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The page gathers notes from some of the books I have read (mainly since autumn 2008). See also the ToDo section to understand how this page should evolve.
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All of PersonalInformationStream#Finished and:
Philosophy: Who Needs It
Philosophy: Who Needs It by Ayn Rand - ISBN - Originialy published in 1982
Offered by Nathan.
See also
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Lord Valentine's Castle
Lord Valentine's Castle by Robert Silverberg, 1980
- the mindset of juggling
- travels accross world
- memory loss and defining oneself
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Bio-mechanisms of Swimming and Flying
Bio-mechanisms of Swimming and Flying Fluid Dynamics, Biomimetic Robots, and Sports Science, by Naomi Kato and Shinji Kamimura - ISBN 978-4-431-73379-9 - Springer 2008
Motivation for reading this book
Thinking about Navier/Stokes equations during the 19 June 2009 session at the Brossolette pool and desiring to improve thanks to a better understand of fluid dynamics.
- Part 1: Biological Aspects of Locomotive Mechanisms and Behaviors of Animals While Swimming and Flying
- biological propulsion starting with simple micro-organisms to complex organisms
- Chapter 6 - Mechanical Properties of the Caudal Fin Resulting from the Caudal Skeletal Structure of the Bluefin Tuna
- Part 2: Hydrodynamics of Swimming and Flying
- Chapter 12 - Studies of Hydrodynamics in Fishlike Swimming Propulsion
- Part 3: Biomimetic Swimming or Flying Robots
- Part 4: Sports Science
- sports and simulation models
- Chapter 29 - Analysis of Breast, Back and Butterfly Strokes by the Swimming Human Simulation Model SWUM
See also
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- possibility to search amongst all the books I have read
- add to the Template Open Library Covers API (Open Library)
- still few ISBN to correct
list the institutional books I have studied (from kindergarden to engineering school)
- generate a Causal Reading Tree using
To Do
- Integrate with the sideway Firefox page (based on Seedea:Seedea/InputFirefoxSidebar
) of recent readings.
- export notes to annotations that can be layered on top of the original document
- individual PDF
- online libraries
- mine the read books to find cross links in
- references
- authors
- places
- rare expressions
- eventually using
- Google Books
- OpenSearch
- Amazon SIP
- OpenCalais
- link to Seedea:Research.Bibliography
add Timeline of cosmology
RSS feed to Bloglines
- add precision regarding my notation format
- <<some text quoted by the author>> is original quotation using french style quotes while "normal quotes" outside
- italic is original by the author emphasis
- bold text is personal emphasis
- (p69) page number is always referring to the current book unless warned
- quote including [bracketed text] means that text was changed to understand the quote partly outside of its context
- most of the time the bracketed text also comes from the original text, only appearing before or after the quote
- measure "information density" for each book
- based on the number of quotation per unit? (page, chapter, ...)
- not that this could also be used with Cognition#LearningNewLanguage if one consider this notion of information density as the inverse of the acquired vocabulary of a language
- i.e. the less one masters the vocabulary used, the more dense the book will be
- ask my former libraries to give me my data
- listing of books I asked
- Les Cordeliers
- IUT de Lannion library
- UTC library
- account "fbenetou" inactive
- UTFPr library
- template
- Bonjour, je souhaiterais obtenir la liste des livres que j'ai pu lire dans le passe. Quel procedure dois-je suivre pour cela ? Cordiallement, moi.
- use the result as a bootstrapping dataset for CausalReadingTree
- consider dedicated pages for research articles and PhD thesis
- integrate Path:/pub/My_Shelfari_Books.tsv
Update notes wrote before the proper template was done
Random page to improve