Despite potentially being a social or networked problem, you still can not expect your own "elite" behavior to help : networked means are still required.

Provide an intellectual toolkit to recover after a collapse situation
ahead of it so that one can efficiently solve the problems when the time is needed.
Steps taken
- offline-octopus
- RedCross first aid training (Summer 2022)
- SSI Stress & Rescue training (Autumn 2022)
- this page (since 2012)
Note that, ironically enough, this page during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and the later Ukraine invasion, was not touched on (cf page history). It should have been a source. It could show how important refreshing the content and pratices constantly (like first aid training requires) matters to make it an autonomatism that would be used precisely during stressful situations.
- assess the situation
- what is the actual problem
- in what health are you
- in what health are people close to you
- what caused the problem
- how far one is from the source problem
- where is the closest safe location
- locate resources
- water source
- eventually purification this must be replaced by the summarized principle as the material required might not be available then
- food source
- making it sustainable
- permaculture in the desert (Jordan)
- understand the human Needs#TrophicWeb
- reconsidered later on watching Guns Germs and Steel and how not just an environment can support different lifestyle but also how a better understanding of the current trophic web model is a tool for the gatherer/hunter and the farmer
- medicinal plants
- a la by Guerrique
- considered through the importance of spices in cooking
- make the shelter safe
- against weather conditions
- against threats
- nutrition processing means
- cooking, salting, heating for conservation and "pre-digestion" (cf Wikipedia:Bioavailability
- locate the nearest organisation structure
- military, redcross, ...
- establish relevant communication means if collaboration is beneficial
- set up a prediction system
- decide composite indicators
- learn from history lessons Projetautonomieenergetique but adapted to the current context
- based on its constant results, allocate resource accordingly
- see PriorityByEconomicalSystem
- Seedea:Content/Predictions
- do Y
- do Y.a
- do Y.b
- do Z
Resources (to integrate in the process)
- it is not a jump back in historical time
- we should be able to leverage more recent knowledge and technology (even with an energy crisis) but also some past opportunities (thus will lower investment cost) would have disappeared
To do
- make it "algo-like" (step by step, eventually rec)
- list the existing handbook, make mirrors to always have it packed, ready to go
See also
- case studies
- historical
- fictional
- The Colony "a controlled experiment (10 weeks, a group of 10 volunteers) to see exactly what it would take to survive and rebuild under these circumstances."
- season 2 during summer 2010
- Man-vs-Wild, Survivor, Survivorman
- leveraging local resources
- what can you use right here, right now, wherever you may be
- alternative engines
- CRED Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters
- Crisis Camp bring together domain experts, developers, and first responders around improving technology and practice for humanitarian crisis management and disaster relief.
- mass notification system
- Carla Emery, author of the Encyclopedia of Country Living, an old-fashioned recipe book
- Semantic Community On Manufactured Artifacts and Know-how (OSCOMAK)
- "foster a community in which many interested individuals will contribute to the creation of a distributed global repository of manufacturing knowledge about past, present and future processes, materials, and products."
- crisis mapping and crowdsourcing
- Crisis Mappers Net the international network of crisis mappers
- Ushahidi Crowdsourcing Crisis Information (FOSS)
- platform that allows anyone to gather distributed data via SMS, email or web and visualize it on a map or timeline. Our goal is to create the simplest way of aggregating information from the public for use in crisis response.
- crowd simulation (math can save your life.)
- Se prémunir contre les événements climatiques extrêmes, Canal-Academie June 2010
- Crowdmap set up your own deployment of Ushahidi without having to install it on your own web server.
- Moron vs Wild (parodie Man vs Wild) by Julien Pestel, June 2010
- Your Infrastructure Will Kill You by Eleanor Saitta, 27C3 December 2010
- The Toaster Project by Thomas Thwaites
- VISIONEER: From Social Data Mining to Forecasting Socio-Economic Crisis
- goal #6 Propose plans how to create centers for risk analysis and crisis forecasting
- Global Catastrophic Risks by Oxford Future of Humanity Institute
- with its associated 2008 book
- iRad Use your iPhone to measure ambient radioactivity!
- Telecoms Sans Frontieres
- Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) by Open Source Ecology
- Wikipedia:Compendium
- What to eat during impact winter?, Reflective Disequilibrium May 2012
- How big is too big? Critical Shocks for Systemic Failure Cascades, 2012
- CRISIS Complexity Research Initiative for Systemic InstabilitieS
- How Information Flows During Emergencies Technology From the arXiv for MIT Technology Review, January 2014
- check
- discovered during
- Jessica Flack on robustness and complex systems prompted by the Russian sanctions after Ukraine invasion
- Study: Why are sustainable practices often elusive?, November 2022
- "Cultivons ! est un logiciel sous forme de site interne visant à aider à la gestion d'une BAD (Base Autonome Durable)."
Inspired by
- "seed civilization" in H+ video
- discussion with Paola on traditional Vade mecum