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Integrated P.I.M. 2nd November 2008
The browser has already became one of your most important proxy to the world. It allows new possibilities that where never available before. You either harness those or get overwhelmed by information overload.
You produce data explicitly when you write but also implicitly just by usage. The one place that now gather most of your electronic experience is your computer and in it, your web browser. It has became the real window to the online world of information including your daily life management, your researches, your entertainment and even your socialization.
This very gateway is extremely personal. It has become your way to express yourself and also to look at how other do it.
Never before such a place existed and even if it did exist, never before was it able to record by itself nearly all the activity that were taking place through it. The possibility to use those produced and gathered data remain mainly untapped.
You access information in today's world through different media. The medium with the fastest content growth is the Internet. Your affordance to the Internet is your browser.
"it became clear to us (and everyone else) that the Web browser had become the location for research" (Creating Scholarly Tools and Resources for the Digital Ecosystem: Building Connections in the Zotero Project by Daniel J. Cohen for First Monday, Volume 13 Number 8 - 4 August 2008)
Using your behavior data (ex. Firefox SQL data) to detect :
Objective : suggest new patterns based on good practices (having your your browser act as teacher based on your own goals).
Good practices could even be written down as community scripts so that they could be peer-reviewed and shared amongst peers.
Simplified example : have the list of your top mistakes according to the corrections you applied thanks to FF dictionaries (Hunspell's project manage has been emailed)