- why did you create those "AutoDebate" pages?
- life is too short to repeat yourself over and over, we should move on to the really interesting new things. The more I rehearse the same arguments only to hear the same flawed answer the more my sanity is at risk so I suppose one could say those pages are a way for me to focus on what matter to me yet while sharing efficiently improving argumentations for my positions.
- you think you can predict people questions, isn't it rather arrogant?
- no. Fact is when you discuss a topic over and over, patterns do emerge. Even if each participant is indeed unique because of his or her education and cultural background, tensions are usually precisely happening when different backgrounds collide. Since there is a pattern it means part of the process can and thus should be automated.
- I think your questions pre-suppose that the other person is silly, why is that?
- there is no assumption made regarding the person, only positions expressed through questions. We should avoid silly questions during a debate and only discuss what matters
- see also Sophisms as I want to avoid ad hominem
- the person you seem to be debating with is also always wrong!
- well no that's not true in few rare instance agree. You have to remember the title of those pages those though, they all include AutoDebate. A debate implies and exchange of positions including opposed positions. There is no need to be 100% in disagreement but if there is no arguments then there is no debate. In that case you can look at my analysis
- see also Wikipedia:Socratic method
- one of your argument is invalid, I want to correct you
- please do, those pages are not static, they are there precisely public in order to be improved over time through fruitful discussions. Showing me where and why I am wrong is very positive, since you did take the time to consider my position you will immediately get my attention.
- those pages imply that your time is more precious than mine
- no, those pages imply that both our time is so precious we should not waste time on what we agree but rather move on to directly to the difference in our argumentations and what underlies them, studying the core of the problem rather than its periphery
- how is this not intellectual masturbation?
- the primary goal is to allow us to have meaningful conversation, since conversations involve more than one person it means I precisely do want to exchange, only efficiently.
- don't you think some person will be offended and consequently won't bother talking to you?
- that is a risk I am willing to take, if their purpose is to share a model in order to have a proper discussion, I think they should embrace those pages, if their purpose was only to socialize then they should indeed avoid me since that is not the objective of a rational debate.
See also
- Mister Roboto
- "Never forget the power of silence, that massively disconcerting pause which goes on and on and may at last induce an opponent to babble and backtrack nervously." Lance Morrow