Back to Research.
- Simonton, D. K. (1999), Origins of genius: Darwinian perspectives on creativity, Oxford: for Oxford University Press
- Campbell, Donald T. (1960), "Blind Variation and Selective Retention in Creative Thought as in Other Knowledge Processes." Psychological Review, 67/6: 380-400.
- Lorenz, Konrad (1977), Behind the Mirror, London: Methuen.
- Vollmer, Gerhard (2005), "How is it that we can know this world? New arguments in evolutionary epistemology," in Darwinism & Philosophy, (eds.) V. Hösle and Christian Illies, Notre Dame, IND: University of Notre Dame Press.
- Gontier, Nathalie, J. P. Bendegem, and D. Aerts (eds.) (2006), Evolutionary epistemology, language and culture: a non-adaptationist, systems theoretical approach, Dordrecht: Springer.
- Biological Theory: Integrating Development, Evolution and Cognition (journal devoted to issues in evolutionary epistemology in addition to other applications of biological theory)
- (checked, very broad...)
- from Evolutionary Epistemology in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy updated Jan 4, 2008
- Maturana, H.R.; and Varela, F.J. 1980. Autopoiesis and cognition: The realization of the living. Boston, Dordrecht: Reidel.
- from Cognitive Science Iceland UTC conference (200?) then again in Evolutionary Epistemology, Language and Culture (2004) : Springer
- Gould S. J. (punctuated equilibrium, exaption, ...)
- Kuhn, T.S. 1996 (1962). The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
- Thomas Khun edited by Thomas Nicles in the Contemporary Philosophy in Focus collection, Cambridge University Press 2003
- Hull, D. L. (1988) Science as a Process: An Evolutionary Account of the Social and Conceptual Development of Science Chicago: University of Chicago Press;
- from Evolutionary epistemology, language and culture
- Ontogenesis (wikipedia)
- how does an organism "grow" out of his DNA "blueprint" and how, during each mitosis (or speration of cell) the organism "count" to know which "state" it is in and thus allow each new cell from the previous division to specialize "just enough" to let the future cells be "just the right ones"
- while at the same time always being functional! (even if in a safe and limited environment of the hosting "mother")
- cortigogenesis too?
- scaffolding (originally "cognitive scaffolding" by Clark)
- but... " What J. Bruner (1983) called the scaffolded world we live in, full of reifications and social artefacts, constitutes the scenario for children to build up their own way into a selected environment, the frameworks they will explore for meaning (Bruner, 1996) and (more or less) coherence, in a never-ending process of reworking the legacy of their elders19 and the choices-within constraints-of their generation-mates"
- so have to check "Bruner, J. 1983. Child’s Talk: learning to use the language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Uexkull's "Umwelt"
- first discovered in Iceland conference too
31/01/09 (reading Wikipedia:History of science
04/02/09 (reading )
- Lakatos, I. The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes, (ed. J. Worrall & G. Currie). Cambridge University Press, 1978.
- dedicated engine searches on "evolutionary epistemology"
- Toulmin, Human Understanding: The Collective Use and Evolution of Concepts (1972)
- Suppe. F. The Structure of Scientific Theories (1977)
08/02/09 (checking )
- Simonton, D. K. (1999). Origins of genius: Darwinian perspectives on creativity
10/02/09 (Libraire Eyrolles)
17/02/09 (reading
- Bruner, J. (1968). Processes of cognitive growth: Infancy. Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
20/02/09 (doing image search)
22/02/09 (checking )
- Susantha Goonatilake:Evolution of Information: Lineages in Genes, Culture and Artefact (Pinter Publishers, London 1992)
1/03/09 (reading )
5/03/09 (listening to For and Against Method)
(reading h+ magazine Spring 2009)
INHA (Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art
- Handbook of Archaeological Theories, Altamira Press 2008
- 8 - Darwinian Archaeologies, R. Alexander Bentley, Carl Lipo, Herbert D.G. Maschner, and Ben Marler
- 15 - Complexity Theory, R. Alexander Bentley and Herbert D.G. Maschner
- 17 - Mind, Liana Gabora
- Minds, Artifacts, and Evolution
- The Artful Mind Cognitive Science and the Riddle of Human Creativity, OUP 2006
- Creativity Research Journal, Routlege, 4 issues per year
- Charles Peirce in the influence network and genealogy of influence viewer
- could be used to to build a visual timeline, on horizontal tree
- you provide a topic or a person and it recursively look for connections of influences (at least backward in time in order to limit complexity)
- illustration for CAEE-ECAP09
- each node would execute a "diff" with the parent node in order to display the novelty (the added value)
- providing a direct analogy to a "positive mutation" and EET
- mail sent to Martin Dudek, author of "genealogy of influence viewer", March the 14th 2009, to ask for recommendations on building such a tool
- History of Science resulting in this large horizontal timeline created and explained by Pierre Lindenbaum
- impossible to select 1 concept or scientist
- Offloading Cognition onto Cognitive Technology by Itiel Dror, Stevan Harnad, 2008
- To Appear in: Itiel E. Dror & Stevan Harnad (Eds) Cognition Distributed: How Cognitive Technology Extends Our Minds.
- "The worldwide web, a distributed network of cognizers, digital databases and software agents, has become our "Cognitive Commons"
- full paper
- referenced in Cognition, Cognitive Technology and the Web
- Cyberinfrastructure as Cognitive Scaffolding: The Role of Genre Creation in Knowledge Making by Janet Murray, Georgia Tech 2007
23/03/09 ( watching )
27/03/09 (reading MIT Press spring 2009 catalog)
30/03/09 (reading The Wisdom Paradox)
31/03/09 (reading Research Trends by Scopus)
02/03/09 (reading )
05/03/09 (reading )
06/04/09 (checking )
- Publications from the Cognitive Computing Lab at GeorgiaTech
- PaperCube by Peter Bergström for Santa Clara University
10/04/09 (reading )
11/04/09 (searching for Scientific Discovery : Computational Explorations of the Creative Processes)
12/04/09 (reading )
13/04/09 (searching for "strategic epistemology" by thinking of the arm race as a drive)
- De Meyer, A. (2007) "Strategic epistemology: innovation and organizational wisdom." In Kessler, E.H. and Bailey, J.R. (eds.): Handbook of organizational and managerial wisdom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc, pp.357-374
23/04/09 (looking for studies of the evolutions of strategy within an epistemological framework)
25/04/09 (searching for evolution of military doctrine with technology advances)
27/04/09 (searching for Artificial Creativity)
Browsing ICL Publications by Professor David Kirsh again
02/05/09 (Looking for Behind the Mirror by Konrad Lorenz)
07/05/09 ("foraging" some articles on stigmergy)
12/05/09 (watching Engineered Utopia or Artilect War? debate between J. Storrs Hall and Hugo de Garis. J. Storrs Hall)
20/05/09 (email from Elsevier for a webcast)
- Mapping the backbone of science by Kevin W. Boyack, Richard Klavans and Katy Börner, Scientometrics vol. 64(3), 351-374, 2005
- Mapping the Structure and Evolution of Chemistry Research by Kevin W. Boyack, Katy Börner and Richard Klavans, Scientometrics vol. 79(1), 45-60, 2009
- Toward a Consensus Map of Science by Richard Klavansa and Kevin W. Boyackb, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology vol. 60(2), pages TBD., 2009
- The World-Wide-Mind project and related publications by Mark Humphrys
26/05/09 (checking )
- usage of the expression evolutionary epistemology in peer-reviewed literature indexed by Springer with BMH Linguistics
- principle very similar to programming helping tool that mine code repositories in order to find examples of where the function you are interested have been use and thus quickly show how you could use it
16/06/09 (listening to A qui appartient le vivant ?)
22/06/09 (looking for the term "Infogopolies" from Information Feudalism
26/06/09 (looking for summer course on Information Geometry
- Boris Saulnier's Papers and Communications
- especially his thesis Multiscales aspects of information : from physics to biology but also more generally his interest in IG
- Evolution in Four Dimensions Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life by Eva Jablonka and Marion J. Lamb, The MIT Press, 2006
- discovered the 10/02/09 at Librairie Eyrolles
03/07/09 ()
08/07/09 (suggestion in ##philosophy)
12/07/09 (Les bases cérébrales de l'intuition numérique)
05/08/09 (from my notes on High-Speed Society
09/08/09 (from my notes Ancient Epistemology
21/08/09 (Les grands debats comptemporains : Creation et Creative
02/09/09 ( )
08/09/09 ( )
- Creativity according to The Information Philosopher (I-Phi) by Bob Doyle
11/09/09 (looking for Swarm Creativity)
30/11/09 (looking for inferring phylogenies book)
- Robust Phylogenetic Analysis For The Non-Specialist
- Inferring Phylogenies by Joseph Felsenstein, Sinauer Associates 2004
- PhyLIS user-friendly, free linux distribution for phylogenetics. Install it and you have an instant phylogenetics workstation.
20/01/2010 (Reading )
23/01/2010 (reference in )
30/01/2010 (checking the biography of Claude Debru after his talk)
17/02/2010 (chatting)
23/02/2010 (twitter by focusfusion from )
26/02/10 (reading chapter 28 of FB_Wiki:readingNotes/BeautifulCode
28/02/10 (exploring more heuristics after ACO)
02/03/10 (checking )
08/03/10 (looking again for Genie in the Machine)
13/03/10 (looking for creatvity and combinatorics)
16/03/2010 (WedScience feed)
17/03/2010 (discussion about the notion of discovery)
- INVENTEUR : Définition de INVENTEUR Inventeur d'un trésor. ,,Personne qui trouve par hasard un trésor sur le terrain d'autrui et qui acquiert ainsi le droit d'en posséder la moitié`` (Barr. 1974).
20/03/2010 (through OutilsFroid)
31/03/2010 (following RSS feed)
31/03/2010 (through RSS feed of new book)
07/04/2010 (checking Vrin library shelves)
09/04/2010 (through )
11/04/2010 (through )
20/04/2010 (through FlowingData)
04/05/2010 (from IRC discussions)
05/05/2010 (checking Principia Cybernetica updates)
09/05/2010 (re-reading this very page)
27/05/2010 (looking for the evolution of the research laboratory)
- history in Germany (then Prussia) regarding higher education and the then new collaboration between a teacher and his pupills
- emergence of resarch laboratories moving from individuals to organised teams of researchers
- Simulating History funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
- book on the history of the research laboratory so not necessarily focusing on the scientific method only (like FB_Wiki:ReadingNotes/ElegantSolutions
) but also through its tool, the social organization, etc
- not the history of 1 specific lab as maybe it was not founded hundreds of years ago, spawn across domains and thus would lack perspective
(12/06/2010 watching H+ Harvard
(24/06/2010 reading OECD article on entrepreneurship)
(25/06/2010 checking after watching Context Aware Computing: Understanding Human Intention)
(27/06/2010 watching The Rise of the Speaking Machine - Human Language Evolution)
- Phylogenetic Inference axis of research by Mark Pagel
(10/07/2010 found through Wikimania2010#SMW)
(11/07/2010 looking for link: to locate indexed websites that are using it, found none)
(16/07/2010 looking for think with Google and finding the related IBM page)
- Inventors' Forum Collaboration Amongst Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises, IBM Innovation
(18/07/2010 looking for NEAT/HyperNEAT lab through ##AGI suggestion)
(24/07/2010 Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium looking for lectures on the history of software paradigms)
looking for Mitchel Resnick's talks
(25/07/2010 looking at recently published phylogeny books)
(03/08/2010 searching for the cognitive science lab or Tufts University)
(17/08/2010 searching for inferring phylogenics references)
(22/08/2010 browsing Illinois Genetic Algorithms Laboratory (ILLiGAL)
(26/08/2010 through the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy RSS feed)
See also
To do
- facilitate transfers to my Scanning Notes
- tag with
- theme/axis of research
- reading status : read/reading
- availability status : acquired/to get
- prioritize
- restate the problematic to use it as the fitness function
- start a scoring system each item
- extract from PersonalInformationStream and Research too
- write a "bibliography mask"
- for each new book it can be applied as a mask to find "proximity" with previous research and thus quickly know if author X,Y,Z and eventually they paper a,b,c have been references from this new work I wish to discover
- highlight non-present authors
- the article/book can be opened directly to the concerned locii
- example with PDF thanks to PDF Open Parameters by Adobe
- thanks to an absolute URL behind an official pay-wall
- thanks to a domain URL that the user can define, pointing to his local document repository
- (ideally) find high/low levels of negative vocabulary like "against/not/no" around the passage using the reference and labeling it as re-enforcing "+" , contradicting "-" or neutral "~"
- thanks this result now you have a quick measure and you can take the decision to either move to sth more similar or more different, depending on your goals. Consequently one could use that to :
- mine relevant databases
- automatically check new publications especially with RSS on Journals
- Citation Coloring with Google Scholar by Sam Joseph, Sam's Technical Blog, April 2009
- proposes a similar approach but according to the "global" appreciation (total number of refs) instead of a personal indicator
- see also Modern Bibliography that aims to facilitate domain discovery
- check cb2Bib tool for rapidly extracting unformatted, or unstandardized bibliographic references from email alerts, journal Web pages, and PDF files.
- check Pubfeed "find the research that interests you" by the Computer Science Department at the University of Toronto
- Fast Article Viewer (or FAV)
- configure by providing
- thesis title
- keywords
- databases to pull article from
- binds for
- scoring (1 to 9)
- skip
- enter info (justify scoring)
- get more details
- citation index (publish or die)
- journal impact
- generate a personal database of scorings
- use this DB for
- suggestions
- filtering of new articles
- test VOSviewer construct maps based on co-occurrence data