This page gather important theoretical work and tools related to education.
Key works - Pedagogy - Education websites - e-Learning tools
Early Age - Research tools - Personal view - Reward Mechanisms - See also
Key works
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Education websites
- OpenCourseWare Consortium free and open digital publication of high quality educational materials, organized as courses.
- Opencast collaboration of individuals, higher education institutions and organizations working together to explore, develop, define and document best practices and technologies for management of audiovisual content in academia.
- interactive classes
- video learning
- aggregators
- specific institutions
- universities and schools : Harvard, MIT World/MIT TechTV, Yale, Berkeley/UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures, Stanford (and OpenClassroom), Caltech, Tufts, UCSD, WSU, GMU, NYU, ...
- institutions : Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Santa Fe Institute (SFI), ...
- non acedemic institutions : Singularity University with its SU Lectures
- France
- UK
- others
- publishers on video sharing websites
- see also the VLearn folder of my RSS feeds
- projects from the Wikimedia Foundation
- Wikiversity devoted to learning resources, learning projects, and research
- Wikibooks community for creating a free library of educational textbooks
- Wikipedia:Books books (user-generated collection of Wikipedia articles) created by the community.
- Grad community websites
- Your Brain At Work by The Dana Foundation
- Scitable Learn Science at Nature, free science library and personal learning tool
- Classroom Ideas at Google For Educators - Geo Education
- JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments Biological Experiments and Protocols on Video, started in 2006
- WikiEducator turning the digital divide into digital dividends using free content and open networks.
- "Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)."
- Algodoo - Barrier Breaker in Science Education Umeå university
- 100 Incredible Lectures from the World’s Top Scientists by Sarah Russel, Best Colleges Online June 2009
- World Digital Library (WDL) by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- Open Culture started by Dan Colman, Director & Associate Dean of Stanford’s Continuing Studies Program
- Khan Academy videos are licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 License
- Stanford Center for Professional Development
- Udemy Academy of You
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e-Learning tools
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Early Age
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Research tools
- Springer Examplar
- 10 Excellent Science Search Engines, AltSearchEngines July 2009
- Mendeley Academic software for research papers
- Zotero collect, manage, and cite your research sources.
- SciVal Unlock the promise by Elsevier
- Comparison of reference management software on Wikipedia
- Who's researching what
- eScholarship provides open access, scholarly publishing services to the University of California and delivers a dynamics research platform to scholars worldwide
- FindAPhD Postgraduate, PhD and Doctoral Studentships (The World's Largest Database of PhD Opportunities)
- The Online Journal of Scientific Posters by Technology Networks
- OpenThesis free repository of theses, dissertations, and other academic documents, coupled with powerful search, organization, and collaboration tools.
- ArnetMiner Academic Researcher Social Network Search
- scientific social networks
- ResearchGATE leading professional network for scientists.
- VIVO enabling national networking of scientists
- SciSurfer The most up-to-date service for scientific information
- DigitalResearchTools (DiRT) tools and resources that can help scholars (particularly in the humanities and social sciences) conduct research more efficiently or creatively.
- World Association of Young Scientists (WAYS) Science, Remixed.
- CiteSeerX, Pennsylvania State University
Regarding data gathering or "hands-on experiment" (rather than document research) see Experiments Tools section organized around Elegant Solutions
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If you get tired, just print your degree ;)
Personal view
- efficiency
- autonomous praxis > guided praxis > reading > viewing
- cost
- viewing < reading < guided praxis < autonomous praxis
- consequently
- the involvment, or investment of cognitive resources (including attention), in the learning process might be directly correlated with its efficiency
Precisions on the different learning processes discussed
- autonomous praxis
- trial and error with the autonomous decision to learn this
- guided praxis
- trial and error initiated and managed by another individual
- reading
- assimilating what is to be learnt by actively moving accross the key notions
- viewing
- assimilating what is to be learnt by passively moving accross the key notions
Praxis directly confronts the knowledge gained by the individual to it's application and thus forces corrections, as opposed to other theoretical forms that provide no "direct resistance".
Also, education or passing on what has been learnt is a very efficient way to learn yet it can probably be integrated to a sub-part of autonomous praxis.
Aging and learning
It was a great pleasure to attend Gabriele Veneziano : Particules élémentaires, gravitation et cosmologie at the College de France in early March 2010, not for the content which was beyond my reach at that time, but to see a room filled with enthusiasts who were 2 or even 3 times my age.
"Those who stop learning find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists". - Eric Hoffer
Structured videos in context as a "faked super-power"
Simulate ExtendedLayeredModel#UserCenteredCurve in the way that vision is often depicted in science-fiction movies (e.g. Superman or Rachel Pirzad in Wikipedia:Alphas
) allowing heroes to zoom through multiple scales.
Note that zooming is extremely interesting and natural but zooming out and for example represent the social and economical situation an individual is would also be extremely interesting. Several dimensions can here be studied in particular not just space but time, e.g. the historical context and what lead to it.
- take a situation like cooking potatoes in a pan
- consider the physical processes involved
- propose a playlist
- video of chemistry of of water/oil interaction
- video of thermodynamics
- ...
- video of the history of the food cooked
- video of the agriculture specialty of the area
- allow the user to record that video with remarks on
- the context
- what has been learned
- what remains unclear
- what is left to learn
Proposed solution
- curate repository of situations
- curate repository of annotated videos
- generate a structured set of associations between the two
- facilitate the exploration of this set
- in particular through contextual information
Leveraging advancements in AI, especially ML/NLP
For example how efficient would it be to mix a system of question answering a la DeepQA in which the student would start by posing as clearly as possible his own goal coupled with a progress set of exercises based on adaptive learning to progress through a network of concepts?
Intrinsic difficulty of reharsing
Known information is painful to focus on as one might feel that this is a negative opportunity cost, i.e. if this information is already known and has so far not been valuable, investing more resource in it instead of acquiring other information appears like a waste of resource.
One can also suppose that the learning process itself is adaptive, like most generalist physiological processes. Consequently it adjust itself to the pace that is often repeated. The way in which learning is done should consequently shape the way that future learning will be possible. See also AmusingOurselvesToDeath.
Sizable learning steps
What is at the same time interesting and yet slightly too hard makes things exciting yet pushing at the edges of your knowledge has an inherent risk if too far, becoming too stressful to facilitate learning. Consequently what a good tutor is for is precisely to be able to best judge the size of the steps one can take.
A good tutor would also define the best space (or microworlds according to TurtlesTermitesAndTrafficJams) one can learn into, defining helpful constraints and thus avoiding either being scared by the immensity of the solution space or just wasting time.
See also OwnConcepts#Epistemotaxis.
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Reward mechanisms
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See also
- Cognitive Archeology
links in History Idea Management for Seedea
- my notes on SC01 Seminar on Mind, Language and Cognitive Science
- my related projects
- my delicious links tagged with "education"
- my personal research on computer assisted evolutionary epistemology (CAEE)
- Voyages Through Time by the SETI Institute
- Learn More, Study Less by Scott Young
- describing "Holistic Learning" and including several techniques (memorization, linking, ...)
- Programming Is the New Literacy by Marc Prensky, Edutopia 2008
- "Rote learning can be destructive not because repetition is unnecessary [...] but because it teaches a person to use one mindless response.", Ellen J. Langer - A Scholar of the Absent Mind, 1997
- CourseRank streamlining the process of choosing the right courses
- Jürgen Schmidhuber papers on surprise, novelty, artificial creativity and curiosity
- Redu Rethink/Reform/Rebuild Education
- CMU Project LISTEN A Reading Tutor that Listens
- Mission statement by
- with paper notes and nice design
- "purely a modern diary for me to log my current creative state of mind."
- aggregates the very best research news.
- United Nations University OpenCourseWare
- Schooloscope
- only lists schools in England as of October 2010
- Understanding children’s and adults’ limitations in mental state reasoning by Susan A.J. Birch and Paul Bloom, Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.8 No.6 2004
- SMART Board Revolution share ideas, tips, and lesson files and collaborate to maximize our students' learning.
- Webexhibits an interactive museum museum of science, humanities, and culture.
- Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc.
- Qwiki
- Open Ed The Annual Open Education Conference
- Wikipedia:Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development
- Wikipedia:Self-regulated learning
- Levros Learning Environment Virtual Reality On-line Simulator
- Les télés du web Web TV et ressources audiovisuelles liées au monde universitaire et pédagogique
- Présentation du TNWii Tableau Numérique Interactif, PRTICE.Info
- Free Technology Academy (FTA)
- eFaqt, textbooks study collaboratively
- 10 Open Education Resources You May Not Know About (But Should) by Audrey Watters, MindShift May 2011