Fabien alias Utopiah's analysis articles
Moved from Seedea.SandIdeabox#analysisarticles
Those articles illustrate my current concerns regarding specific situations. They might potentially move to a more classical "blog" form in order to facilitate reading (but the wiki aspect is still pretty useful for writing them).
Potential new articles
- the cost of low barrier to entry in software
- everybody thinks they can write a piece of software and earn a lot because of the intrinsically unique production process
- "You only need a laptop and a brain"
- what are the consequences of such an "easy" process?
- is it actually that easy?
- if there is no barrier to entry in production, are others barriers raised?
- references
- The Future of Internet
- Scale Free Punctuated Learning
- micro-organism level : taux de mutations suivant la pression des resources disponibles dans l'environnement
- Ponctuated Equilibrium by Stephen J. Gould
- individual level : Eureka moment
- science level : growth rate of scientific discoveries during war periods
- discussion with Gwenael (end of June 2009)
- Vannevar Bush's article As We May Think from 1945
- related links
- business misconception
- the final product of a corporation is *not* their physical product or services but their shareholders value, their return on investment
- physical product or services and labor are just costs to achieve that
- shareholders are the true end-users of corporations, not clients
- by buying something from a corporation a client "just" help to make its cogs turn but they are actually more of a side-effects, like workers there
- industrial food chain
- key players
- Soil layer : Governments, Funds, ? (see reference in Dessous des Cartes)
- Seed layer : Monsanto, Syngenta, Novartis, DuPont, ...
- Processing layer : Unilever, Nestle, ...
- Logistic layer : DHL, CEVA, ...
- Distribution layer : Wallmart, Carrefour, ...
- Fastfood/Restaurant layer : McDonals, BK, ... (because they are actually, even if one never eats there, just by the quantity they buy, re-shaping the industry landscape)
- regulatory bodies : FAO, ...
- evolution
- increasingly more levels in a Vertical market?
- add the profits margins follow a trend?
- largest profits moving from the certain layers to others? why?
- see also Food technology, Food industry according to Wikipedia
- references
- The fabric of a human life,
- The beach concept, pre packaged-utopia for the hardworking proletariat
- Technologies for liberties
- epistemology mechanisms and the role of think-tanks in the production and dissemination of new political doctrines
- does epistemology have a speed and why does it matter
- (notes from the 12/04/09) on my notebook
- when (speed of discovery of virtual worlds > speed of production) == true and what are the consequences?
- how do costs and benefits change the equation
- discussion with Sylvain, Vincent's flatmate regarding the price of extensions and their lifetime
- example exploring virtual world vs creating them
- Click click, presto, a world "how will worldbuilding look in 2020 - and how big will these regions be?" Thoughtware.TV, June 2009
- World of Warcraft players complaining about the lack of new adventures
- solutions proposed by the game industry (which seems to mostly delegate the task to the player and the player community)
- what is the impact in the context of extreme life extension? (as suggested by Nick Bostrom and reaching again a mind state if there is a limited amount of possible configurations)
- locate previous work on this topic (logs?)
- the notion of cognitive arbitrage
- Bots, why distinguishing them will matter more and more
- examples
- plain good old spam
- chatbots on IRC, IM, ...
- botnet edits (especially wikis)
- social network messaging automation with FriendBlaster or TubeBlaster
- blog comments triggered by text analysis
- Global App Store to Challenge iPhone? InternetNews.com February 2010
- comment "By Daine February 16 2010 11:34 PMPDT That was a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing that article which talk about the different issues in our society. I really love to read post which is about gold and stock market. It keep me updated with the current situation in the stock market and the value of gold in the market today which is a good investment. I look forward to your next post and Im sure it is as interesting post again. American Gold Coins"
- most likely triggered by the presence of "Jack Gold" in the text
- gold farmer in virtual worlds (VERN)
- advances in androids (HRP-4C, MIT Media Lab on face expression, ...)
- causes
- being more efficient, scale to handle more social interactions, ... while at the same time having progresses in NLP and mining social networks
- consequences
- wasted time, wasted resources, social ridicule, lower self-esteem, ...
- turing-test handshake
- origin
- references
- see also my
- Internet Services Weather
- Battle of models, why epistemology is fundamental is a world with limited resources
- The business of flux, how Internet monetization could get find inspiration for the history of the water industry
- providing affordances on the flux to be able to use it despite the speed, and volume (as a torrent?)
- models are constantly evolving, changing currents or paths of the flux
- precisely the role of our EE model and the CAEE using it!
- Botnets, mechanisms, roles and potential evolutions
- Computer-Assisted Evolutionary Epistemology for the E-CAP 2009
- thought experiments
- cf "a4-dna-kid-thought-experiment.txt"
- Life on earth - An history of optimizations.
- Organization using its key position to maintain it even throughout market changes (drawings on the notebook + discussion with Nathan)
- Project lifetime, scrum, agile development life cycle and concurrent emergent technologies
- Game : Mind diving
- build FCT's based on this game ? :P
- Patents, slowing down innovation or protecting creativity ?
- Cognitive freedom as a prerequisite for creativity
- Scalability of lifestyles, using lessons on software for a sustainable society
- Unconscious copying
- creativity as a mashing-up process
- not used to give references (except in science where it is a serious requirement)
- different indicator thus different results
- the problem of patents
- Imitiation: Sincerest form of flattery? NAH smart people think the same stuff by diocyde, Veiled Shadows, April 2009
- the french saying "Les grands esprits se rencontrent" (great minds think alike; the great minds themselves meet)
- Optimization against free will
- hypothesis : if you have a defined goal (ex: survive) and several ways to do it (ex: going to school, not going to school), isn't the pressure to make the optimal choice contradict your total freedom to choose between the different ways?
- Life as the bluepring of a virus
- Social integration, another network-based problem
- arriving in a new social environment
- awkward because the new node of the network does not know how each other nodes are connected thus how it relates to other and consequently where to place itself.
- it's basic auto-organization
- it's an information gap/hole thus requiring bet with very little knowledge thus creating a very difficult situation, very instable thus risky.
- solution : with a good "node insertion strategy" improved over time, one can easily arrive in a new environment without resulting in a too problematic situation.
- example of solution : when somebody introduces you to a group it's effective thanks to this person knowledge of this network
- Inspiration : watching a movie, The Upside of Anger 2005, in which a woman arriving in her new workplace feels awkward with everybody.
- the aesthetic of efficiency
- beauty is actually an appreciation of efficiency
- principle
- beauty is a representation of perceived efficiency and thus bears a function, it is impossible to have "pure" beauty alias aesthetic without function, form derives functions and beauty is how we appreciate it.
- justifications
- it has been taught to us by our genes
- we naturally (study?) appreciate sane bodies and have repulsion from unsane ones
- this as been exaggerated to the point of contest (Miss Universe, ...)
- those are cultural or biological fact (study on face symmetry, ...) more than "taste"
- it has been taught to us by our educational system
- how get good grades and the reward that goes with it
- References
- raw log of a discussion in ##philosophy
- Chapter 5 The Peacock's Tale
in my notes on The Red Queen
- the concept of GenicCapture
- fractal dimension and complexity, a potential measure for phylogenic positionning
- the more complexe the fractal , the higher its dimension
- the more information it encodes (based on the principle that simetry requires less information to be encoded, when ontegeny lacks information it just copy with symetry)
- the later it appeared in the evolutionary process
- phylogenic position of an organism by their fractal dimension of ontogenic development (if it's possible to find the dimension and based on the hypothesis that evolution tend to higher complexity)
- references
- complex systems / neural networks & evolution from the Bordalier Institute
- On the fractal structure of evolutionary trees
- "Fractals in Biology and Medicine", Vol. III, Proceedings of Third International Symposium, Ascona, Switzerland, March 8-11, 2000, Ed. G. Losa, D. Merlini, T. Nonnenmacher and E. Weibel, Birkhäuser Verlag, pp. 247-258
- Is the evolutionary tree a fractal structure?
- Authors: Chaline J.1; Nottale L.; Grou P.
- recovery pace and aging, slowing down as a "relax otpimization"
- Ad Astra vs entropy, did we already wasted too much?
- if we (the human race) have wasted too much energy at our disposal (reachable) we might never be able to reach the next set of resources (potentially on another planet) even if we improve our technology
- government as a software metaphore
- a government is like a group of software programmers
- the base of the software is the declaration of independance (or sth on that principle) then laws are a serie of patches to try to remove flaws from the generated system and all this is in the end like a software, i.e. a set of rules.
- The system is being attacked not by hackers but this time by financial lawyers that want to optimize the company income, etc...
- consequently, patches (amendments) are perpetually needed
Potential research topics
Personal articles
Some article use less theoretical framework and are based directly on my life experiences. You can consult them on Stories from my personal.
Sources of funding to dig deeper