- Curiosity made collaborative: Apture’s “Hotspots” feature brings crowdsourcing to link generation by Megan Garber, Nieman Journalism Lab June 2011
- Does The Internet Need To Be Civilized? by Olivia Solon, Epicenter for Wired.com July 2011
- Future Mobile Social Systems by tjpurtell, MobiSocial News June 2011
- Unity of Science as a Working Hypothesis by Paul Oppenheim and Hilary Putnam, 1958
- From Democratic Consensus to Cannibalistic Hordes: The Principles of Collective Animal Behavior by Iain Couzin, Santa Fe Institute June 2011
- ~13min on social rules and spacing should makes one consider OwnConcepts#Epistemotaxis extended socially (thus also with Education and e.g. Seeks
- ~14min visualization by Colin Twomey a social network inferred via visual field estimation
- ~29min on democracy in animal groups
- cf earlier France Culture podcast on monkeys and decision-making
- Computer chess champ stripped of its four titles by Claire Courchane, Washington Times June 2011
- "“These days, there’s no serious professional chess player in the world’s top 100 who doesn’t use a computer to assist him in analyzing his games and preparing for new games,” Mr. Doggers said."
- A criterial neuronal code underlies downward mental causation and free will by Peter Tse, Neuphi May 2011
- on hierarchy and object recognition see Andrew Ng recent talk
- neuphi, A forum for scientists and philosophers to discuss cutting-edge conceptual issues in Philosophy of Neuroscience
- http://www.dartmouth.edu/~petertse/
- Constraint Logic Programming in SWI-Prolog by Markus Triska, ALP Newsletter June 2011
- Kevin Slavin: "Twelve Reasons to Keep the Naked Eye Naked" by Joshua S. Fouts, TheImaginationAge June 2011
- Rise Of The Machines: Japanese Popstar A Computer Construct by Adam Frank, blog for NPR June 2011
- Reverse-engineering the Google +1 button using Firebug by Willy Tekeu, RandomistasRandomistas July 2011
- Is Reductionism Necessary for the Unity of Science? by Gaura Rader, Neuphi April 2011
- Dumbing Us Down - The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling reviewed by Shaun Kerry, Educationreformbooks.net 2004
- John Taylor Gatto by Duen Hsi Yen, Noogenesis 2005
- see also Education and Chomsky's quote on Seedea/Utopiahanalysis/Bmx#chomsky2002
- 7 Reasons Why Google+ won't be an enterprise social business by Gautam Ghosh, Building Social Business July 2011
- Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto, C-SPAN Video Library 2009
- PageRank is bad math: discussion by Peter Saveliev, Computer Vision For Dummies July 2011
- Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming by Naomi Oreskes, Microsoft Research June 2011
- concluding on the question, ironical since historically those merchants of doubts have been fighting for the free market, of what message does it send to the developing world if an authoritarian government like China does take climate change seriously and do provide a solution
- added before to Agnotology
- Les vivants aiment-ils leur prochain ?, Continent sciences, France Culture July 2011
- Heuristics: The foundations of adaptive behavior by Dan Goldstein, Decision Science News June 2011
- Acorn's Steve Furber looks to ARM supercomputers by Gareth Halfacree, thinq_ July 2011
- CERN launches Open Hardware initiative, CERN Press Release July 2011
- Why is evaluating partial progress toward human-level AGI so hard? by Ben Goertzel and Jared Wigmore, The Multiverse According to Ben June 2011
- Le rythme cardiaque, Avec ou sans rendez-vous, France Culture July 2011
- Open Robotics by Ryan Calo, VoxPopuLII July 2011
- How to Get a Job That Doesn’t Exist by Susannah Breslin, Pink Slipped for Forbes July 2011
- Mexico, une mégapole du tiers monde, Planète terre, France Culture July 2011
- Krokodil: The drug that eats junkies by Shaun Walker, The Independent June 2011
- Web Graph Models: Properties and Applications by Andrey Raigorodsky, Microsoft Research July 2011
- La theorie du tout, Les Dossiers de La Recherche May 2011
- importance on the available mathematical and geometrical models (p13)
- very nice visualizatoin of unification between forces
- can Carter's anthropic principle be applied to all subtrate? (p18)
- e.g. can potential reflexivity be a property of an organization of a substrate? thus can it be impossible on others? (see also the notes on cognitive mirrors)
- note that Carter himself (p21) admitted that the "anthropos" root was not necessarily a good choice
- see the dedicated remark in StructuralInformationAsymmetries
- figure 1 (p21) as the "Pyramide de la complexite" (to get from the official website or pyramid.png), see ExtendedLayeredModel
- on emergence (p22) see Emergence, in particular for the paragraph "Capacites mathematiques insuffisantes ?" (p24) see StructuralInformationAsymmetries
- quick overview of historical references on multiple universes (p50) seems to again show a clear western bias, no Russian, Arabic, Asian or Indian cosmological views
- "Une bonne theorie doit etre feconde" (p58) with Peter Galison can be seen through OwnConcepts#Epistemotaxis and its expected efficiency
- "Vers les lois ultimes de la phyique" (p73) by Stephen Weinberg, cf ExtendedLayeredModel
- "Vers les lois ultimes de la phyique" (p73) by Stephen Weinberg, cf ExtendedLayeredModel
- references including links to videos from page 76 to 79
- see also Cosmology
- what is the Seedea:Content/NewConcepts#InformationActionRatio
of this reading?
- "K", l'ordinateur le plus puissant by Fabien Goubet, La Recherche June 2011
- Du son pour distinguer un ordinateur d'un humain by Denis Delbecq, La Recherche July 2011
- File-Sharers Denied Official Religion Status in Sweden by Ernesto, TorrentFreak July 2011
- Aldous Huxley: The Mike Wallace Interview 1958
- Is an AI Singularity likely or even possible, AI Meetup July 2011
- University Of California: 3 Banks Can Stop Majority Of Botnets by Martin Brinkmann, Ghacks July 2011
- Beauty is in the brain of the beholder by Ed Yong, Not Exactly Rocket Science for Discover Magazine July 2011
- JP Morgan supercomputer offers risk analysis in near real-time by Anh Nguyen, Computerworld UK July 2011
- The Neurobiology of Bliss--Sacred and Profane by Nadia Webb, Scientific American July 2011
- Les paysages de l’infiniment petit, Continent sciences, France Culture July 2011
- Computer learns language by playing games by Larry Hardesty, MIT News Office July 2011
- Toward A Brain-Based Theory of Beauty by Tomohiro Ishizu and Semir Zeki, PLoS ONE July 2011
- "We therefore modify Burke's 1757 definition given above and say that ‘Beauty is, for the greater part, some quality in bodies that correlates with activity in the mOFC by the intervention of the senses’."
- see also Art
- Search Engines Change How Memory Works, by Brandon Keim, Wired Science July 2011
- a "strategy" I consciously tried to apply after a little while using them (maybe 5 years ago), to focus more on the process (query, sort, etc...) than the content, and that I could forget the result as long as I understood how to find it back
- probably why I got interested in epistemology
- not the "naive" view that I was finding a way for handling information overload
- one of the main conscious epistemic shift
- yet this concern only the process while the structure was probably discovered before during ClickingMoments#InformationPropagation
- Science article notes
- To Learn Best, Write an Essay by Brandon Keim, Wired Science January 2011
- hence the importance of writing the
heading of each page
- the
Overall remarks and questions
and Synthesis
sections of ReadingNotes pages
- The Singularity is Far: A Neuroscientist's View by David J. Linden, Boing Boing July 2011
- 'The Compass Of Pleasure': Why Some Things Feel So Good interview of David J. Linden, NPR July 2011
- counter intuitively drug consumers have less pleasure induced by drugs that others, thus precisely requiring higher doses and creating more dependency
- different types of drugs e.g. mushrooms or LSD which do change perceptions but not directly inducing pleasure
- thus a lower risk of dependency
- result of a brain reconfiguration (new topology)
- associating context or situation with the chemical state
- equivalent to "learning" the drug
- added to HowPleasureWorks
- cf also Hedonostasis (p185) as "regulation of levels of felt pleasure." defined in TheTinkerersAccomplice#Chapter10
- Graphs, Brains, and Gremlin by Marko A. Rodriguez, July 2011
- Google Effects on Memory: Cognitive Consequences of Having Information at Our Fingertips, Science July 2011
- Welcome to the age of the splinternet by Anil Ananthaswamy, New Scientist July 2011
- Le Plan Alzheimer, Avec ou sans rendez-vous, France Culture July 2011
- distinction between the different types of memory (episodic, semantic, procedural)
- mention of the importance of the first-person artistic works e.g. books and movies
- mention of Wikipedia:Ribot's law
by Wikipedia:Théodule-Armand Ribot
- see my own related presentation e.g. MemoryLoss and MemoryLossPES
- especially since explaining that there is a critical phase during which the person is still able to put his memory on an alternative substrate
- seems close to TheWisdomParadox conclusions regarding life-long training of the brain and the importance of understanding its mechanisms
- The Future of Human Life Spans, A Demographic Perspective by Caleb Finch, Santa Fe Institute July 2011
- The Rise of Biohackers by Pam Baker, Input Output for HP July 2011
- Living in Parenthesis. A Layman’s Experiences of Knowing Maturana by F. González, Constructivist Foundations July 2011
- Why I will never pursue cheating again by Panos Ipeirotis, A Computer Scientist in a Business School July 2011
- "This is a losing battle: as I use more advanced cheating detection schemes, the cheaters will adapt."
- Wikimaps: Dynamic Maps of Knowledge by Reto Kleeb, Swarm Creativity Blog June 2011
- Les grandes questions de l’évolution, Continent sciences France Culture July 2011
- mention of evo-devo previously discovered
- mention of Wikipedia:Last universal ancestor
aka LUCA
- importance of the membrane
- see Protocells
- importance of the cell division and specialization as the ontological level, not solely phylogenic, something that is not part of my understanding of evo* techniques in CS
- Is Google Ruining Your Memory? by Jonah Lehrer, Wired Science for Wired.com July 2011
- Your Brain on Androids by Inga Kiderra, UCSD News July 2011
- Meet Proust, a social network that digs deeper by Colleen Taylor, GigaOM July 2011
- God is in The Neurons, May 2011
- Moore and More and More: How Long Can IT Growth Continue?, ParisTech Review July 2011
- Connecting Mind to Brain through Computation by Read Montague, Mind Science Foundation 2009
- Method: Eight Things Stand-Up Comedy Teaches Us About Innovation by Paul Valerio, Co. Design March 2011
- Git from the bottom up by John Wigley, Lost in Technopolis 2008
- Git bare vs. non-bare repositories by Kim N. Lesmer, bitflop 2010
- Google This: The Internet Is Changing Our Brains – But So What? by Peter Murray, Singularity Hub July 2011
- How algorithms shape our world by Kevin Slavin, TED July 2011
- Interview with Tom Mitchell, CMU by Davor Orlič, VideoLectures.NET Blog July 2011
- Genetic Representation and Artificial Life by Peter Wills, Santa Fe Institute July 2011
- Generator Everything by Bruce Sterling, SF360 July 2011
- Intellectual Ventures And The War Over Software Patents, Planet Money for NPR July 2011
- An Analysis of Anonymity in the Bitcoin System by Fergal Reid and Martin Harrigan, July 2011
- SPEAR Algorithm by Michael G. Noll, 2009
- Quel est le réel potentiel de l'énergie solaire ?, Science publique, France Culture July 2011
- Huawei: The long march of the invisible Mr Ren, The Economist June 2011
- The Need for Cognitive Privacy by Paul Root Wolpe, World Science Festival Video June 2011
- The Science of Sleep with Giulio Tononi, World Science Festival Video April 2011
- The Story of the Living, Breathing Mirror by Oliver Sacks, World Science Festival Video April 2011
- The Improbable Truth about Numbers with Charles Seife, World Science Festival Video June 2011
- Turning Bits into Dollars, Yen, or Euros, Strata Online Conference Panel Discussion July 2011
- ~min37 on the value of yet undiscovered relationships thus of trying to keep safely all possible data
- including what lead to decision making
- Sur les réseaux sociaux, difficile d'avoir plus de 200 amis by Damien Leloup, LeMonde.fr June 2011
- Exercise has numerous beneficial effects on brain health and cognition, review suggests ScienceDaily July 2011
- Systèmes complexes et nombre de morts en Irak et Afghanistan ? by Laurence Bianchini, MyScienceWork July 2011
- Wikileaks volunteer detained and searched (again) by US agents by Xeni Jardin, Boing Boing January 2011
- The surprising math of cities and corporations by Geoffrey West, TED.com July 2011
- New Language for Programming in Parallel by Duncan Graham-Rowe, Technology Review July 2011
- How Design Software Will Shape Manufacturing's Future by Tom Simonite Technology Review July 2011
- Age-Related Memory Loss Reversed in Monkeys by Emily Singer, Technology Review July 2011
- Advanced Reactor Gets Closer to Reality by Kevin Bullis, Technology Review July 2011
- Innovation management with Intuit Brainstorm by Terri Griffith, GigaOM July 2011
- The global grid by Peter Bisson, Elizabeth Stephenson and S. Patrick Viguerie, McKinsey & Company/ParisTech Review July 2011
- How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education by Clive Thompson, Wired Magazine July 2011
- New Scientist 30 July 2011 for its cover story Ultimate logic: To infinity and beyond
- An Offer He Couldn’t Refuse: Intellectual Property Analysis of Chris Crawford, Intellectual Ventures, and Oasis Research, M·CAM, Inc. July 2011
- What Will We Watch As Drones Evolve?, NPR July 2011
- Why Nagging Women and Silent Men Drive Each Other Crazy by Scott Barry Kaufman, July 2011
- Bridge over Troubled Water: From Cognitive Science to Designing Digital Instruction by Peter Gerjets, TSN 2010
- "hypermedia based learning and problem solving on learner control and how technology could be used to begin skill acquisition"
- see the recently created MentalExercises and more generally Education
- Evolution of human generosity, ScienceDaily July 2011
- Quirk Cachet: Why 'Geeks Shall Inherit The Earth', NPR May 2011
- 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism by Ha-Joon Chang, RSAorg 2010
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