Some basic rules on Google as a corporation
- a corporation first and foremost goal is to generate increasing profits
- a corporation can be bought, sold and change its staff
- a corporation motto is not its goal or a legal binding
- their motto says "Don't be evil"
- I can say Im an elephant, it doesn't make me one
- Google founders are really nice guys
- when the founders leave (with their initial ideal), most corporation changes
- Google has information but they retain it only for X months
- they are supposed to store personal data in the US for 18 months, refined data we can not know
- Im the user, if I don't like something they will change it
- you are the user indeed but you are not the consumer, cf Wikipedia:Two-sided market
, your data is what is being sold, that's precisely why you get the service for "free"
- everything Google does is public
- Erich Schmit, CEO of Google for a little while, removed results about his own life after saying publicly that if you don't want something bad to be displayed, you shouldn't do it in the first place
- Google took some strong political position against censorship in China
- is still up as when writing this page (March 2010)
- Google books, green tech, they are mostly doing good
- Google philanthropist branch isn't purely philanthropic, it's also a major communication tool (and I wont even talk about tax evasion or such mechanisms).
- green tech not because it's "positive" or whatever hippie thing, they invest in it because it lowers their margin, they are some of the biggest energy spending corporations better PUE (cf Wikipedia:Power usage effectiveness
) means less waste but means even more largest profits (especially thanks to subsidiaries paid by... citizens)
- it is still better than the government having it all
- the government being evil or not doesn't make Google any better
- Google having personal information does not in any way limit the government desire (and required actions) to gather personal data, one could even consider it as an insurance in case of major trouble
- all those are just hypotheses or your opinions
- Google is so innovative, by using it we favor innovation
In conclusion
Google may not be evil, but they have a pretty dangerously high "evil potential".
Google can be replaced by nearly any large corporation. Your grand-mother home business is in fact different because it is restricted to a local scale and does not have the resources to study the law and even less to modify it thanks to lobbyist and pressure groups (see also Legal Strategies : How Corporations Use Law to Improve Performance). The only twist is that most of us are interacting with Google one way or another and that each interaction is a trace to use for profit..
Google tools | Alternatives |
search (cf under) | Seeks, CommonCrawl ... |
Maps | OpenStreeMaps, ... |
GMail | RoundCube, ... |
Gtalk | Jabber, Status.Net, ... |
cache | Internet Archive |
Docs | FengOffice, ... |
Reader | NewsBlur, ... |
sites | UNHOSTED |
To do
- FOSS leverage
- funding project (GoogleOS, Chrome, VP8, Android, ...) vs. community free labor, is the dependency on corporations a curse or a blessing for the FOSS movement?
- beside free monitoring, contact within the FOSS community and advertisement, for Google I want to know what they gain
- license changes?
- discussions
- seedeabitlbee/felipesanches 24/06/2010 at 05:35
- freenode/#gsoc 24/06/2010 at 05:40
- no result through Stanford Web Search
- global stats on FOSS funding, not just for Mozilla, but overall, how much large vendors like IBM, Google, Sun, ... spend on it
- Error Message: Google Research Director Peter Norvig on Being Wrong, The Wrong Stuff, Slate August 2010
- "We do a lot of open-source projects, because if we release code and some other company makes something really cool that makes the Internet better, we benefit, too. About half of Internet users are using Google search, so if another company builds something and two people start using the Internet because of it, we're going to get one of them. "
- actual R&D
- what has been out of Google labs lately? at what price?
See also
- GoogleSharing A Special Kind Of Proxy
- aims to provide a level of anonymity that will prevent google from tracking your searches, movements, and what websites you visit.
- Scroogle Scraper by Google Watch
- Inside the Mind of Google by Maria Bartiromo, CNBC 2010
- Information Rules : A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy by Carl Shapiro and Hal R. Varian (current Google Chief Economist Officer as of 2010)
- Wikipedia:List of acquisitions by Google
- 5 Reasons You Should Be Scared of Google by Robert Evans, May 2010
- Google's Lights and Shadows : Past and Future of Metadata Industry by ippolita, Feltrinelli 2007
- Google, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring by Noah Shachtman, July 2010
- The Dark Side Of Google
- A Review of Verizon and Google's Net Neutrality Proposal by Cindy Cohn, Electronic Frontier Foundation August 2010
- List of Subsidiaries of Google Inc., a Delaware corporation, SEC
- Search neutrality? How Google became a "neutrality" target by Nate Anderson, ars technica May 2010
- Don't Be Evil?, ConsumerWatchdog September 2010
- Leave Google Behind Don't give Google control over your online life
- William Gibson on Google’s Earth by Mr Roboto, Cyberpunk Review September 2010
- World of Goo on Google by Greg Linden, Geeking with Greg March 2010
- Google Confirms That It Fired Engineer For Breaking Internal Privacy Policies by Jason Kincaid, TechCrunch September 2010
- promoted by Google itself through Gmail
- Le Dieu Google / les mutations de la lecture with Ariel Kyrou, Place de la Toile, France Culture October 2010
Inspired by
- countless conversations about Google
- discussion with a former Yahoo! employee
- Google, The Beast File March 2010