I consider that learning cognitive science
was the second best decision only after learning computer science
and yet, arguably, it could be a consequence of the first.
Page gathering works on cognitive science
- personal ideas and projects
- Cookbook.Cognition, listing of ideas for future project related to cognitive science
- Causal Reading Tree exploring the path created by reading books lead by the reading of previous books
- Cognitive Drag exploring the idea that a cognitive framework will inevitably lead to inefficiencies
- some of my notes
- SC02 - Seminar on Mind, Language and Cognitive Science, University of Iceland/Universite de Technologie de Compiegne 2005
- SC22 - Sociologie cognitive, organisation et technique, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne 2006
- Battle Of Cognition : The Future Information-Rich Warfare and the Mind of the Commander by Alexander Kott, Praeger Security International Academic Cloth 2007
- Supersizing the Mind: Embodiment, Action, and Cognitive Extension by Andy Clark, Oxford University Press 2008
- Que Faire De Notre Cerveau by Catherine Malabou, Bayard 2004
- Foundations in Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience, Cambridge University Press 2009
- Origins Of Genius by Dean Keith Simonton, Oxford University Press 1999
- the page Key Experiments listing several related experiments
- including Held and Hein, Lucilla Cardinali and al.
- my collected Resources on education
- argument for Kenza
- Un role de consultant ne se limite par a une expertise technique mais vise a faciliter la resolution d'un probleme complexe. Un probleme qui n'est pas resolu seul mais par un ensemble de professionels et chaque, avec une facon de penser qui lui est propre, c'est meme pour cela qu'il est employe. Les avancees en sciences cognitives etudient precisement les mechanismes de pense, la resolution de probleme, les interactions entre modeles, entre outils. Les sciences cognitives sont donc un outil important pour tout travail fonde sur l'exploitation des connaissances.
- Your Brain At Work by David Rock
- the brain is a tool
- most likely the most important tool you have
- learn how to use it efficiently
- understand how it works
See also
- Historically introductory talk (in french) Sciences cognitives et modèles de la pensée by Brigitte Chamak, Canal-U 2002
- Enactive network, Funded by Information Society Technologies
- INSERM-CEA Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit - Unicog (INSERM 562) investigate high-level human cognitive functions such as language, mathematics, attention..., combining experimental psychology, neuropsychology and neuroimagery approaches.
- Institut des Sciences cognitives (ISC) CNRS
- INSERM - Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale Neurosciences, sciences cognitives, neurologie, psychiatrie
- UTC laboratories (in french)
- MIT CogNet
- Genes to Cognition Online (G2C) by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- BrainMaps.org API
- lightweight multiresolution image viewer with customizable label overlays that lets you embed BrainMaps images in your own web pages with JavaScript, and that can also be used with your own multiresolution images.
- The Extended Mind: Recent Experimental Evidence by Rupert Sheldrake, Author@Google 2008
- The Brain Observatory by the UCSD School of Medicine
- The importance of quantum decoherence in brain processes by Max Tegmark, 1999
- "disagrees with suggestions by Penrose and others that the brain acts as a quantum computer, and that quantum coherence is related to consciousness in a fundamental way."
- Cognitive Science C127 by Richard Ivry, UC Berkeley Webcasts
- Mark Wexler's online library of classical papers