- MPAA looking to build a firewall around USA by Mr Roboto, Cyberpunk Review September 2010
- Key ingredient staves off marijuana memory loss by Arran Frood, Nature News October 2010
- Don't just roll the dice: a usefully short guide to software product pricing by Neil Davidson, 2009
- TV viewing likely to make you feel dissatisfied and fear illness, researcher warns ScienceDaily September 2010
- Mathematics, Biology and Metabiology by Gregory Chaitin, 2009
- Conversations with History - Neil Shubin host Harry Kreisler, UC Berkeley 2009
- Innovation Strategy by Alexander Manu, Technology Management Program UCSB August 2010
- Thinking and Talking About the Self by John Perry, UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures 2009
- Authors@Google: Donald Knuth, Google 2009
- with interesting remarks ~34min by an employee on a system of belief and the system ability to consider hypothesis as such and thus re-evaluating them in the face of new evidences
- 3:16 Bible Texts Illuminated by Donald E. Knuth
- Eric Schmidt on technology, innovation & the global economy, Pittsburgh Technology Council 2009
- Innovative Minds Don’t Think Alike by Janet Rae-Dupree, New York Times 2007
- curse of knowledge = once you’ve become an expert in a particular subject, it’s hard to imagine not knowing what you do
- The Art of Computer Programming by Donald E. Knuth, directed by Daisy Morin, May 2010
- Wikipedia:Stuxnet
- Sitting at the Feet of a Master, Don Knuth, Case Alumni Association June 2010
- Connections - episode 5 Wheel of Fortune with James Burke, BBC 1978
- Evolution of Mutating Software by Gregory Chaitin, Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science 97, 2009
- Frenchelon: la DGSE est en “1ère division” by Jean-Marc Manach, Bug Brother LeMonde.fr October 2010
- Google's 'instant' search springs keyboard controls by Cade Metz, The Register October 2010
- Innovation Diffusion in Time and Space: Effects of Social Information and of Income Inequality by Anne Kandler and James Steele, Diffusion Fundamentals 2009
- Scientist’s Operating Manual – Introduction by John Wilkins, Evolving Thoughts September 2010
- John Cleese on the Origin of Creativity, Open Culture September 2010
- Complex adaptive systems and the diffusion of innovations, The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal 2005
- The Evolution of Cooperation, NECSI
- Pattern, process and the evolution of meaning: species and units of selection by Andre Levy, Theory in Bioscience September 2010
Sowing the Seeds for a more Creative Society by Mitchel Resnick, Google Tech Talks 2006
- On Getting Creative Ideas by Murray Gell-Mann, Google Tech Talks 2007
- ~35min on simulated annealing and noise
- The Next Fifty Years of Science by Kevin Kelly, Google TechTalks 2006
- Social sensitivity trumps IQ in group intelligence by Miriam Frankel, New Scientist October 2010
- To a mathematical theory of evolution and biological creativity by Gregory Chaitin, September 2010
- Portrait of the 2009 Laureates in Economic Sciences, Nobel Media 2009
- Language trees ≠ gene trees also by James Steele and Anne Kandler, Theory in Biosciences, Volume 129, Numbers 2-3
- "many historically minded sociolinguists correctly intuit that in the earlier phase of language shift, there was often a more aggressive interference competition between the two groups of speakers as they competed to control resource flows; and it is for this reason that language shift reversal and contemporary language maintenance policies are often promoted politically by invoking the memory of past historical injustices dating from the earliest phases of the language shift."
- to move to Languages
- 2002 Economics Nobel Prize Winner Vernon Smith on 2009 Winner Elinor Ostrom by Ivan Osorio, OpenMarket.org 2009
- Interview with the 2009 Laureates in Economic Sciences Elinor Ostrom and Oliver E. Williamson, Nobel Media 2009
Evolutionary epistemology as a scientific method: a new look upon the units and levels of evolution debate by Nathalie Gontier, Theory in Biosciences May 2010
- Bootstrapping a Lean Startup by Ash Maurya, March 2010
- Cosmology: Recent Results and Future Prospects by Matias Zaldarriaga, Institute for Advanced Study September 2010
- Quanta, Symmetry, and Topology Frank Wilczek, Institute for Advanced Study September 2010
- What's the Internet Doing to Our Brains?, Nicholas Carr in conversation with Peter Norvig, California Common-Wealth Club July 2010
- See the Future with a Search by Tom Simonite, Technology Review October 2010
- Geometry of Growth and Form: Commentary on D'Arcy Thompson by John Milnor, Institute for Advanced Study September 2010
- Fundamental Physics in the 21st Century by Nima Arkani-Hamed, Institute for Advanced Study September 2010
- ~1h01min "Yesterday's discovery is today's background and is tomorrow's calibration."
- What if Current Foundations of Mathematics are Inconsistent? Vladimir Voevodsky, Institute for Advanced Study September 2010
- Conspiracy Theories in Medicine by Didier Fassin, Institute for Advanced Study September 2010
- Elinor Ostrom: Collective Action and the Commons, Cornell University 2009
- The Dynamo and the Computer: An Historical Perspective on the Modern Productivity Paradox by Paul A. David, American Economic Review 1990
- SimCode: Agent-based Simulation Modelling of Open-Source Software Development by Jean-Michel Dalle and Paul A. David, SIEPR Discussion Paper 2004
- Consciousness: One of the last great mysteries by Alok Jha, guardian.co.uk October 2010
- Michael Rose on A New Immortalist Strategy, Immortality Institute International Conference 2010
- IT Consultant Prescribes Open Innovation for Pfizer by Adrienne Frank, American University 2009
- Cooperation in network as an alternative for the knowledge creation. Example of Free and Open Source Software. by Inna Lioubareva, January 2010
- following a discussion during IRILLDays2010 with Massimiliano Gambardella
- La coopération en réseau comme alternative pour la création de connaissances. Exemple du Logiciel Libre.
- requested and received
- Stand Alone Strategy (SAS) which refers to a tightly-coupled organization
- Exchange Strategy (ES) which corresponds to a loosely-coupled organization
- Cooperation Strategy (CS) which represents an alternative form of coupling based on cooperation
- related tools
- FLOSSMetrics project
- LibreSoft tools: Project Info by Morfeo-Forge
- Tools for the analysis of development repositories (cvs/svn, mailing lists, bug tracking systems, etc.) of libre (free, open source) software projects, with the aim of better understanding their development processes and status.
- Ohloh, the open source network
- Wikipedia:Commons-based peer production
- mention of Ostrom regarding Wikipedia:Elinor Ostrom#Research
and in particular Wikipedia:Common-pool resource
- onion model in The roles of developers and the structure of communities of The Protestant ethic strikes back: Open source developers and the ethic of capitalism by Teemu Mikkonen, Tere Vadén, and Niklas Vainio, First Monday 2007
- Free/Libre Open Source Software: a guide for SMEs by Carlo Daffara, Conecta 2009
- Game Theory with Ben Polak, YaleCourses
- This course is an introduction to game theory and strategic thinking. Ideas such as dominance, backward induction, Nash equilibrium, evolutionary stability, commitment, credibility, asymmetric information, adverse selection, and signaling are discussed and applied to games played in class and to examples drawn from economics, politics, the movies, and elsewhere.
- mention of Leroi-Gourhan (Le geste et la parole, 1964) and Bachimont (Herméneutique matérielle et Artéfacture, 1996), already discovered through Cognition
- 10 Steps to Launch Your Startup for under $2,000, FI Mentor Talk August 2010
- Genome-building from the bottom up by Alla Katsnelson, Nature News October 2010
- Paul McGlothin on Calorie Restriction in Humans, Immortality Institute International Conference 2010
- Eric Schmidt - The Colbert Report - 9/21/10, Comedy Central September 2010
- Panel - The Perfect Storm (Google Atmosphere Session 4), GoogleApps 2009
- Knowledge begets (only) efficiency by Jaideep Mishra, The Economic Times October 2010
Vers une biodiversité artificielle : l'homme peut-il vivre en symbiose avec les autres espèces ?, Canal Académie October 2010
- Twitter's New Search Architecture by @michibusch, The Twitter Engineering Blog October 2010
- LDA - Is On-Page Optimization the SEO Secret? by Dana Lookadoo, SEOmoz September 2010
- Northwestern Prof Wins Nobel in Economics, NBC Chicago October 2010
- Fox/Shulman, ECAP 2010 “Super-intelligence Does Not Imply Benevolence” Video Michael Anissimov, Accelerating Future October 2010
- Brian Cox's guide to quantum mechanics, Guardian.co.uk October 2010
- The evolutionary roots of laughter by Christian Jarrett, BPS Research Digest October 2010
- Chilean Economist Manfred Max-Neef: US Is Becoming an “Underdeveloping Nation”, History Is A Weapon (and a blog) October 2010
- Stallman calls for end to ‘war on sharing’ by Liz Tay, iTnews.com.au September 2010
- Dirty Oil by Leslie Iwerks, Babelgum 2009
- Hadopi : "L'objectif est la répression, le travail sur l'offre légale n'est qu'un cache-sexe" by Benjamin Bayart, LeMonde.fr October 2010
- the creative internet (106 things), Google Creative Labs
- The black market for data by Jud Valeski, O'Reilly Radar October 2010
- The Search for the Value of Data by Romin Irani, ProgrammableWeb October 2010
Richard Florida, Authors@Google 2008
- The Emerging World of ECoG Neuroprosthetics by Eric C. Leuthardt, Google Tech Talk September 2010
- Q&A on bitrate and invasiveness
- Publish your computer code: it is good enough by Nick Barnes, Nature News October 2010
- Computational science: ...Error by Zeeya Merali, Nature News October 2010
- Regular Expressions by Joao Marques-Silva, University College Dublin 2010
- Societies evolve in steps by Kerri Smith, Nature News October 2010
- Counting collaboration by Daniel Cressey, Nature News October 2010
- Stefano Mancuso: The roots of plant intelligence, TED July 2010
- Voting Paradoxes and Combinatorics by Noga Alon, Institute for Advanced Study October 2010
- La recherche sur le cerveau : une priorité pour les décennies à venir, Canal Académie October 2010
- Using What We Know: Turning Organizational Knowledge into Team Performance, HBS Working Knowledge October 2010
- The Story of Bottled Water, March 2010
- Benoit Mandelbrot, Mathematician, Dies at 85 - Obituary (Obit) by Jascha Hoffman, NYTimes.com October 2010
- Publish like a pro by Kendall Powell, Nature October 2010
- Self-consciousness: How? When? Where? by Humberto Maturana, Constructivist Foundations 2006
- Intervention de Bernard Stiegler en prelude a PhiloWeb 2010, PhiloWeb August 2010
- PhiloWeb 2010, The First Web & Philosophy International Symposium, a joint multidisciplinary effort between University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and INRIA, held in Paris on Saturday October 16 2010
- Grammatisation sur Ars Industrialis = processus de description, de formalisation et de discrétisation des comportements humains (voix et gestes) qui permet leur reproductibilité.
- Hypomnémata sur Ars Industrialis = objets engendrés par l’hypomnesis, c’est-à-dire par l’artificialisation et l’extériorisation technique de la mémoire.
- Un autre regard sur PhiloWeb. Avec Eddie Soulier, PhiloWeb July 2010
- Connections - episode 6: Thunder in the Skies with James Burke, BBC 1978
- To be the best, cite the best by Zoe Corbyn, Nature News October 2010
- Peer to Peer communism vs the client-server state by Dmytri Kleiner, SIGINT 2010
- The Political Economy of Network Topologies
- The Telekommunist Manifesto is an exploration of class conflict and property born in the realization of the primacy of economic capacity in social struggles.
- Dmytri Kleiner software developer working on practical and symbolic projects investigating the political economy of the Internet.
- Telekommunisten (see also http://www.telnik.net/ )
- ME++ The Cyborg Self and the Networked City by William J. Mitchell, MIT World 2003
- What Copycats Know About Innovation with Oded Shenkar, HBR IdeaCast - Harvard Business Review June 2010
- Oliver Sacks on Empathy as a Path to Insight, HBR IdeaCast - Harvard Business Review October 2010
- Recherche sur le cerveau : propositions pour une recherche plus incisive, Canal Académie October 2010
- Au delà de l'offre et de la demande. Y a t-il un capitalisme idéal ?, Canal Académie October 2010
- Existing and emerging patent monetization business models by Ron Laurie, IBF Corporate Venturing & Innovation Partnering Conference February 2010
- What Motivates Us? with Daniel Pink, HBR IdeaCast - Harvard Business Review February 2010
- The Right Way to Collaborate (If You Must) with Morten Hansen, HBR IdeaCast - Harvard Business Review March 2010
- The Economics of Mass Collaboration with Don Tapscott, HBR IdeaCast - Harvard Business Review October 2010
- What's organizing? A meditation on the bust of Emilio Bootme in praise of Jim Taylor by Bruno Latour, MAD Conference 2008
- Networks, Societies, Spheres: Reflections of an Actor-network theorist by Bruno Latour, International Seminar on Network Theory Keynote, USCAnnenberg February 2010
- Chinese Chip Closes In on Intel, AMD by Christopher Mims, MIT Technology Review October 2010
- "The Godson processor appears to have been designed primarily with automated circuit design tools, which is common throughout the microprocessor industry, but the processor has not been manually tweaked by engineers, which is not."
- http://www.top500.org
- Network Theories of Power by Manuel Castells, USCAnnenberg February 2010
- Coase Lecture by Ronald Coase, University of Chicago Law School 2003
- Encoding Algorithmic Matter by Roland Snooks, USC Architecture April 2010
- Fitness for Survival by Dave Munger, SeedMagazine.com October 2010
- This is Your Brain on Food by Gary Wenk, SeedMagazine.com September 2010
- Les laboratoires d'anatomie et de botanique à l'Académie des Sciences au XVIIe siècle by Joseph Schiller, Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications 1964
- Give Me a Laboratory and I will Raise the World by Bruno Latour, Perspectives on the Social Study of Science, SAGE Publications 1983
- Civilization on Six Legs: Societies of Ants and honeybees with Mark Moffett, Thomas Seeley, California Academy of Sciences June 2010
Avoiding the Privacy Apocalypse with Simon Davies and Gus Hosei, Google Tech Talk October 2010
- Cyberinfrastructure as Cognitive Scaffolding: The Role of Genre Creation in Knowledge Making by Janet Murray, Academic Commons 2007
- "When we think of cyberinfrastructure we have to include these discourse and media analysis tools as well as the number crunchers, optical cables, and compression algorithms. Because media serve to focus our common attention in productive ways, we must exploit all the affordances of this new medium of representation, to improve the depth, breadth, and commonality of our focus."
- Why An MBA Could Kill Your Chance To Become A Great Tech Entrepreneur by David Irvine, MaidSafe : ideas for a free world September 2010
- 1000 Mb/sec bandwidth (yes one thousand megabit) by David Irvine, MaidSafe : ideas for a free world October 2010
- Opinion: Mutations of citations by Christian G. Specht, The Scientist September 2010
- Energy crisis: why bacteria can't build complex cells by Diana Gitig, ars technica October 2010
- "Eukaryotes thus have 104 times more power per Mb of DNA—more power per gene—than prokaryotes. This is what enabled them to develop complexity."
- Getting off the "hedonic treadmill" and getting happier by Kate Shaw, ars technica October 2010
- La vie dans l'univers, du rêve à la réalité, Canal Academie February 2010
- Virtual Environments and the Emergence of Synthetic Reason by Manuel DeLanda, 1993
- note that stabilization at a level could also be helped by another organism that benefits from it, leveraging the stable state even providing energy to produce it in contexts in which it could have hardly stabilized
- virtual environments as "epistemological reservoir"
- Deleuze and the Use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture by Manuel Delanda, Columbia University 2009
- ~1h13m mention of the compatibility between Deleuze's view and zen Buddhism but also of Francisco Varela
- Wikipedia:Emilia–Romagna#Economy
used as an example of a very distributed and free-market area mainly through a network of independent designers
- A successful Git branching model by Vincent Driessen, nvie.com January 2010
- SHS 2.0 - Informatique entre pratiques et savoirs with Bruno Bachimont, Gérard Berry, Jean-Paul Delahaye, François Sebbah, Pierre Cassou-Noguès, MESHS March 2010
- Croire au progrès, une pensée en crise by Axel Kahn, Canal Académie Octobre 2010
- De la matière à la vie : la chimie ? la chimie ! by Jean-Marie Lehn, Canal Académie 2006
- Starcraft 2: For the Swarm by Alex Do and Taylor Parsons, Google Tech Talk September 2010
- Worlds Upon Worlds: An Illustrated Talk by Toby Lester, Google Tech Talk August 2010
- Meaningful Innovation: Whether to Design or Evolve? by Steve Jurvetson, Google Tech Talk September 2010
- ~44min evolution design, evolutionary algorithm ability to produce result yet detail on the importance and eventually limit of the explicit selection pressure
- Matteo Gagliolo CoMo Home Page
- including chapter on Algorithm Survival Analysis of Empirical Methods for the Analysis of Optimization Algorithms, Springer December 2010
- ~1h04min conclusion : concatenating code that exists is going to be the new paradigm of the future, not redesigning new code
- see older talk at Stanford
- Singularité Technologique et Capitalisme Cognitif, Approches Interdisciplinaires du Web 2009
- Interview de Yann Moulier Boutang à Lift France 10, Lift France July 2010
- Innovation in a Disruptive Environment by Steve Jurvetson, Stanford's Entrepreneurship Corner 2009
- see later talk at Google
- again links between a lot of different fields, mention of the exponential curve regarding technological progresses, highlight of re-use and evolved design
- 'Marilyn Monroe' neuron aids mind control by Alison Abbott, Nature News October 2008
- Kevin Kelly tells technology's epic story, TEDxAmsterdam 2009
- Urbanose #15 : Entretien avec Henri Lefebvre, Office National du Film du Canada 1972
Soul-travel for selfless beings by Thomas Metzinger, The World Question Center 2009
- Integrating R with C++: Rcpp, RInside, and RProtobuf by Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois, Google Tech Talk October 2010
- Cryonics Death in the deep freeze, National Geographic 2006
- Guns Germs and Steel with Jared Diamond, Lion Television 2005
- consider the model of availability of privileged location through land then animals availability, etc... through the cost of Wikipedia:Energy Slave
- added to Vademecum
- reconsidered how the tropic web model can be a tool for a hunter
- Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" by Kevin Murphy, Ithaca College 2008
- Conceptual Art by Karin Abramova, Ignite Toronto 2009
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