- mixing local data (wiki based) and remote data (dbpebia, semantic web overall)
in the middle of wiki pages
- Wiki.ToDo#QualityTagging extended (cf semantic web services per page, edition mode)
- apply the star ranking of Linked Data - Design Issues (started in 2006) to this Wiki.ToDo
in Categories: Supercomputers
- build a tree from the doctoral advisor property
- software licenses ordered by creation date
RSS page of (comparison page of (software type of (software name)))
- available movies not in my watched list above a score threshold of on selected review websites
- name of the top 10 by vote list of sci-fi movie release in the last 6months
- X newly added concepts (to Wikipedia or to other centralized knowledge place)
- insure a minimum quality
- Z days after the article creation
- >= N edits
- input DBpedia
- output daily RSS feed
- find the cultural intersection between 2 places
- list Wikipedia page that
- link to the same 2 pages
- are tagged with those 2 pages
- restrict to a more specific
- cf Person#CulturalIntersection
Workshop (May 2010 with Sylvain
- define what should be done
- cf Requests and Objectives on this page
- how
- cf tutorial
Semantic MediaWiki
Initial plan before starting Seedea then written down in Architecture
, later on suggested by faceface, a serious wiki user present in #semanticmediawiki on freenode.
- downloaded the SMW extension then mediawiki itself
- installed but the SQL creation worked for mediawiki only, failed without an error msg for SMW
- SMW db install scripts probably don't have the correct right (even if MW has them... strange)
MySQL returned error "1142: CREATE command denied to user 'wikiuser'@'localhost' for table 'smw_ids' (localhost)"
- fored
manually in SMW_setup.php, worked
- following
Data repair and upgrade
step went smoothly
- installation test passed
- read few pages of the semantic-mediawiki.org which convinced me that the technology was very adapted to the seedea principles and usage
- Browsing_and_searching
- Editing
- Semantic_Web
- downloaded the quick reference (pdf)
- downloaded several pages from http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:User_manual
- instance running at
Integrations through APIs
To do
See also
My notes on Tools gather what I know or want to know. Consequently they are not and will never be complete references. For this, official manuals and online communities provide much better answers.