Exercises for my neurons

Strategical games

  • Go, cf StrategyLessons#Go
    • 24/10/2011 two pedagogical games at Outpost, 3 then 4 stones handicap on 13x13 goban
      • #21 frontiers, heuristics of 3 lines, importance of spoiling territories e.g. with corners, scoring and ranking potential positions subconsciously, paying attention to simple taken stones, memorization of games solely a matter of experience
      • #22 with handicap cover the attacks, difference between freedoms and shape, direction of game, center do not do points, splitting territories, recommended Go Child
    • 26/10/2011 two pedagogical games at Outpost, 3 then 4 stones handicap on 9x9 goban
      • #23 eyes, counting liberties, properly building territories, ...
      • #24 importance of connection, "connecter -> restraindre -> crever les yeux"

Online classes with quizzes or homework

PIM Based Exercises

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560 done by (03:01 01/25/12)

Generated via ImprovingPIM#PIMBasedExercises

Note that two identical scores in a very short period of time implies a loss.


  • 27/07/11 : score unknown
    • note that memory games were not working because of the display setup

Khan Academy exercise dashboard

  • 21/08/11 : score unknown
  • 29/07/11 : score unknown
    • note that only very basics exercises were done to test how the system is working


Should this actually be here or in Exercises or even in both?

This should be based on PIM content to improve memory at the same time.

Inspired by

See also

To do

  1. visual of results over time
  2. check http://primerlabs.com/codehero (added before to DiamondAge
  3. Stanford AI and ML online courses which do provide exercises to do at home
  4. add a reminder MemoryRecalls
  5. check The Neuroscience of Tetris by Jeremy Fordham, The Beautiful Brain June 2011
    1. clarify the related TheWisdomParadox as its conclusion which suggest the importance of training
  6. organize other resources
    1. Project Euler a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve.
    2. http://www.ioinformatics.org
    3. http://community.topcoder.com/tc
    4. CodeChef
    5. http://math.scu.edu/putnam/
    6. http://www.mensa.org/workout