- Infamous Korean cloner on the move again by David Cyranoski, The Great Beyond March 2011
- Google n'est pas très « content » by Camille Gévaudan, Ecrans March 2011
- Working at Microsoft – Day to Day Coding by Richard G Russel, Foredecker February 2011
- Revenge of the ‘Neurds’: Characterizing Creative Thought in terms of the Structure and Dynamics of Memory by Liane Gabora, Creativity Research Journal 2010
- "It could be said that high temperature is like divergent thought whereas low temperature is like analytic thought." (p6)
- "Memory is said to be content addressable; there is a systematic relationship between the state of an input and the place it gets encoded. As a result, episodes stored in memory can thereafter be evoked by stimuli that are similar or ‘resonant’ in some (perhaps context-specific) way (Hebb, 1949; Marr, 1969)." (p8)
- similar to the online version read the previous month WithoutNotesFebruary11#LianeGabora
- initially discovered through TheDarkSideOfCreativity#Chapter15
- overall very interested in CLEA at VUB
- see also TheSocietyOfMind introducing several related terms
- Evolutionary Approaches to Creativity by Liane Gabora and Scott Barry Kaufman, 2010
- Chapter 15 of The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity
- alternative URL
- mention of Donald's 1991 Self-triggered recall and rehearsal loop (SRRL)
- in "A Non-Darwinian Theory of How Creative Ideas Evolve" section, mention of autopoeisis and Maturana and Varela
- see TreeOfKnowledge
- note that the Darwinist model might be used mainly because it is one of the most recent paradigm changing model
- mention of Miller, cf TheMatingMind
- How a 19-Year-Old Earned $5 Million to Revolutionize Search By Christine Lagorio, Inc.com March 2011
- The Node Ahead: JavaScript leaps from browser into future by Cade Metz, The Register March 2011
- Microsoft Research shows the possible future of split-screen technology by Griffin McElroy, Joystiq February 2011
- Sorry Entrepreneurs: You’re Probably the Rule, Not the Exception by Sarah Lacy, TechCrunch February 2011
- Inside Job by Charles Ferguson, Sony Pictures Classics 2010
- Pivot ! by Guilhem Bertholet, Creation d'entreprise ! February 2011
- What Technology Wants, BIFSpeak March 2011
- Stronger, smarter, nicer humans by Julian Savulescu, Background Briefing, ABC Radio 2007
- Return of the brain-controlling zombie-ant parasitic fungi by Mo Costandi, Neurophilosophy March 2011
- Graphs with Chris Dixon by Chris Dixon, Google Tech Talk February 2011
- A month is fifteen weekends by Eric Ries, Lessons Learned February 2011
- http://www.hks.harvard.edu/news-events/publications/hks-magazine/archives/winter-2011/in-print-public-sentinel
- http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2011/03/eli-pariser-at-ted/
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryoNR8nfUBw
- http://transcendentman.com
- http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/05/science/05legal.html
- The Googlization of Everything by Siva Vaidhyanathan, Harvard Berkman Center March 2011
- The Science of Making Decisions by Sharon Begley, Newsweek February 2011
Robot Ethics: A Crash Course by Patrick Lin, Stanford Center for Internet and Society February 2011
- Opencog Artificial general intelligence roadmap by Brian Wang, Next Big Future blog March 2011
- ‘The McDonald’s Rx’: How Computers Can And Should Change Doctoring by Isaac Kohane, CommonHealth wbur.org February 2011
- Chapter 31: On Machinery of On The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation by David Ricardo, 1817
- Why Silicon Valley Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Returning Home by Vivek Wadhwa, TechCrunch March 2011
- After the Show: The Many Faces of the Performer by Scott Barry Kaufman, HuffingtonPost March 2011
- Norbert Wiener’s Vision: The Impact of “the Automatic Age” on Our Moral Lives by Terrell Ward Bynum, 1st chapter of The Impact of the Internet on Our Moral Lives SUNY Press 2005
- http://www.cyberpunkreview.com/uncategorized/an-interview-with-bruce-sterling-by-gunhead/
- You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential by Andrea Kuszewski, Scientific American Guest Blog March 2011
- http://www.fastcompany.com/1733627/mit-scientist-captures-his-sons-first-90000-hours-on-video
- http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/03/who-is-safe-from-the-robot-revolution/72123/
- http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/03/dont-dismiss-a-jasmine-moment-in-china/72103/
- The Illusion of Owning a Third Arm, PLoS ONE February 2011
- "these findings are important because they challenge the traditional view of the gross morphology of the human body as a fundamental constraint for own-body perception, and instead suggest a highly flexible model of the body representation which can be reshaped to include an extra limb."
- Brain, Body & Self Laboratory in Ehrsson lab, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet
- see also TheEgoTunnel and BeingNoOne
- Latest Geminoid Robot Looks More Human than Creepy by Aaron Saenz, Singularity Hub March 2011
- Engineers Unveil Particle Accelerator on a Chip by Joseph Calamia, IEEE Spectrum March 2011
- Are Likes Poised to Replace Links as the Web's Primary Signal? by Steve Rubel, February 2011
- Why Companies Fail--and How Their Founders Can Bounce Back by Carmen Nobel, HBS Working Knowledge March 2011
- Observations from Chennai by Arvind Narayanan, Arvind Narayanan's journal March 2011
- Google Privacy Lawyer’s Fascinating (and Unofficial) Thoughts on the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ by Kashmir Hill, The Not-So Private Parts, Forbes March 2011
- S04E16: The Cohabitation Formulation by David Saltzberg, The Big Blog Theory February 2011
- S04E17: The Toast Derivation by David Saltzberg, The Big Blog Theory February 2011
- Seth Lloyd on Quantum Life at the Perimeter Institute, TV Ontario February 2011
- Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Politics directed by Jonathan Shockley, February 2011
- Aujourd'hui, qu'est ce qu'une externalité? by Yann Moulier-Boutang, ParisTech Review March 2011
- see also Economy
- could the actual benefit of the information "revolution" be not just of cheap collaboration but rather on spotting and making explicit externalities?
- Earthquake Japan - in Need for Time, UrbanTick March 2011
- Privacy and Robots by Ryan Calo, Ethics@Noon at Stanford CIS March 2011
- mention of Wired for War by Peter Singer, still not read the book but seen several talks
- definition of robot as having sensor, actuator and processor
- IMMI, from concept to reality by Daniel Domscheit-Berg, 27C3 2010
- Web-crawling the brain by David Cameron, Harvard Gazette March 2011
- DOJ wins access to WikiLeaks-related Twitter accounts by Declan McCullagh, Privacy Inc. - CNET News March 2011
- How Search Will Affect Programming Language Design by Nick Allen, Ginzametrics March 2011
- The Secret of Long Life and Happiness Revealed by Scott Barry Kaufman, Psychology Today March 2011
- Nucléaire: et si chacun gardait son calme? by Denis Delbecq, Effets de terre March 2011
- Not Getting Enough Sleep? Turn Off the Technology via Reutersm, NYTimes.com March 2011
- Google to Launch Major New Social Network Called Circles, Possibly Today by Marshall Kirkpatrick, ReadWriteWeb March 2011
- Hasta la Vista, Quora!, Raganwald's Posterous March 2011
- Is Quora Struggling to Become A Community? by Kelsey Blair, SocialTimes March 2011
- 4chan's Chaos Theory by Vanessa Grigoriadis, Vanity Fair April 2011
- Sleep Quality May Be Tied to Covert Brain Wave by Bruce Bower, Wired.com March 2011
- Why Everyone Is Talking About Node by Jolie O'Dell, Mashable March 2011
- The Road to Riches Is Called K Street by Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, Washington Post 2005
- User Modeling on the World Wide Web by Andrew Tomkins, Stanford InfoSeminar March 2011
- North Korea’s Digital Underground by Robert S. Boynton, The Atlantic April 2011
- CrowdDB: Answering queries with crowdsourcing by Tim Kraska, Stanford InfoSeminar March 2011
- Que ferons-nous de nos génomes décryptés ?, Le Champs des Possibles, France Culture March 2011
- Fukushima Dai-Ichi: How a nuclear power plant works by Ike Leus, Akihabara News March 2011
- La cyber-censure dans le monde, France Culture March 2011
- Why I am not worried about Japan’s nuclear reactors. by Josef Oehmen, MIT Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering March 2011
- Est-il plus dangereux de manger aujourd'hui qu'hier ?, Du Grain à moudre, France Culture March 2011
- Innovation de rupture: comment rechercher l’inimaginable, ParisTech Review March 2011
- "La « théorie de la conception » montre que l’ingénieur du 21è siècle ne peut se contenter d’être un modélisateur et un optimisateur. Il doit développer une troisième capacité. Il doit devenir producteur de concepts novateurs en intégrant une vérité très nouvelle pour lui : le raisonnement artistique est plus sophistiqué et plus vaste que le raisonnement classique."
- see also SeeingWhatsNext
- KCP : une méthode pour innover - Conception by Muriel De Véricourt, Industrie.com 2010
- Bill Gross, Idealab & eSolar - A Devotion to New Ideas, Stanford's Entrepreneurship Corner February 2011
- Guy Kawasaki, Garage Technology Ventures - Creating Enchantment, Stanford's Entrepreneurship Corner March 2011
"You are welcome." but rather "You would do the same for me."
- Clayton Christensen: Boston Globe Bizcasts Boston.com 2005
- Happy St. Patrick’s Day—Again Again. by Dick Lipton, Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP March 2011
- Kevin Poulsen - Author of Kingpin, CIS Speaker Series, Stanford Law School March 2011
- Mexico confirms presence of U.S. drones by the CNN Wire Staff, CNN.com March 2011
- Je ferme mon blog et me déconnecte by Thierry Crouzet, March 2011
- Deb Roy: The birth of a word, TED.com March 2011
- Privacy and the Market for Lemons, or How Websites Are Like Used Cars by Arvind Narayanan, 33 Bits of Entropy March 2011
- FYI: TMI: Toward a holistic social theory of information overload by Anthony Lincoln, First Monday March 2011
- mention of Epistemic hierarchy by Mason et al. (1995)
- Larry Page Wants to Return Google to Its Startup Roots by Steven Levy, Wired March 2011
- Japan Earthquake: iRobot Sending Packbots and Warriors to Fukushima Dai-1 Nuclear Plant by Evan Ackerman, IEEE Spectrum March 2011
- Nicholas Carr at Social Media Club Rotterdam March 2011
- Nicholas Carr by Roel, Social Media Club XL March 2011
- Rough Type Nicholas Carr's Blog
- Nicholas Carr's website
- my own possible solutions
- see also the several talks and article read before
- From Papyrus to iPad: The Evolution of Reading by Nicholas Carr, Big Think January 2011
- cost of decision making embodied in reading
- early on with splitting words (have to find the NPL term for that)
- now with links and clicking or not
- Does Google Make Us Stupid? by Janna Quitney Anderson, Elon University, and Lee Rainie, Pew Internet & American Life Project February 2010
- "It will reinforce certain dispositions in the end-user: stronger intellects will use Google as a creative tool, while others will let Google do the thinking for them." -- David Ellis, York University, Toronto
- "Already my iPhone functions as the external, silicon lobe of my brain. For it to help me become even smarter, it will need to be even more effective and flexible than it already is. What worries me is that device manufacturers and internet developers are more concerned with lock-in than they are with making people smarter. That means it will be a constant struggle for individuals to reclaim their intelligence from the networks they increasingly depend upon." -- Dylan Tweney, senior editor, Wired magazine
- http://www.quora.com/Is-the-Internet-making-us-stupid-and-shallow-thinkers
- "The problem is that skimming is becoming our dominant mode of thought. Once a means to an end, a way to identify information for further study, it’s becoming an end in itself—our preferred method of both learning and analysis. Dazzled by the Net’s treasures, we are blind to the damage we may be doing to our intellectual lives and even our culture."
- The Shallows by Jonah Lehrer, The Frontal Cortex 2010
- including an answer in the coments by Nick Carr
- Lean Startup 101 for Developers by Abby Fichtner, January 2011
- The Master Switch and the Centralization of the Internet by Arvind Narayanan, 33 Bits of Entropy March 2011
- Huawei shining and ZTE rising among the most innovative brands in China by Neo, Shanzai.com March 2011
- Internet et géographie : les imaginaires de l'espace, Place de la Toile, France Culture March 2011
- Mark Forchette, OptiMedica, Stanford's Entrepreneurship Corner January 2011
- there is often an opportunity accross domains by looking at the waste of one and the needs of another
- transforming a by-product to a source by being the right channel
- Building during brainstorming, When are groups good for generating ideas? by Art Markman, Psychology Today March 2011
- Is history one damn thing after another? by Chet Raymo, Science Musings Blog 2005
- The Rise of Complexity in Nature by E.J. Chaisson, Bioastronomy '02 Conference Proceedings, 2002
- The heat to come... by E.J. Chaisson, New Scientist 2009
- Energy Rate Density as a Complexity Metric and Evolutionary Driver by E.J. Chaisson, Wileys Periodicals Complexity 2010
- note that ΦFP
use the symbolΦ and the concept of flow but was written without knowing ERD/FERD/Φ and yet could probably benefit from Chaisson generalist or unifying view point, especially since phylogenies were used in a general manner, not limited to biological organisms but aiming to be applied to software too
- consider if the metric can be applied to
- software?
- a website?
- the Internet?
- a political or economial system?
- if so how
- could the result be useful, toward which activities?
- consider my own desire for a personal metric of own written software used daily
- see also Needs#SupercomputerCyclesHistory
- see also Energy Rate Density II: Probing Further a New Complexity Metric
- on evolution of plants see AnOrchardInvisible
- see also Seedea:Research/Drive
as a reason of why this is most likely to go further contradicting the argument that efficiency might be enough to then "rest"
- Is Google Always the Best Search Engine? Answer is No! why? by Jay, The Jay Notes March 2011
- Tony Judt's Last Will, VPRO Backlight 2010
- watched the lecture at the Remarque Institute earlier last month
- After Democracy by Chris Kijne, VPRO Backlight 2010
- Debt and Redemption by Marije Meerman, VPRO Backlight 2010
- Is this boy the next James Dyson? by Steve Cochrane, Times Online 2010
- Le biomimétisme peut-il révolutionner la robotique ?, Science publique, France Culture March 2011
- RIAA lobbyist becomes federal judge, rules on file-sharing cases by Nate Anderson. ArsTechnica March 2011
- Sequoia To Color Labs: Not Since Google Have We Seen This - Venture Capital Dispatch by Ty McMahan, WSJ March 2011
- Color Looks To Brighten Up The Post-PC World With $41M by Ty McMahan, Dow Jones VentureWire March 2011
- American Philosopher by Phillip McReynolds, March 2011
- Male and female plant organs talk like brain cells, European Commission March 2011
- Predictive Analytics: The Consumer Crystal Ball, MIT/Stanford Venture Lab February 2011
- Is It A Privacy Violation For Companies To Make Inferences About What You Might Like? by Mike Masnick, Techdirt March 2011
- All Questions Answered by Donald Knuth, Google Tech Talk March 2011
- B Home Modular Shelter System by Bryan Hendrickson, Global Ignite Week 2011
- Why I Love My 3D Printer by Schuyler St Leger, iGnite Phoenix February 2011
- Un chaos numérique est possible en 2015 by Michel Riguidel, LeMonde.fr March 2011
- This Week’s Finds (Week 311) interview with Eliezer Yudkowsky by John Carlos Baez, Azimuth March 2011
- The Meaning of Life and the Role of Robots by Marshall Brain, NCState 2010
- Your beliefs about intelligence affect your beliefs about learning by Art Markman, Psychology Today March 2011
- Launching a New Era in Large-Scale Systems Modeling by Stephen Wolfram, Wolfram Blog March 2011
- Meet The Faces Behind Facebook, MTV March 2011
- Un siècle de nucléaire, pour le meilleur et pour le pire, La Marche des sciences, France Culture March 2011
- Reduction Considered Harmful by Monica Anderson, H+ Magazine March 2011
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