Potential new topics
warning there is already the Seedea:Utopiahanalysis/Utopiahanalysis
page, AutoDebate should be limited to recurrent discussions, not new analysis
- Why I don't "make stuff"
- models even thought not tangible shape the way you think
- thus the way you act
- consequently models are one of the most fundamental prior to being able to "make" great things
- see also CognitiveDrag
- constructivism postulate that building itself is part of the epistemic process
- true that's maybe why I should indeed build more, yet it's very costly in time and in resources overall
- if models and non tangible object were so important philosophy, mathematics and such field would be fundamental
- I do believe they actually are
- Why I use that stupid language or tool while I could use the perfect other you are using?
- It's just to annoy you.
- instead of "use language X", "language Z sucks", "I like language Q"
- try "language K works well in situation S1 because of it's specific feature F1 and implementation I3"
- see also Programming
- WhyIDontPublish?
- cf discussion on scientific journals, artwork, ...
- WhyIDontHaveAMobile?
- WhyIDontHaveATV?
- WhyIDontHaveACar?
- cost
- vehicle itself, energy, insurance, yearly homologation, periodic care, fixes, accessories
- freedom
- advertisement made on the roads of : French Rivera, Toscane, Iceland
- actual usage : periph, suburbs, occasionally "campagne", very rarely seashore or mountains
- you can not go "anywhere, everywhere"
- you are limited by gasoline supply, roads practicability and even roads at all (try the ocean) and your own skills
- This one runes on fat and saves you money This one runs on money and makes you fat
- Google and TU Braunschweig independently develop self-driving cars by Sean Hollister, Engadget October 2010
- WhyIDontHaveAPet?
- WhyIDontHaveX?
- overall, it simply is a cost/benefit analysis that lead me to a conclusion different from the norm
- also you have to take into account the amount of X available already without me having one
- this sounds like the technique of a parasite
- if in the end the parasite helps to maintain an more sane environment to live in, maybe it is still the more rational option for both organisms
- network of hidden costs
- an item very rarely (if ever) comes without maintainance, care and hidden costs one did not consider during the acquisition
- "just because I can" is applied here too, but not "just because I can have" but rather "just because I can avoid"
- minimalism is not about having less, it is about enjoying more
- this it too theoretical, I want to try, not just read
- what probably initiated this for me was the "Buy Nothing Day", I normally despise the "Whatever Day" but... just have the experience of this one ;)
- you post-rationalize but in the end, you are just cheap
- that's true, I try not to value money but rather the time I have. Consequently if spending money will just make me spend more and wasting more of the only currency I will never again, my time, I will avoid it.
- if you were coherent, you would not get presents for your birthday or Christmas
- I do not. People close to me know that for a little while know (yet still don't always follow it ;) and so far that has never made me unhappy.
- authorities intelligence (on systemic problems)
- we were screwed since a year or 2 because the financial system was supposed to have collapsed, and yet...
- we were screwed since a year because H1N1 was supposed to spread extremely fast, and yet...
- etc
- it mainly shows that people from institutions like WHO, World Bank, and similar have no more idea about systemic system behavior that the drunk guy in the bar next door
- they are just way more convincing (thanks to their suits?) at making us believe so ;)
- stress of an fake classless system
- it's interesting how a lot of manga are about levels I mean well established hierarchy
- besides the storyline, in Japanese you use -sensei -senpai and other adjectives to append to names in order to explicitly gives the "class" of the person from your viewpoint
- how everybody is supposed to push further to improve at the same time their language and its vocabulary is very explicit regarding hierarchy
- that's one of the false promise of the capitalistic system :
- the ideal of capitalism is to promote a meritocracy
- i.e. that anybody, if only they work well and hard enough can get anywhere
- while the feaudal, royal or class system was based on your inherance
- which in fact, as horrible as you might see it, has the benefit of being explicit
- while now, in a so-called classless system you are supposed to know where you stand and where you want to be which is putting a lot of pressure as the boundaries, as they still exist, are blury
- there is no explicit milestones or social marks I think it's very stressful for everybody
- self-improvement
- very quickly goes toward sci-fi scenario, basically Terminator :-#
- "oh no, the compiler was able to detect and add the missing ; ! self-improvement, we are all dead!"
- it's a great idea but that it doesn't take into account basic principle like complexity, energy and diseconomies of scale
- it's not because you were able to make one simple change that it will automatically and for the same energy cost be able to go on up to infinity without reaching any assymptote or even crash under its own complexity weight.
- it could, but so far I dont know anything in nature (including human tech) that did so
- in the end the environment selects, so how can self-improvement makes sens as it is more likely to be done thanks and through the environment?
- pretty much everything that I do that is not within the norm
- have arguments prepared ahead of the debate
- higher quality
- less emotional bias (defending a position).
- why is my English not as crappy as other "froggies"?
- I was raised in a Youth Hostel so my parents did speak few extra languages and I heard foreign languages all the time
- my mother really thought languages and English in particular were important so I had extra classes
- I discovered the Internet on my own and... maybe 1% of its content was in French
- it gave me a kind of quantitative view, a direct feeling of how central that was so I still had bad scores in English classes but I was able to listen understand and talk in English quite well
- I learn plenty of other languages (cf Languages but basically and with very different amount of effort, and results: French, then English, Spanish, German, Latin, Ancient Greek, Chinese, Portuguese) but overall the most useful is English so being an utilitarian and based on Wikipedia:Constructivism
I accept forgetting them gradually
- but then why are the others English that bad? I suppose Agnotology has a role here too, i.e. that students there can be a trend that open display of superior cognitive ability is criticized by some thus not encouraging proper accent in class
- this might be the case in other area but with a lesser impact, i.e. one can do mathematics at home or silently without having a big impact whereas languages gain value precisely through interactions thus have a social underlying aspect
See also
To do
- include AutoDebate.Template
- create "zealbot" (zealot bot), a Supybot plugin that can automatically import from here
- example to import with cURL/wget
- see now my
~/bin/pmwiki nolog=true
- hide the content, display only an input box which would display answers based on regex
- "secret" regex to return to the simple list of text
- if no pattern found, search in the website in general
- add anchor
- per question
- per answer (including question tag)
- consider Wikipedia:AIML
and the related chatbot competitions
- merge own answers from http://www.quora.com/Fabien-Benetou