Integrate to the system on which I manage information (this very website, mostly) rules of proper behavior, costly on the short-term but very positive in the long-term.
Potential solutions
Incentive by gradual value and instant feedback
- "pull" the value by displaying the expected result before tedious tasks have to be done
- each task realize should increase value
- e.g. each page of ReadingNotes that gets its ISBN added display the book cover instantly
- on the other hand ExtendedLayeredModel requires pages to be categorized but provides no direct incentive
List of postponed tasks
- typing notes from paper notebooks
- unfinished books PersonalInformationStream
- yearly review of books read in PersonalInformationStream#Finished (still not done for 2009 as of the end of 2010)
- cleared in early January 2011, yet, lack of explicit positive feedback?
- note that server logs and browser history have an anchors that allows to deduce how many days the recall was done comparatively to the day it should have been done
- also due to RSS client lack of availability
- LinkOfTheMonth (still no November month added as of the end of December 2010)
Automate it and find an explanationatory pattern.
Retrospective on projects
- grab the list of wiki pages
- AllRecentChanges
- pagelist
- up to the date of visited page
- manually added
- through the browser history through the SQLiteDB
- up to a certain amount of pages
- skim for the oldest edit to the newest
- for each write down what "blocked" it
- what next piece of information (knowledge requirement) would unblock it and where it could be
- include the very last updates of that other page
- eventually use OwnConcepts#Epistemotaxis
- propose generative solution (cf ToDo#LeveragingRandomness)
- link to Seedea:Seedea/BackEnd
- eventually build a debugging template
- write down the date of which that entire process happened
Consider using explicit markets like ToDo sections or categories (e.g. postponing, finished or unfinished) could be used.
Inspired by
- Recurrent idea of seing PIM as a discussion to a future self
- Olders projects I rarely, if ever, go back to whereas maybe since I moved on, I found what was then blocking further progress
- PIM as a supportive learning process
- discussion 26/12/2010 freenode/##pim
See also
To do
- add things I do properly
- comparatively to myself in the past or to others
- consider popular self-help solutions
- e.g. Wikipedia:Getting Things Done
, Wikipedia:The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
- other potential paths
- handling just X projects at a time
- learning Y new words per period
- apply generalized MemoryRecipe
- e.g. LeveragingRandomness
- still to do
- Seedea:Content/Newconcepts