Trois essais sur l'emergence by Jaegwon Kim and translated by Mathieu Mulcey - ISBN 2916120025 - Ithaque 2006
Discovered in Librairie Philosophique J. VRIN while looking for work in cognitive science and emergent phenomena, especially related to complexity and complex systems.
- Presentation par Mathieu Mulcey
- mention de "dependance assymetrique" (p.xiii)
- mention de "explanatory gap" (p.xviii) par Levine en 1983
- schema de causalite descendante (p.xxiv) avec triangle P->P1 && P -> P1 && M~> P1
- Chapitre 1 L'emergence : idee et problemes fondamentaux
- Emergence: Core Ideas and Issues, 2003
- Karl Popper devenant emergentiste vers la fin de sa vie (footnote p30)
- Chapitre 2 Comprendre l'emergence
- Making Sense of Emergence, 1999
- distinction entre predictabilite predicitive et predictabilite theorique (p37)
- verticalite (p53)
- mention de Oppenheim et Putnam (p54) des 1958
- vision objective et absolue (p57) qui devrait tout de meme prendre en compte un aspect relatif des capacites computationelles economiques disponibles pour chaque organisme souhaitant utilise une quelconque predictabilite
- en particulier si l'on considere le niveau en cours e.g. L par rapport a L-1 ou L+1
- Chapitre 3 Considerations metaphysiques sur le modele stratifie du monde
See also
- Notes de Cours sur la théorie de l'émergence by Jules Henri Greber
- Jaegwon Kim according to french Wikipedia
- Colloque Origines de la vie : auto-organisation et/ou évolution biologique ?, ENS 2008
- discussion on complexity and auto-organisation
- a previous conference (probably ENS, France Culture or Radio Academie) on feedback loops and biology, how reducibility might be a dead end
- Wikipedia:Claude Bernard
for his homeostasis concept
- Jaegwon Kim et l’émergence, Métaphysique, ontologie, esprit 2007
- EmergenceEnSciencesCognitives (at ISC-PIF)
- my LayeredModel and later on ExtendedLayeredModel most likely heavily inspired by this reading
- Emergence, NOVA 2007
- mention of Jaegwon Kim's definition of emergence in the description
- to explore further
- Emergence: Philosophy Meets Science with Mark Hereld, Paul Humphreys, Robert Laughlin, Sandra Mitchell, and William Wimsatt, Chicago Humanities Festival 2008
- mention of this page in Reinventing academic publishing online. Part II: A socio–technical vision by Brian Whitworth and Rob Friedman, First Monday 2009 regarding "Note that emergent levels redefine the entire system. System levels are not system parts but whole system views, e.g., a mobile phone cannot be divided into hardware and software parts. " as read in WithoutNotesOlderThanOctober09
Overall remarks and questions
- is it possible to consider the creation of niche of "minimal causality"?
- e.g. make manipulation of low-quality models efficient by running simulations
- has the author changed on this topic since then?
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