- why is your nickname "Utopiah"?
- unique, positive and a constant reminder that life is an improvement process. You might not reach the idealized place but if you positively reshaped you environment and yourself, then your trail itself should become this very utopia you were chasing.
- why the final "h"?
- to add a little spice to the name and incidentally be found more easily through search engines, see utopia VS. utopiah on GoogleBattle
- do you know the book by Thomas More?
- what about Shangri-La?
- there are several intertwined concepts, Shangri-La or the Promised Land have too heavy religious connotation
- if utopia by definition do not exist, do you exist?
- as long as you believe I exist, then I exist for you
- what is your own utopia?
- what have you actually done to progress toward that?
- what are dystopia?
- they are tools to help avoid potential pitfalls on utopian tentatives which is paradoxically probably why I appreciate dystopia books (including Brave New World, 1984, etc.) or anime than on utopia.
See also