Recipes - Tools - Community and Events - References - Inspiration - To do
Unlisted: Sand Clock Kit (based on RPi 2040), Lego Spike (BT or via RPi hat), CrowVision, RoenDi (cf related issues), PaPiRus (see Eink), PIcade (see RPi), Petoi Bittle (unfortunately stuck in a bad state), ANAVI Fume Extractor, ANAVI Macro Pad 8, Lite3DP 3D Printer, Tomu, Fomu, Pinecil (with IronOS)
Not the most practical "gesture" but it works!
— Fabien Benetou (@utopiah) October 28, 2024
IDE setup
cd ~/esp/esp-idf/ && source set-target
then e.g set-target esp32c6 menuconfig
to setup e.g WiFi, cf build flash monitor
To explore
To explore
fabien@fabien-CORSAIR-ONE-i160:~$ espflash board-info [2024-07-01T15:43:55Z INFO ] Serial port: '/dev/ttyACM0' [2024-07-01T15:43:55Z INFO ] Connecting... [2024-07-01T15:43:55Z INFO ] Using flash stub Chip type: esp32s3 (revision v0.2) Crystal frequency: 40MHz Flash size: 8MB Features: WiFi, BLE MAC address: 48:ca:43:56:cb:7c
#define BLINK_GPIO_1 4 // GPIO 4 (3rd pin) void app_main(void) { gpio_reset_pin(BLINK_GPIO_1); gpio_set_direction(BLINK_GPIO_1, GPIO_MODE_INPUT); // define as input gpio_pulldown_en(BLINK_GPIO_1); //pull down mode, here 100K Ohm while (1) { printf("%d\n", gpio_get_level(BLINK_GPIO_1)); // print GPIO status for monitor vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // pause 1s } }
See for ways to interact with the community
Replaced by Home Assistant (see below in RPi section) due to better support and existing API endpoints.
Formelly Mozilla Gateway Things
firefox -window-size 300,100 -new-window -kiosk http://gateway.local/things
to get a "control panel"
on https://gateway.local
Weekenk tangible fun : @PlayDoh controller🕹️ & audio sketching.
— Fabien Benetou (@utopiah) August 8, 2022
The @Raspberry_Pi 400 looks like a keyboard BUT with a computer in & extendable with electronics!
Using @adafruit capacitive touch hat (MPR121) and @BareConductive ink with @MakeyMakey directly on 😼🕸️@Scratch Web.
allows to configure the WiFi network
alias newdeviceonnetwork="nmap -sP 192.168.0.* | grep report > /tmp/last; read -p 'Connect new device then press ENTER'; nmap -sP 192.168.0.* | grep report > /tmp/now; diff /tmp/last /tmp/now"
partition then cd /media/fabien/boot && ~/Prototypes/
echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/led1/brightness
npm i @sammachin/buildhat-nodered
to get installed
What if you you wanted something smaller, cheaper, lighter (as is fitting in your wallet) and even more low power to run your local metaverse node?
— Fabien Benetou (@utopiah) April 13, 2023
Networked @AFrameVR running on a @Raspberry_Pi 0 thanks to @VincentFretin's precious help!
If you rely on the image made for this project (620Mb) an open metaverse
WiFi should span. Connect to that new WiFi then to and see each other. If you want to add your own customizations connect using ssh fabien@
and password metaverse
Process to setup environment
to burn the 32bits image
use wpa=0
and remove what's after to make an open AP
apt install
or npm install
will fail
Process to generate image, useful to restore the state and make more copies.
sudo dd if=/dev/sdXXX of=pi0.img bs=32M && sudo pi0.img
(which supports multithreading, e.g xz -T9 pi0.img
) which here went from ~3Gb to 0.6Gb
dd if=pi0.img of=/dev/sdXXX bs=32M conv=fsync
also, a GUI and thus more convenient for people unfamiliar with the CLI. It works also with the compressed image.
All this has been simplified as a regen
bash script that uploads the resulting image back here.
To inspect the resulting image uncompress it then use partx -v -a pi0.img
to make loops, e.g /dev/loop16, mount /dev/loop16p2 virtualimg
then after unmount virtualimg
ing them you can remove with partx -d /dev/loop16
again then losetup -d /dev/loop16
. See for details.
Small improvements
$(which node)
or /usr/local/bin/node
is required
setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/local/bin/node
to bind on port 443
export PORT=443
before starting ./server/easyrtc-server.js
sudo vi /etc/motd
allows to put a bit of documentation as a welcome message
after using a partition manager to expand the partition
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"entity_id": "light.innr_fl_140_c_light"}' http://$ROOT:8123/api/services/light/turn_on
jxr fetch('/light_on')
Process to get a device working without proper support :
and listening to *
all events
and edit it in YAML
trigger: - platform: event event_type: zha_event event_data: device_ieee: 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77 command: off
screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
to connect to e.g Petoi Bittle without using Arduino console monitor
Add also conferences by MIT professor and Roomba CTO Rodney Brooks