Sessions - To do
- 20/09/2011 tag edits with felt emotions at the moment they are done
- see PerDiffMetaData for a more complete proposal
- possible emotions: Excited, Inspired, Happy, Angry, Sad, Depressed, Lost, ...
- neutral as the default implicit emotion
- so far only via command line
grep "^csum.*|$" wiki.d/*
, no markup yet
- matching
as first group
- list the recently felt emotions grouped
- inspired by WithoutNotesMay11#GeorgesChapouthierFredericKaplan
- 12/08/2011 Generate exercises.php
(or games) over PIM content and structure
- 29/07/2011 pmwiki_keywords_distribution
producing the keywords_distribution/
- limited to the wiki itself
- e.g. via a skin function which returns the list of other pages with similar distribution
- generalize
- chat suggestion based on conversation content
- based on previous logs
- live (per sentence or per chat)
- other familiar websites
- web at large as good "cleaning" solution are found
- tagged pictures aka Wikipedia:Automatic image annotation
- consider new metrics of "vocabulary richness"
- the page with the longest distribution overall (but the longest pages should dominate)
- proportionally to their size (probably some of the languages and tools page then)
- motivated by earlier Path:/pub/automated_topic_via_lda/
- 28/07/2011 generate audio versions of pages
- done for listening in specific situations e.g. transports, doing chores, ...
- generated to Path:/pub/audio/
- added to MemoryRecalls#ToDo
- embedded via DisplayAudio() in pim_functions.php
and generated via pmwiki_generate_ssml_and_ogg
(with its pmwiki-to-ssml-default
- page cleaning to significantly improve
- see also tr different classes, including [:print:]
- audio generation to tweak
- soxmix from man:sox to add a musical background track
- authors should have their own unique voice, e.g. using a hash on their name as parameters
- see also the older and more artistic idea Seedea:Seedea/SandIdeabox#WikiMusical
- MemoryRecipe should be adapted so that if there is an audio file available, make it as a podcast
- adding the
<enclosure .../>
tag should be enough to allow podcasting and podcatching
- feedback by priority
changed voices (from female to male or vice-versa) and speed (slower) for titles using SSML tags (e.g. emphasis) and the -m
- 14/08/2011 session to page from the ReadingNotes group
- space page filenames, e.g. ThisThat? should become "wiki page This That" (emulating PmWiki
built-in function)
encapsulate content, e.g. add jingle or long pause at BOF and EOF
- used break e.g.
<break time="3s"/>
clarify quotations, e.g. (pX) should become "from page X"
- make InterMap clearer, e.g. Wikipedia:Notion
to "Notion according to Wikipedia"
- handle syntax properly, e.g.
not as "hash hash hash", category, %3c
- remove verbatim content from template, e.g. empty pre-reading or post-model reading, vocabulary section, ...
add more pause, e.g. between chapters
- 06/09/2011 session to pages from the ReadingNotes group
- remove or clarify usage of @@ e.g. for equations in Epistemetrics
- precise current chapter else only starts with a number
- 25/07/2011 unifying PIM query system for social PIM
- shell_scripts/pmwiki_social_search
- should be on top of most popular existing implementations
- e.g. having his circle of friends with associated PIM and being able to query each based on their expertise
- OurP.IM and ##pim are supposed to be facilitating such a process
- intermap:
- results would be links with "word" in friend1 and friend2 PIMs
- "word friends=friend1+friend2" explicitly
- better look up "word" in the friend/word list then fills
based on what it finds, here friend1 and friend2 would be pulled out of the intermap from compatible implementations
- 18/07/2011 created PageRefactoring to follow CodeRefactoring
- 17/07/2011 shell_scripts/browser_queries
added to the repository
- 16/07/2011 "refactored" by moving page and redirecting their former location from Fabien to Analysis
- this process should be facilitated and improved too
- (date?) organized the multiple scripts in
(locally and remotely) and add them to shell_scripts
- e.g. the newly created
used with bitcoin .
to update Financial#Bitcoin
- use
date -d @1234909950
for a more readable format
- see Shell
- 22/05/2011 analysis of co-edition
- answers the question "Which pages are the most often edited within a time span of X minutes of each other?"
- this represent implicit linking through time, as opposed to explicit linking through writing down the name of the page within another
- so far the most meaningful grouping done
- this should also be used to improve
(which overall screen real-estate should be radically improved)
- gives page-page perspective
- consider for page-group, and group-group aggregate results or filtered per user
- currently within a window of 10min
- extend it and make a visualization (because now it's a long array or arrays, not very digest ReadingNotes#Coeditions ) with a dynamic time window
- generate an ordered list of probabilities of pages to edit next knowing the page currently being edited
- eventually improve with Referrer page if it is local
- note that changing the time-window forces to compute again everything, not very dynamic thus practical for exploration
- see Numbers regarding the number of pages and edits
- measure the impact of a book or an events and thus which to avoid and which to pursue
- while considering diminishing returns
- potential for nice visualization with ripple effects (cf Wikipedia:Wave equation
) a la ParisJSMeetup6#GlobeTweeter
- especially on WikiBrainMapping
- also rather than applying the deforming to an existing map, one could infer from map from the perturbations (reverting the wave equation to define sources)
- explore with simple solution like
- extended to OwnWikisNetwork as long as clocks are synchronized, especially if wikis are not hosted on the same machine
- 11/05/2011 URIs for discussions
- several mentions of a discussion with Raphael yet not link to it
- no possibility to add more information to it except distributed on unlinked pages
- using the existing InterMap with the existing Person: keyword
- e.g. Person:Raphael#BanksOfTheMarneJuly2010 in TheTinkerersAccomplice
- tired of having no affordance on face to face discussions I have with friends, Ill make URIs for them
- recurring problem though, what level of precision should it has, only usage can tell, leaving that to anchors
- Discussions: InterMap keyword but this is, so far, limited to logs
- 09/05/2011 visual decay of information
- 07/05/2011 books network with covers
- note to avoid hitting on OpenLibrary too much and get temporarily banned, the template in LocalTemplates as been modified to use the local Path:/pub/openlibrarycoverscache/
- this restricted mirror is not updated, thus newly added books since then are not present
- explore the "position" of books related to each other
- e.g. network centrality, books with lots of links pointing to them but few links out, etc
- no direct easy way to do so automatically
- exploratory visualization ReadingNotes#Visualization
- use interaction (click, slider, ...) to display only nodes above a certain threshold of importance (cf
- created recipe for
(:GroupStats:)(now limited to ReadingNotes)
- check the changes over time
- rather than waiting for the result in the future, apply diff to past edits
- maybe this could be done through modifying the default value of
in $content = ReadPage($page,$since=0);
- 05/05/2011 added books covers linked from other books
- through GroupFooter thus available on everybody book page through the
- note that thanks to the direct feedback it gives, it motivated me to add check and add covers to book that were missing it
- as a general visualization VisualBookShelfByCategory
- 20/04/2011 ToDo#Completion resulting in the completion field
- the textarea is not working
- note that the author field also now remains empty
- 28/03/2011 ManagingContacts for LifeHackingParisMarch2011
- 12/03/2011 micro-management and tasks I:Work/Work
- 19/02/2011 Wiki.ToDo#Addressing
To do
- re-consider the big picture
- consider ToDo#Addressing the
whole goal main pre-requisite of the PIM
- making cognition addressable
- if so, possible update of Mind
- motivated by another discussion with Sylvain the 20/05/2011 after missing the pool in Paris
- thus potentially facilitating paradigm shifts, see under
- addressing shifts
- tasks
- SelfDiscipline
- facilitate edition
- draw vertical line next to the textarea scrollbar; foreach anchors in the current page add name + link at proportional position
- add anchors on the current page in the "Edition menu" of
- visual markers to textarea scrollbars (if impossible generate a fake visual scrollbar) and ability to jump directly to each
- consider tests that would just the overhead
- find ways to measure the overhead too
- propose a dedicated session to the LifeHacking group
- list the potential metrics
- apply tools in ReadingNotes books, including visualization (e.g. ReadingNotes), to read research papers
rather than tagging each individually
- list for pages most likely to have paper links
- look for popular patterns
- URLs of arXiv, ScienceDirect, Nature, Science, PlosOne, ...
- author names
- incrementally generate list (do not add links already present)
- generate export format for bibliometric tools, e.g. Zotero
- repeat
- decide on a unified discussion system
- translate Cognition#LearningNewDomain to a tool within the process to insure that it is being applied
- CognitiveEnvironments but requires to actively start the session
- Greasemonkey to catch a value like
on websites like YouTube and assume talk if length above a threshold e.g. 20min but requires to make proper matching and do not work outside of the browser
- read the paper before watching the associated lecture
- facilitate key concepts and structure acquisition
- have a toolkit ready to explore the model presented in a lecture
- facilitate good practices from feeds
- have a list of feed URL and recommendation
- e.g. Science/Nature "mark items, remember the research roadmap to stay focus on the goal, groups items in order to stay in the right content, rank items then finally read the weekly issue selected content"
- see RSS and Greasemonkey (with its )
- overall implicit linking should be considered more seriously to make the system more scalable while remaining flexible
- diagram of interactions with the wiki
- going further than a package with cookbook from the repository but also include
- cron for backups, Vimperator helpers, GreaseMonkey scripts, etc...
- since those are periodic a visualization of the flow could help
- track moving goals/todo
- here but before...
- Wiki.ToDo but before...
- PBES/PBES but before...
- Fabien/PBES but before...
but before...
- etc!
- what is the pattern?
- overall improve Programming#WikiIntegration
- facilitate CLI interaction
- e.g.
tail -20 irclogs/fabien/friendname.log | grep keyword > ~/www/wiki/import/Main.WikisBufferTemp && curl "http://self/wiki/?action=import"
- fails because it requires admin password, also problematic if it rewrites rather than append
- note that this could be fixed via generating the page name via timestamp
- tightening the improvement loop
- more general than Programming#WikiIntegration
- for each know where it is in the Programming#EntireStack and what it's core does
- PmWiki diff stacking and its events engine
- Git diff tree indexing and hooks
- consider a visualization of what happens to a piece of information in the PIM system
- but through a larger system than adding a piece of text in PmWiki
- thought hashing to be able to keep in memory (e.g. during a walk) ideas yet partly leveraging the environment (e.g. wiki page names or date or events)
- for each idea or project, define
- who will use it?
- who will build it?
- who will fund it?
- is it all the same one person?
- the easiest yet meaning that there will be no direct financial gain (self-funding) so somehow expecting a gain in efficiency
- are they all different persons?
- requires clarification of the goals to make sure everybody is align
- are any of those large groups?
- requires organization for efficient collaboration
- Per diff metadata
- basically extend PmWiki:PageFileFormat
- adding
seemed not to create error
- adding brain wave in any format available (MRI, fMRI, DTI, etc)
- possible hash of all hard to forge but easy to check information for safety
- consider
- might makes more sense to require prior authentication to edit the wiki, sign its entire backup
- but it provides not granularity, yet it can be enough if it is compared with the previous version and see was what changed
- e.g.
- difficult to maintain over time, could eventually be
- re-applied to the whole wiki after being checked
- hashes indexed on read-only media
- see Making and verifying signatures in The GNU Privacy Handbook
- recurrent question, what meta-data are relevant and what's the easiest way to add them then obviously after it's all (fun) exploitation
- e.g. also add geolocation data
- started with the JavaScript code in
- allow if it fails to enter them manually
- have an existing list with e.g. La Cantine
- see
- chronological slideshow of websites visited
- generate sorted list of URLs via links added to the PIM
- display via url + date + name + PIM source page
- using screenshots (much faster, requires no rendering)
- use if domain non reachable, 404, etc
- alternative
- convert my indexed links to a browser history format then use an existing plugin which might have nice visuals e.g. carroussel
- most edited page per period
- e.g. week, month, trimester, overall
- practical to get an activity overview