- Privacy and Artificial Agents, Or, Is Google Reading My Email? by Chopra and White, 2007
- The Ghost in the Machine, World Science Festival Video June 2011
- Consciousness: Explored and Explained with Charlie Kaufman Screenwriter, Giulio Tononi and Alan Alda, World Science Festival Video 2010
- La recherche informatique veut être mieux prise en compte par les pouvoirs publics by Clarisse Jay, La Tribune July 2011
- A Typology of Convergences: Towards a Unified Theory of Cultural Transmission by Lawrence Weschler, Santa Fe Institute July 2011
- establishing his own taxonomy: Apophenia, ?, Fractalization, Identity, Zeitgeist, ?, Backward & Forward, Template, Permission, The Anxiety of Influence, Homage, Pun, Parody, QUOTATION, ?, PLAGIARISM, Forgery, Counterfeiter, CODA, ...
- mention of simultaneous discovery e.g. calculus in Europe as the train of thought as the time became saturated with similar ideas
- Wikipedia:Apophenia
- Wikipedia:Lawrence Weschler
, LawrenceWeschler.com and his NYU profile
- no mention of evolutionary epistemology, cf e.g. EvolutionaryEpistemologyAsAScientificMethod or the related blog on evolutionary culture featuring the "Popper Juice"
- see also TheFutureOfIdeas
- US internet providers hijacking users' search queries by Jim Giles, New Scientist August 2011
- Computer scientist calls for better Internet search engine by Derek Abma, Vancouver Sun August 2011
- Car takes long drive - by itself by Hao Nan, Chinadaily.com.cn August 2011
- Mind and Machine: The Future of Thinking, World Science Festival 2010
- Man-Made Minds: Living with Thinking Machines, World Science Festival June 2011
- ~58min Eric Horvitz mention of strong AI and understanding (human) cognition as a way to find the foundations of computation, position shared with Rodney Brooks
- ~72min Hod Lipson mention of the felt excitement of having a result that managed to do so on its own rather than precisely programmed and doing so as expected
- David Ferrucci replied that it may rather be the distance with the abstraction and the completed task, that the gap of knowledge is passed
- ~82min discussion on the singularity and mind uploading
- on Watson see WithoutNotesFebruary11#BuildingWatson
- Eric Horvitz's Homepage Microsoft Research
- mention of building self-model, self-image through evolutionary computation
- Au coeur de la voie lactée, Arte August 2011
- originally made in 2010
- NASA Ames Pleiades ~min66
- Wikipedia:Exit Through the Gift Shop
- Sociology of Modern Cosmology by Martin Lopez-Corredoira, 2009
- Twitter and the Ultimate Algorithm: Signal Over Noise (With Major Business Model Implications) by John Battelle, Searchblog August 2011
- Robopocalypse with Daniel Wilson Julu 2011
- Robot That Can Learn, Think And Act By Itself, DigInfo News July 2011
- Black Holes: Attractors for Intelligence? by Clement Vidal, 2010
- DEF CON: The event that scares hackers by John D. Sutter, CNN August 2011
- The DIY Terminator: Private Robot Armies And The Algorithm-Run Future Of War by Greg Lindsay, Fast Company August 2011
- see also Electronics#Robotics
- mention of previously discovered on freenode UAVForge.net project, Crowdsourcing for UAV Innovation
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic (SSC Atlantic) collaborative initiative to design, build and manufacture advanced small unmanned air vehicle (UAV) systems.
- Preview of a virtual learning environment by Joel Pitt, OpenCog Brainwave August 2011
- Wikimaps Revised by Reto Kleeb, Swarm Creativity Blog July 2011
- A taxonomy for measuring the success of open source software projects by Amir Hossein Ghapanchi, Aybuke Aurum, and Graham Low First Monday August 2011
- Why Philosophers Should Care About Computational Complexity by Scott Aaronson, TR11-108, ECCC August 2011
- very interesting opening Turing quote, see my related ClickingMoments#InformationPropagation
- "The view that machines cannot give rise to surprises is due, I believe, to a fallacy to which philosophers and mathematicians are particularly subject. This is the assumption that as soon as a fact is presented to a mind all consequences of that fact spring into the mind simultaneously with it. It is a very useful assumption under many circumstances, but one too easily forgets that it is false." Alan M. Turing, Computing machinery and intelligence, Mind 1950
- see StructuralInformationAsymmetries for why I personally care
- Leslie Valiant's paper on Evolvability, J. Assoc. Computing Machinery 2009
- added Wikipedia:Proof complexity
to Mathematics#FoundationsAndMetamathematics
- mention of What is Thought? by Eric Baum as previously recommended by Person:)Pete
- could also be an interesting metric for Mind
- one can even wonder if pricing as a market mechanism should be based not just on perceived value via OwnConcepts#gToM and scarcity but rather via complexity theory or at least, taking it into account as a refinement
- Inside Google's Search Office, Churchill Club August 2011
- Q&A: A Lifelong Learner - Leslie Valiant discusses machine learning, parallel computing, and computational neuroscience. with Leah Hoffmann, Communications of the ACM June 2011
- Robots and the Illusion of Free Will with Judea Pearl, TSN July 2011
- describing what counter-factual is
- how my self models and that of others improves
- intuitive notion that there are no others
- others behave like me
- others behave differently than I do
- I gain by having a proper model of them to get them to do what I want them to
- ~20min saying that we never have a perfect self-model
- see also Ethics#Robotics and Electronics#Robotics
- Foxconn To Replace Human Workers With One Million Robots by Evan Ackerman, IEEE Spectrum August 2011
- Why you should go for a brisk walk before revising by Christian Jarrett, BPS Research Digest August 2011
- The Future of Chipped Intelligence by Justin R. Rattner, HPI-Colloquium ST 2011
- see also Electronics
- mention of hardware AES encryption
- ~min45 Personal Vacation Assistant Pilot in Context-Aware Computing
- Evolvability by Leslie G. Valiant, TR06-120, ECCC 2006
- Could Income Inequality Lead To Civil Unrest in the United States? by Martin Ford, Future Economics and Technology July 2011
- see also Technology and unemployment: Are ATMs stealing jobs? read before WithoutNotesJune11
- Life as Evolving Software by Greg Chaitin, PPGC UFRGS June 2011
- DARPA Hypersonic Vehicle Advances Technical Knowledge, DARPA August 2011
- Is Software Improving Exponentially? by Ben Goertzel, The Multiverse According to Ben June 2011
- Why Crisis Maps Can Be Risky When There's Political Unrest by Erica Naone, Technology Review August 2011
- BART Pulls a Mubarak in San Francisco by Eva Galperin, Electronic Frontier Foundation August 2011
- Seeing Robotics with New Eyes by Erica Naone, MIT Technology Review] July/August 2011
- Suzette, the Most Human Computer by Bruce Wilcox, bruce wilcox's Blog for Gamasutra June 2011
- ROS - Robot Operating System by Brian Ray and Bill Mania, Tech Talks recorded by Carl Karsten June 2011
- see also Electronics#Robotics
- any existing PIM related package or an attempt at making any kind of robot leverage personal information (even if just the user timetable or patterns of presence)?
- basically Python and C++, e.g OpenCV, packages organized in a pub/sub architecture of hardware actuator and sensor
in an Ubuntu distribution
- Creativity, the Brain, and Evolution by John S. Allen, Psychology Today 2010
- How Physics Limits Intelligence, Scientific American Podcast June 2011
- How Smart Can You Get?: Your Brain and the Limits of Intelligence by Vijay Balasubramanian, Santa Fe Institute August 2011
- Rabble with a Cause: Were the London Riots a Spontaneous Mass Reaction or a Rational Response? by Lauren F. Friedman, Scientific American August 2011
- Interview: Rise of the Robots Redux by James Temple, The Technology Chronicles August 2011
- Minority rules: Scientists discover tipping point for the spread of ideas, PhysOrg July 2011
- Cracking GO by Feng - Hsiung Hsu, IEEE Spectrum 2007
- 4 Things Most People Get Wrong About Memory by Katherine Harmon, Observations, Scientific American Blog Network August 2011
- Study Claiming That Internet Explorer Users Had Low IQs Was a Hoax bvy Sophie Bushwick, Observations, Scientific American Blog Network August 2011
- Computer Chip-Sized Spacecraft Will Explore Space In Swarms by Peter Murray, Singularity Hub August 2011
- One Armed Robot From Willow Garage Set to Expand Open Source Robotics by Aaron Saenz, Singularity Hub August 2011
- Using Hadoop to analyze the full Wikipedia dump files using WikiHadoop by Diederik, Mappian August 2011
- IBM produces first working chips modeled on the human brain by Dean Takahashi, VentureBeat August 2011
- Brain’s Network of Bottlenecks May Limit Multitasking, Wired Science August 2011
- Google Admits Handing over European User Data to US Intelligence Agencies by Lucian Constantin, Softpedia August 2011
- Beautiful Minds: The Enigma of Genius, World Science Festival June 2011
- Mathematics, Cities, and Brains: What Can A Highway Engineer Learn From A Neuroscientist? by Jason G. Goldman, The Thoughtful Animal, Scientific American Blog Network August 2011
- Why girls drop math I: Beliefs about Math by Art Markman, August 2011
- Memory contaminates perception by Mo Costandi, Science for the guardian.co.uk August 2011
- Theory of Mind: Comparing Bird Brain, Monkey Brain and Human Brain by Skye Harmony, Serendip's Exchange 2008
- Spaceborn autonomous systems:: Architectural principals and a specific example by Steve Curtis (NASA GSFC), Michael Rilee and Pamela Clark (CUA), 2010
- Why Software Is Eating the World by Marc Andreessen, WSJ.com August 2011
- My Conversation with Andrés Duany: An Ardent Critic of the Skyscraper Flies into a Rage about the Asian Skyscraper Boom by Mark Lamster, Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network August 2011
- Ready to learn? Brain scans can tell you by Anne Trafton, from MIT News for MedicalxPress August 2011
- Visualized: A School Day as Data by Brandon Keim, Wired Science for Wired.com August 2011
- The human Turing machine: a neural framework for mental programs, Trends in Cognitive Sciences June 2011
- Capacity limits of information processing in the brain, Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2005
- Is Sleep Brain Defragmentation?, Neuroskeptic August 2011
- Mining Your Brain to Jump-Start Your Creativity by Joanne Cantor, Conquering Cyber Overload for Psychology Today August 2011
- Foundry Group Invests In MakerBot Industries by Brad Feld, August 2011
- Grand zoom - De l’infiniment grand à l’infiniment petit en 44 images à la puissance de 10, Science & vie August 2011
- Tableau Synoptique De L'histoire Du Monde by Louis-Henri FOURNET
- 'Time cells' bridge the gap in memories of event sequences, ScienceDaily August 2011
- Young brains lack the wisdom of their elders, clinical study shows, ScienceDaily August 2011
- A Family of Gödel Machine Implementations, The Fourth Conference on Artificial General Intelligence aka AGI-11
- Why IP Addresses Alone Don't Identify Criminals by Marcia Hofmann, Electronic Frontier Foundation August 2011
- The future for "labor-on-demand" crowdsourcing models by Carl Esposti, Crowdsourcing.org 2010
- When algorithms control the world by Jane Wakefield, BBC News August 2011
- Three Hypotheses About the Geometry of Mind by Ben Goertzel and Matthew Ikle, AGI-11
- just skimmed over but mention of
- skimmed several other papers from the conference
- one can also wonder if an AGI could not also be use to try to optimize one own's mind through a simulation of mechanisms, interests and memories, spot bottlenecks then try alternative organization
- Delay of gratification in children by Yuichi Shoda, Walter Mischel, Philip K. Peake, Science 1989
- What Happens in a Patent Arms Race?, IEEE Spectrum August 2011
- Brain navigation by Sarah Zhang, Harvard Gazette August 2011
- MIT team researches a way to go beyond the screen, InAVate August 2011
- mention of Oblong Industries
- Le goût des mathématiques with Stanislas Dehaene and Alain Connes, Croisements, France Culture August 2011
- The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Or: Why Weak AI Is Interesting Enough by Ryan Calo, Concurring Opinions August 2011
- Academic publishers make Murdoch look like a socialist by George Monbiot, Comment is free for The Guardian August 2011
- Computing giants launch free science metrics, Nature August 2011
- Genetics and Intelligence by Steve Hsu, Google Tech Talk August 2011
- Think You're An Auditory Or Visual Learner? Scientists Say It's Unlikely, by Patti Neighmond, Health Blog for NPR August 2011
- The Selfish Brain: Stress and Eating Behavior, Frontiers in Neuroscience May 2011
- The origins of pleasure by Paul Bloom, TED.com July 2011
- BMW Tests An Autonomous Vehicle by Keith Barry, Autopia for Wired.com August 2011
- Social Networking Meets Problem Solving by Tom Simonite, Technology Review August 2011
- How Much Marcellus Shale Gas Is There, Really? by Mike Orcutt, Technology Review August 2011
- Commotion, le projet d'un Internet hors de tout contrôle by Yves Eudes, LeMonde.fr August 2011
- A Cloud over Ownership by Simson Garfinkel, Technology Review September/October 2011
- Study Finds the Internet Is Actually Bad for Revolutions by Rebecca Greenfield, The Atlantic Wire August 2011
- Chinese Investor Finds It Isn't Easy to Buy Part of Iceland by Uri Friedman, The Atlantic Wire August 2011
- Yes, You Can Think Less of Steve Jobs for Not Being a Philanthropist by Rebecca Greenfield, The Atlantic Wire August 2011
- Multiple Antenna Technology for Faster Downloads, The Naked Scientists April 2011
- AGI and Neuroscience: Open Sourcing the Brain by Randal Koene, The Fourth Conference on Artificial General Intelligence aka AGI-11
- Estimating the Amount of Information Conveyed by a Population of Neurons, Frontiers in Neuroscience July 2011
- Science Saturday: Robots vs. Zombies with Daniel Drezner and Daniel H. Wilson, Bloggingheads.tv July 2011
- Les conceptions philosophiques des théories écologistes, France Culture August 2011
- distinction H/¬H
- Deepwater Horizon by Stéphane Ferret, Seuil August 2011
- see my Beliefs
- in particular with recent update from Clement Vidal Metaphilosophical Criteria for Worldview Comparison
- Exploring Brain Function from Anatomical Connectivity, Frontiers in Neuroscience June 2011
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