
Integrate to the system on which I manage information (this very website, mostly) rules of proper behavior, costly on the short-term but very positive in the long-term.

Potential solutions

Incentive by gradual value and instant feedback

  • "pull" the value by displaying the expected result before tedious tasks have to be done
    • each task realize should increase value
    • e.g. each page of ReadingNotes that gets its ISBN added display the book cover instantly
      • on the other hand ExtendedLayeredModel requires pages to be categorized but provides no direct incentive

List of postponed tasks

  • typing notes from paper notebooks
  • unfinished books PersonalInformationStream
  • yearly review of books read in PersonalInformationStream#Finished (still not done for 2009 as of the end of 2010)
  • MemoryRecipe
    • cleared in early January 2011, yet, lack of explicit positive feedback?
    • note that server logs and browser history have an anchors that allows to deduce how many days the recall was done comparatively to the day it should have been done
    • also due to RSS client lack of availability
  • LinkOfTheMonth (still no November month added as of the end of December 2010)

Automate it and find an explanationatory pattern.

Retrospective on projects

  1. grab the list of wiki pages
    1. AllRecentChanges
    2. pagelist
      1. up to the date of visited page
        1. manually added
        2. through the browser history through the SQLiteDB
      2. up to a certain amount of pages
  2. skim for the oldest edit to the newest
  3. for each write down what "blocked" it
    1. what next piece of information (knowledge requirement) would unblock it and where it could be
      1. include the very last updates of that other page
      2. eventually use OwnConcepts#Epistemotaxis
    2. propose generative solution (cf ToDo#LeveragingRandomness)
      1. link to Seedea:Seedea/BackEnd
    3. eventually build a debugging template
  4. write down the date of which that entire process happened

Consider using explicit markets like ToDo sections or categories (e.g. postponing, finished or unfinished) could be used.

Inspired by

  • Recurrent idea of seing PIM as a discussion to a future self
  • Olders projects I rarely, if ever, go back to whereas maybe since I moved on, I found what was then blocking further progress
    • PIM as a supportive learning process
  • discussion 26/12/2010 freenode/##pim

See also

To do

  1. add things I do properly
    1. comparatively to myself in the past or to others
  2. consider popular self-help solutions
    1. e.g. Wikipedia:Getting Things Done, Wikipedia:The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
  3. other potential paths
    1. handling just X projects at a time
    2. learning Y new words per period
  4. apply generalized MemoryRecipe
    1. e.g. LeveragingRandomness
    2. still to do
      1. Seedea:Content/Newconcepts