Bitcoin P2P Cryptocurrency
peer-to-peer network based anonymous digital currency.
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Client notes
Own questions
- why is there no web seed since the result can be checked against a hash from the DHT anyway?
- is it possible to detect JS on websites trying to "hijack" cycles?
- what happens when the recipient client of a transaction is offline?
- added to a distributed index of pending transactions?
- despite bridges of currency exchange, the only problem of all those smart solutions is that the utility of a currency is relative to its popularity and overall the smartest the solution, the lower the popularity... unlike a collaborative search system for example where elitism can have positive effects
- thus have to consider the competition of currency?
- yet more adapted to specific usages? e.g. TheSilkRoad following Seedea:Research/Drive
- ...but as those last weeks show there seem to be a direct link between popularity and value
- can it really take-off with users current understanding (and willingness to learn) about security?
- unlike a credit-card insured by a bank the money lost here remains so
- what is the lifetime expectancy of a BitCoin wallet on the average computer?
- will equivalent of Wikipedia:Torpig
- can it be technically stopped?
- still no review by Bruce Schneier
- to be fixed, plenty since
- impact of Lulsecz and TheSilkRoad
- how does Eric J. Chaisson's FERD framework evaluates the bitcoin network?
- would explicit trickle down economics work?
- how to encode text in transaction? (using e.g. )
Blockchain programming
Consider an equivalent of Programming#LearningAndTeaching
See also notes in
My notes on Tools gather what I know or want to know. Consequently they are not and will never be complete references. For this, official manuals and online communities provide much better answers.