the background
to select an element and be able to scroll on any pane e.g Discord, Element or Tridactyl documentation
to reclaim focus from anywhere, including pointer hovering on video, URL bar, etc
autocmd DocStart ^http(s?):// js tri.excmds.urlmodify("-t", "", "http://localhost:9999/")
bind E js document.location.href += '?action=edit'
to edit the current wiki page
autocontain -u Banking
autocontainerisation for e.g banking
bind <C-X> js fetch(...
binding to add to real list with optional selection
bind x js setInterval( () => { window.scrollBy(0, 1) } , 100 );
as = setInterval( () => { document.querySelector("#viewerContainer").scrollBy(0, 1) } , 100 );
, works in tridactyl
My notes on Tools gather what I know or want to know. Consequently they are not and will never be complete references. For this, official manuals and online communities provide much better answers.