Page inspired by Shangri-La anime depiction of a dystopic carbon trading geopolitic future.
General resources - Key concepts - Emerging solutions - Efficiency tools - Carbon Tax - Mobile charging - Contacts - To do - See also
General resources
Key concepts
Also the related new concepts
discovered and organized in Seedea.
Emerging solutions
Carbon Tax
- Wikipedia:Carbon finance
- Wikipedia:Emissions trading
- Livre blanc, intitulé « Livre blanc en vue de la conférence d'experts sur la contribution "Climat-Énergie" » [archive] (12 pages, pdf)
- news during July in France regarding a potential citizen taxe based on yearly carbon consumption
- Tout sur la Taxe Carbone ! Oui, mais bon ... avec Hervé Kempf, Aligre FM 93.1 Mhz September 2009
- The Story of Cap and Trade
- Pour la taxe carbone. La politique économique face à la menace climatique by Alain Quinet (Caisse des Dépots et Consignations) and Katheline Schubert (Paris I), ENS November 2009
- The Carbon Economy:New Opportunities for Green Business, Economist Conferences November 2009
- Climat, de Kyoto à Copenhague (2/2), Le dessous des cartes, Arte December 2009
- with an examples of carbon credit from "north" to "south" financing of projects
- The road to Copenhagen: Mapping carbon dioxide emissions November 2009
- Carbon economy interview with Emma Duncan, The Economist December 2009
- if carbon emission stays costly, investment will migrate toward business that do not emit less
- reference to IP work
- link to US and Japan IP in software
- Bright Green: Carbon Neutrality, in Four Graphs by Eric De Place, Worldchanging April 2010
Regarding finance in general and how it can leveraged, check FinancialTools.
Efficiency tools
Mobile charging
To do
- # update the contacts section to reflect Person
See also