- Nutrients for Better Mental Performance by Steven Wm. Fowkes, Google Tech Talk 2009
- Entrepreneurial Learning 2.0 Navigating the Coming Disruption in How We Learn To Innovate by Alex Bruton, Google Tech Talk February 2010
- ~min40 T-shaped model
- core discipline with the vertical part
- portfolio of knowledge, skills, attitude
- examples with specialized (highly specialized with big picture) vs. business school (large portfolio but no depth in one specific area)
- interesting model of innovativeness vs. feasibility low/high matrix to judge projects and make them improve toward high/high
- consider a click&annotate equivalent for Seedea
- mention of Clayton Christensen
- Alex Bruton at Mount Royal University, Canada
- TALCIE Teaching and Learning for Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- UTC equivalent with Mineur IntEnT - Intensive Entrepreneur Training
- The Go Programming Language by Rob Pike, Google Tech Talks 2009
- Tangible Functional Programming by Conal Elliott, Google Tech Talks 2007
- Fudgets Home Page Graphical User Interface Toolkit for the functional programming language Haskell and the X Windows system.
- Pyongyang University of Science & Technology by David Kim, Google Tech Talk February 2010
- Whole Brain Emulation: The Logical Endpoint of Neuroinformatics? by Anders Sandberg, Google Tech Talk May 2010
Fossil version control system by Trausti, Business at the speed of snail 2009
- Financial meltdown imperils reactor by Geoff Brumfiel, Nature News May 2010
- The neuroscience of mindfulness : Simply put, with no religious overtones by David Rock, Psychology Today 2009
- mentioned in his earlier talk Your Brain At Work at Google Tech Talk
- "these two circuits, narrative [when you think about yourself or other people, characters interacting with each other over time] and direct experience [experiencing information coming into your senses in real time], are inversely correlated."
Meditation reduces the emotional impact of pain, study finds ScienceDaily June 2010
- Managing with the Brain in Mind by David Rock, strategy+business 2009
- mentioned in his earlier talk Your Brain At Work at Google Tech Talk
- Matthew Lieberman : “Most processes operating in the background when your brain is at rest are involved in thinking about other people and yourself.”
- "the ability to intentionally address the social brain in the service of optimal performance will be a distinguishing leadership capability in the years ahead."
- "All of life is uncertain; it is the perception of too much uncertainty that undercuts focus and performance."
- "Leaders who know how to satisfy the need for autonomy among their people can reap substantial benefits — without losing their best people to the entrepreneurial ranks"
- Matthew Lieberman : “If you spend a lot of time in cognitive tasks, your ability to have empathy for people is reduced simply because that part of your circuitry doesn’t get much use.”
- The Story of Science: Power, Proof and Passion: Who Are We?, BBC June 2010
- Bob Blum: Consciousness - What, Who, When, and Why, AI BayArea Meetup Syntience 2010
- ~min20 discussion of the model of "I"
- my notes on I Am a Strange Loop by Douglas R. Hofstadter
- Being No One - The Self-Model Theory of Subjectivity by Thomas Metzinger, The MIT Press 2003
- ~min79 Dolphin Illusion Addicting Games Funny Junk Video Clips
- "young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such a scenario."
- ~min80 concluding that it's a requiring mechanism in a changing environment
- combinatorics conditions can not allow for pre-existing patterns to be efficient
- my There Is No Self page
- look for a brain structure size comparison over time
- Being No One: Consciousness, The Phenomenal Self, and the First-Person Perspective by Thomas Metzinger, UC Berkeley Graudate Council 2005
- ~min22 example of waking up : transient computation model
- consider refreshing each morning BackEnd properly
- ~min22 Ashby formal proof on complex system, regulator requires a model of itself
- ~min23 quoting Andy Clark
- ~min39 answer to the key question (to add here)
- ~min41 link to a self-describing matrix refreshing itself periodically
- see my note on AI and thinking (talk with knowledgeatic domain owner)
- ~min49 naive realism as "there is a wolf there" vs "there is an active wolf representation in my brain now" is too costly
- Wikipedia:Cost#Biological_cost
= the biological cost or metabolic price is a measure of the increased energy metabolism that is required to achieve a function.
- ~min50 "We are systems, which are not able to recognize their own subsymbolic self-model as a model."
- "You are system that constantly confuse itself as the content of its own self-model".
- ~min54 the self is not an illusion, it is a logical mistake
- it is an illusion that is "no-ones' illusion"
- ~min55 "If it is true that the self is not a thing but rather a process [...] then it is also true that the tragedy of the ego dissolves because strictly speaking nobody is ever born, and nobody ever dies."
- coherent with data-flow or functional paradigms
- brilliant, have to update MyBeliefs as it was to me more striking than I Am A Strange Loop, yet potentially with the bias of watching it after reading the book
- Thomas Metzinger's homepage at Theoretical Philosophy Group, Department of Philosophy of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
- my There Is No Self and Cognition pages
- Being No One - The Self-Model Theory of Subjectivity by Thomas Metzinger, The MIT Press 2003
- Scholarpedia:Self models
- Wikipedia:Self-model theory of subjectivity
- note that this very wiki aims at being a "safety mechanism" against some of the cognitive problems described during the talk
- Virtual Lives by Neil, Doctor Disruption June 2010
- if it is mainly a process, what could wonder how to make the process continue on another medium
- especially knowing experiments that play with the hijacking senses
- yet that would be changing I/O not changing the substrate
- on the problem of potentials copies one has to consider
- the cost of the hosting hardware
- the place within networks that might not refuse multiple access
- see then the software equivalent through Wikipedia:Live migration
and in particular Wikipedia:OpenVZ
- Spending time in nature makes people feel more alive, study shows, ScienceDaily June 2010
- The False Theory of Meritocracy by Nigel Nicholson, The Conversation, Harvard Business Review June 2010
- BigQuery and Prediction APIs, Google I/O May 2010
- Making Freemium work, Google I/O 2010 June 2010
- ~min5 free trial = fully featured but limited in time, freemium = no limit in time but with limited feature
- ~min35 in freemium you can raise price, you don't have to lower it, as early users will feel like having a great deal more and more
- ~min38 focusing on metrics, seems close to Steve Blank's customer development
- ~min51 start logging data before you can even analyze them
- you will too busy once the product is launched to do so yet it's a fundamental way to understand what is right but also what is wrong
- Developing With HTML5, Google I/O 2010 May 2010
- Hackers Wanted
directed by Sam Bozzo, unreleased
- ~min30 Wikipedia:SCADA
supervisory control and data acquisition
- my related pages
- technologically updated explanation of civil disobedience
- Technology’s Toll - Impatience and Forgetfulness by Tara Parker-Pope, NYTimes.com June 2010
- Your Brain on Computers - Attached to Technology and Paying a Price by Matt Richtel, NYTimes.com June 2010
- Why Athletes Are Geniuses by Carl Zimmer, Discover Magazine April 2010
- Neuroscientists have found several ways in which the brains of top-notch athletes seem to function better than those of regular folks.
- What Is the Speed of Thought? by Carl Zimmer, Discover Magazine 2009
- Faster than a bird and slower than sound. But that may be besides the point: Efficiency and timing seem to be more important anyway.
- asked on one of my paper notebooks a while ago
- Problems and Strategies in Financing Voluntary Free Software Projects by Benjamin Mako Hill, 2005
- defined "crowding out." as voluntary work and paid labor being mutually excluding
- Studies Find Reward Often No Motivator by Alfie Kohn, Boston Globe 1987
- Creativity and intrinsic interest diminish if task is done for gain
- wonder about a researcher become more and more senior in the hierarchy thus delegating and managing more but also earning a larger salary and how it could impact not just his role but also, as suggested by the articles, potentially his creativity and problem solving ability
- The Social Memex - Mark Carranza's Memory Experiment by Gary Wolf, The Quantified Self 2009
- The Idea-Monger: No Genius Required by Mark Changizi, Scientific Blogging June 2010
- La vie limitée des disques durs, clés USB, CD et DVD by Erich Spitz and Franck Laloë Canal Académie June 2010
- min24 saying that the earlier you copy the lowest the chances of error
- Connaissance et neurosciences with Lionel Naccache, Avec ou sans rendez-vous, France Culture June 2010
- also relevant to Thomas Meztinger model as he underline the role of consciousness as a process
- ~15min "La connaissance c'estpas Eurodisney !"
- ~45min discussion on ideology as one information that an entire community think on, despite it's imaginary nature
- concluding that "I" is a fiction
History of FPGA by Ivo Bolsens, Xilinx 2007
- Co-Evolution of Human and Machine: Neuroprosthetics in the 21st Century by Justin C. Sanchez, Departments of Pediatrics, Neuroscience, and Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida 2009
- William Ross Ashby: Intelligence Amplification
- An Introduction to Cybernetics, Chapman and Hall 1956
- J.C.R. Licklider: Man-Computer Symbiosis
- Man-Computer Symbiosis, IRE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics 1960
- Douglas Engelbart: Augmenting Human Intellect
- Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework, Stanford Research Institute 1962
- consider moving to Objects ExoBrain
- Playing with adiabatic hardware: From designer potentials to quantum brains by Dr.Suzanne Gildert, DWave January 2010
- given to the Condensed Matter Physics group of the University of Birmingham
- What problems can you solve?
- Lattice protein folding
- Many traveling salesman type problems (network/circuit routing)
- Training classifiers in machine learning (collaboration with Google)
- check Seedea:Seedea/BackEnd
- Spark Creativity? Don’t get out of the box. Design your own box and think from within! by Edwin, retrointerfacing May 2010
- L'art numérique questionne le Web : rencontre avec David Guez, Place de la Toile, France Culture June 2010
- Le transhumanisme, Place de la Toile, France Culture June 2010
Wikis as a Complex-Adaptive System by Martin Cleaver, Guest Blog, Cognitive Edge June 2010
- The Future of Self-Knowledge by Alexandra Carmichael, The Quantified Self June 2010
Optimal Daily Experience by Seth Roberts, Seth’s blog March 2010
A New Worm Propagation Threat in BitTorrent Modeling and Analysis by Sinan Hatahet, Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah, Yacine Challal, Proceedings of the II International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology 2008
- Grand Strategy and Political Simulation in EUROPA UNIVERSALIS 3 with Henrik Fåhraeus by Alex J. Champandard, AiGameDev.com May 2010
- Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action 2009
- Start With Why, The Book 2009
- ~min17 "He [Martin Luther King] gave the <<I have a dream>> speech not the <<I have a plan>> speech."
- Psychotropic Drugs And The Nature Of Reality by Michael Persinger, 2007
- opening on the scientific method
- mention of experiment relative to
- ~min17 postulating that since the brain needs to have receptors for each chemical compounds, the brain can itself produce endogenously such compounds (even if in very small amounts)
- thus leading to the possibility of self-induced production of such compound through Meditation or other techniques
- ~min20 on creativity
- see my previous suggestion on neurochemicals released during "the Clicking Moments process"
- ~min34 "this is not to say that psychotropics should be abused, they are like any other tool, they are only as proficient and as dangerous as the person using it, and as knowledgeable as the person using it."
- ~min41 "the matter in which you consume a drug often define its legitimacy"
- ~min47 "Structure dictates function so the reason psychedelic drugs have an effects is because they indicate the brain own chemistry. All of us have the ability to make those compounds or they wouldn't be effective. Some of us make more of those compounds than others. And we have different altered states all the time. [...] Anyone who can control consciousness, no matter who it may be individual, political group, who can control consciousness by drugs either illicit or condoned control the population because they control the sense of self."
- see previous remark on consciousness, meditation and overall self-mastery through understanding and exercise
- see also
- Software and Community in the Early 21st Century by Eben Moglen, Plone Conference 2006
Why I Use Fossil by Zed A. Shaw, Shedding Bikes: Programming Culture And Philosophy June 2010
Go To University, Not For CS by Zed A. Shaw, Shedding Bikes: Programming Culture And Philosophy, June 2010
- Smarter Than You Think - I.B.M.'s Supercomputer to Challenge 'Jeopardy!' Champions by Clive Thompson, NYTimes.com June 2010
The duality of knowledge by Paul M. Hildreth and Chris Kimble, Information Research, Vol. 8 No. 1, 2002
- Coffee or tea: Enjoy both in moderation for heart benefits, Dutch study suggests, ScienceDaily June 2010
- Net work learning with notes Harold Jarche, May 2010
5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying to Get You Addicted by David Wong, Cracked.com March 2010
- The Relationship Between Research and Practice: What Are We Learning About Teaching PIM? by Deborah Barreau, Laura O'Neill and Amanda Stevens, Personal Information Management: PIM 2009 Workshop
Entrepreneurs – stuck on the starting blocks? by Jérome Cukier, OECD: Factblog: June 2010
OpenHatch: An Open Source Volunteer Opportunity Finder by Asheesh Laroia and Raphael Krut-Landau, Google Tech Talk April 2010
- La Philosophie des sciences actuelle, Continent Sciences, France Culture June 2010
- Self-Improving Artificial Intelligence by Steve Omohundro for the Stanford University Computer Systems Colloquium (EE 380).
- Self-Aware Systems by Steve Omohundro
- ~3min mentioning botnets during the introduction, see my Seedea:Utopiahanalysis/Botnets
- arguing that not just an AI will eventually aim toward self-improvement but that all AIs will aim at it
- ~37min going from AI to AWisdom
- ~1h07min Q&A on botnets
- more generally Programming
L’ego-land by Niklas Maak, Presseurop June 2010
- Comment l'imaginaire artistique peut-il fertiliser l'invention scientifique ?, Science Publique, France Culture June 2010
Building a Circuit-Diagram for the Brain by Jennifer Raymond, Stanford University 2009
- Building Your Own Dynamic Language by Ian Piumarta, Stanford University 2007
- ChucK: A Computer Music Programming Language by Ge Wang, Stanford University 2007
- Context Aware Computing: Understanding Human Intention by Ted Selker, Stanford University 2007
- Ted Selker's profile at MIT Media lab
- including work on attention and disruption management
- Context-Aware Computing Group @ Media.mit.edu
- considering moving it to Design
- Designing Interactions that Combine Pen, Paper, and PC by Ron Yeh, Stanford University 2007
- Paroles de technoprophète by Mike Hodgkinson, Courrier international June 2010
5 Reasons You Should Be Scared of Google by Robert Evans, Cracked.com May 2010
- Marlene Behrmann on Spatial vs. Object Based Attention, Go Cognitive 2010
- Michael Posner on the Anatomy of attentional networks, Go Cognitive 2010
- Augmented Social Cognition by Ed Chi, Stanford University 2007
- Situating Personal Information Management Practices within an Organization by Manuel Pérez-Quiñones, Google Tech Talk 2009
- min12 mention of "information addressability"
- cf Internet on deep linking and proper URIs
- Personal Knowledge Management by Dan Norris, 2007
- recommending integration to the personal daily life process, including collaborations
- starting with one own goals
- Daniel Pink: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, The RSA January 2010
- Le pli cacheté de Döblin, La Marche des Sciences, France Culture June 2010
The Rise of the Speaking Machine - Human Language Evolution by Mark Pagel, Santa Fe Institute 2009
- 1h19 french dedicated institution to "protect" its language, even during a time of recession
- 1h33 esperanto and the problem on design vs. evolved tool
- moved to Languages
"I've Got Nothing to Hide" and Other Misunderstandings of Privacy by Daniel J. Solove, San Diego Law Review 2007
- "As Bruce Schneier aptly notes, the nothing to hide argument stems from a faulty <<premise that privacy is about hiding a wrong.>>" (p20)
- "This issue is not about whether the information gathered is something people want to hide, but rather about the power and the structure of government." (p23)
- Daniel Solove at George Washington University Law School
- moved to Monitoring
- added to http://www.ourp.im/Papers/PrivacySettings
- On The History of Ugliness by Umberto Eco, Ljubljana 2007
A is For Architecture by Ann Seltman Smart, mid 1960
- Se prémunir contre les événements climatiques extrêmes, Canal-Academie June 2010
6.912 Introduction to Copyright Law
- Theory Talk #38: James Scott on Agriculture as Politics, the Dangers of Standardization and Not Being Governed, Theory Talks May 2010
- Gaston Bachelard, Continent Sciences, June 2010 France Culture
- Gaston Bachelard, le dormeur éveillé 1/5 : vie et oeuvre, Les nouveaux chemins de la connaissance, June 2010 France Culture
- "Penser c'est assumer une transformation constante de son esprit" bachelard ~min35
- cf wiki and its constant change
James Scott: The Art of Not Being Governed, Cornell 2009
make a LinkOfTheWeek tag for the front page well showed with >>rframe<<
Use Internet#DeepLinking interesting moment
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