IRILLDays2010 04/10/2010 at INRIA
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Attended activities
Day 1
Day 2
Day 1
Michael Tiemann, VP RedHat (9h45-10h30)
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- models of inno
- Baldwin and Von Hippel
- transition to collab env.
- 1/3rd of humanity is connected together
- Internet is the largest collab env
- see The World is Flat 3.0
- compat with indou philsophy of knowledge
- exist godess of knowledge Sara...
- theory or practice?
- policy recommendations
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Karsten Gerloff, President, FSFE Enlightening! Free Software research in context (10h4511h15-11h1511-??)
- Karsten Gerloff President of FSFE
- Karsten on Free Software Breaking chains, building bridges
- why do we do free software?
- software ubiquitous
- who control all this computer?
- ref to Lessig on Code is law
- "Free software need a lobby.", "We wear a suit so that you don't have to."
- What can researchers do for free software?
- figures to argue properly
- number of dev, biz actors, ...
- to be published under the right license
- "bad" example of recent CERN move
Georg Greve, Kolab Systems, CEO; FSFE, Board Member: Free Software and the Playing Field (11h1511h??-11h4512h05)
- Georg C. F. Greve Founder and former President of FSFE
- CEO of Kolab Systems AG
- still default
- accounting
- proprietary license as asset rather than a liability
- exclusive rights (to exclude others of using)
- public R&D funding
- e.g. CERN before
- rather than focus on competency
- still misunderstanding of what proprietary software means
- exclusive ocntrol of proprietor
- an entire chain
- mention of the locked-in effect of Switzerland and Microsoft
- if the model is not understood (proprietary model), how can the opposite model be understood? (FLOSS)
- redefinition tries
- fair trade software, bio software, ...
- quality?
- in the large project when the wisdom of the crowd applies yes, on the side, maybe not always
- "Any sufficiently advanced corruption is indistinguishable from incompetence." Georg Greve
- inspired by Arthur C. Clark "Any sufficiently advanced technology indistinguishable from magic."
- money is a tool for sharing labor
- differentiate on quality and efficiency, not control (USP)
- co-existance is not a goal, rather spit-out the "proprietary kool-aid"
- several ref to Gartner and their remark on Open Cores (prop. with new packaging)
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Roberto Di Cosmo, Director, IRILL (11h4512h05-12h45??)
- importance about pedagogy and education, not just technology
- entirely new way of developing software
- foster vendor independence
- political impact of IT decision and its link with the level of incompetence
- INRIA valorisation logiciel libre
- problem of the "white paper" software design which is unrealistic as there already is an ecosystem
- goal
- being a catalyzer
- details of the logo
- 3 colors
- developer community
- industries
- research and education
- go further than the publish or perish mindset
- always updating courses
- favoritize new material for FOSS Curricula by and for teachers
- example
- Mancoosi FP7 project presented right after
- provide resources
- links
- fund research
- inno network
- including Cap Digital and Systematic
- communities
- industry
- public bodies
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Mancoosi: managing your GNU/Linux installation, Stefano Zacchiroli (14h00-14h30)
- mancoosi managing software complexity (FP7 project)
- "We pursue two main avenues:
- Develop mechanisms that provide for rollbacks of failed upgrade attempts, allowing the system administrator to revert the system to the state before the upgrade (work package 2 and work package 3)
- Develop better algorithms and tools to plan upgrade paths based on various information sources about software packages and on optimization criteria (workpackages work package 4 and work package 5)."
- EDOS aimed at improving the stability of a distribution from the point of view of the distribution editor
- user = sysadmin of a machine
- killapp = package management om a software distribution
- competition mode
- equivalent to routing problem?
- CUDF Common Upgradeability Description Format
- DUDF distribution specific equivalent of CUDF
- MiSC Mancoosi internal Solver Competition
- CPLEX based (UNSA)
- importance of the encoding of the problem
- research trend of "self" optimization through competition in the CS community?
- Q&A
- autoconf, gcc toolchain, ...
- importance in the cloud (with upcoming "eos")
- for virtual machine to do upgrade plans in a network of interconnected machines
- cycles of community to model and optimize in 2 sides
- user -> problem defining
- dev comm -> to plug solver
- part of the larger movement especially in CS ?
- template ? lessons from similar projects ?
- 1st project by the author and presented at FOSDEM about a year and half ago
- suitable for KM? lookup table?
- probably not, problems are "too uniq"
Coccinelle at the service of the Linux Kernel, Julia Lawall (14h30-15h00)
- Coccinelle A Program Matching and Transformation Tool for Systems Code
- SmPL (Semantic Patch Language)
- Collateral Evolutions
- Semantic patches
- definition of metavariables, subterms, ...
- specificities
- based on regex
- C, part PHP support (from Facebook)
- see also A Bug Life (ABL)
- does this lead to the complexification or simplification of the toolchain?
- smarter patch series/Quilt/Mercurial Queues by integrating with testing?
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Ocsigen: rethinking web programming, Vincent Balat (15h00-15h30)
- Ocsigen proposing clean and safe tools for developing and running Web 2.0 applications.
- description of the evolution
- even RoR, GWT and others do not fully anticipated the web as a participatory platform
- Ocsigen Philosophy Eliom uses Objective Caml
- checking at compile time, including HTML validity, link, ...
- live demo (locally)
- compiler from OCaml bytecode to JavaScript
- sum-up
- 1 code client and server
- high-level expressive primitives
- static typing
- Q&A
- limits of static typing, e.g. Haskell
- bus actually usable or just at the demo level
- browser idiosyncrasy
- OCaml specificities (e.g. mutate ref vs. bus translation to JS)
- edition=server restart
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Day 2
Technical session: Emerging projects and technologies (9h30-12h15)
New Trends in Scilab, Claude Gomez (9h30-10h00)
- Seedea:Seedea/Simulations
- including Modelica compiler through Scicos Block diagram modeler/simulator
- preview for Scilab 6.0
- new kernel for HPC, code generation, debugging
- applied math algorithms designed for sequential, not parallelism
- Scilab code currently a property of INRIA who funds it
- one member of the Scilab consortium
- License CeCILL
- CeCILL initiated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA
- Le Consortium Scilab annonce la création de Scilab Enterprises on Digiteo
- providing services and support
- Equalis Your Mathematics Community
- new Scilab for 2010 = Scilab Consortium + Scilab 6.0 + Scilab Entreprise
- desiring to be partner with IRILL
- Q&A
- lobbying CPGE and Education National, Inspection Generale de Mathematiques (against Mathematica)
- difference between Mathlab and Scilab
- "To make money you have to cut the software in pieces." (cf InformationRules)
- anyway, everything is based on matrices libraries mainly BLAS and LAPACK
- how did you get successful and gain credibility then trust?
- using Matlab, estimation of tokens, estimation of alternative
- being free
- opinion on NumPy, R, ...
- working on establishing a link but a different way of using numerical computation
- Scilab provides an interpreter, is specific to matrices, ...
- not really aiming at computer scientists
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Building an R&D ecosystem around GCC: what, why and how?, Albert Cohen (10h-10h30)
-, tools discussed yesterday
- community > code
- mechanism thanks to a diagram from MELT project
- community specificities
- based on trust and fair usage through licenses like GPL
- hybrid of Cathedral the Bazaar
- example of the price of code merging after long branching with Apple and a lack of understanding of the community structure
- mention of papers from POPL, PLDI, HiEAC, PPoPP, PACT, CAES, CGO, ICS
- mention of parallelism (OpenMP) but also specialization through GPUs (CUDA) and also Cookbook.Electronics#FPGA
- explanation of MELT as a way to make "your own pass"
- still important to tune, example of ARM as "the most popular platform today"
- see also Gregori Fursin from INRIA
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Component-based programming with Fractal - models, tools and the FraSCAti platform , Philippe Merle and/or Lionel Senturier (10h45-11h25)
- Wikipedia:Component-based software engineering
- component = membrane + sub-components
- notion of
- reflective control
- sharing
- unique, a component can be a sub-component of other components
- allows to make graphs, not just trees
- bindings
- details on the fractal aspect
- a component in a membrane component also has a membrane
- reflections
- minimal
- structural
- behavioral
- examples
- FT Think, STmicroelectro MIND, gestion de workflow, ...
- Q&A
- difficulte de battir une communaute
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Dynamic web development, Stéphane Ducasse (11h25-11h55)
- layered set of abstractions over HTTP and HTML based on Smalltalk
- objectives
- remodularisation
- modular and secure reflective languages
- Pharo Open Source Smalltalk
- other frameworks, especially on Javascript, at WebWorkersCampParis
- examples
- live demo
- continuation
goto call/answer (procedural return) over HTTP
- objectif
- entreprise en Suisse, en Belgique, mais pas au nord de la France
- Q&A
- probleme de l'environment non maitrise (reseau lowQ)
- equivalent Lisp/Guile ?
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Technical session: Industry and innovation (14h00-16h30)
Hi-Lite: a Verification Toolkit for Unit Test and Unit Proof, Yannick Moy (Adacore) (14h00-14h30)
Missed, extended lunch, noticed they have blackboard in the bathrooms
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Open Source Cloudware initative: towards a free, open cloud, Jean-Pierre Laisné (OW2) (14h30-15h00)
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Open data and the Data Publica Project, François Bancilhon (15h00-15h30)
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DORM, the missing tool to persist your deliveries, Pierre Queinnec (Zenika) (16h00-16h30)
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A short survey of Real Time Linux technologies, Pierre Ficheux (OpenWide) (16h30-17h00)
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Own objectives
- help on that issue
- learn this
- meet that person
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Other reviews
To do
- improve Template
- take the habit of eliciting the motivation of the organizer
- discovered through
- Cap Digital
- abv
- CI = Collaborative Innovation
- inno = innovation
- env. = environment
- recording most likely available under 10 days
- pass with
in front!
- amazingly, everybody did the "correction" mistake!
- names of people discussed with...
- first conf with that many interpreter/compiler running
Alcatel-Lucent (recall remarks, questions, path to understanding!, ML related project, ...)