AIW03, Lundi 17 janvier 2011 au CRI
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Own objectives
- help on that issue
- learn this
- meet that person
Attended activities
- intro
- arbre des possibilites
- histoire de l 'idee
- culture japononaise
- own question/view
arbre des possibilites
- augmentation des capacites cognitives, en particulier grace au support par la loi de Moore
- rupture / singularite
- passe
- avenir
- inevitable
- oui, par collaboration implicite (main invisible)
- non, collaboration explicite
- continuite
- gerer consciement
- gerer inconsciement
- non-gere = singularite
- physiquement impossible
a mettre a jour
- avec references
- avec probabilites ?
histoire de l 'idee
- 1847 Thoznoton
- 1958 acc progress of tech Ulam, Von Neuman
- 1965 intelligence explosion Good
- 1983 au dela de notre comprehension Vinge
- 1985 infity point, future shock Solomoff
- 1990 age of intelligent machine KK
- 1993 how to survive Vinge
- 1999 age of spiritual machine Kurtzweil
- 2005 singularity is near Kurtzweil
- 2007 3 majors singularity Yudowski
culture japononaise
own question/view
- is singularity technological economically possible?
- why should Moore law be paid for?
- own definition or interpretation of Turing Test
- since it relies on the interpreter or tester it is bounded by the education and own intelligence
- hence the more one knows about AI the harder less AI there is
- tool horizon -> limitating the event horizon
- cf RFI (emission la veille)
- does event horizon limit our technological development
- what is the opinion of epistemologists on the topic?
- is asking what singuarlity is equivalent to, can we learn from evolution?
- runaway of competition through the Internet media
- offloading cognition but also for the competitors
- Needs sur le fait d'avoir la puissance de calcul d'une societe entiere anterieur
- how does Gershenfeld applies to ProgrammingTheUniverse
- inevitabilite ?
- modulo physical resource available?
- determinism?
- economically?
- under Rock's Law? Red Queen's principle?
- renouvellement de l'inevitabilite ?
- because we will handle or manage it?
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Overall remarks and conclusions
- meet him
- could be improved by doing that
- see also that other event
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Other reviews or coverage
To do
- improve Template
- share the debate tool (maybe in or aft wiki) esp to cybunk
- maybe in
- @Mgandon recommended
- to check against ExtendedLayeredModel
- see also Wikipedia:Henri Laborit