- The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor, TEDxBloomington 2011
- reversing "I have to work productively to be happy" to "I have to be happy to work productively"
- concluding with the good practices
- http://www.shawnachor.com/
- Sandra Aamodt & Sam Wang, Authors@Google 2008
- Airborne robot swarms are making complex moves (w/ video) by Nancy Owano, PhysOrg February 2012
- Automation in the Cloud by Rush LaSelle, Robotics Online January 2012
- "Cloud manufacturing represents the convergence of information, learned processes, and intelligent motion or activity."
- "Factory automation and robotics must begin to view themselves not as industrial islands, but as devices within an information ecosystem."
- How Did That Ad Make You Feel? Ask A Computer by Steve Henn, February 2012
- From Sand to Silicon - the Making of a Chip, Intel 2011
- Révolution ?, Au fil d'une pensée chaotique February 2012
- La théorie de l’évolution doit faire sa révolution by Pierre Barthélémy, Passeur de sciences January 2012
- Maladies du cerveau : la faute aux microbes !, Science et Vie January 2012
- Mind-Set Matters. Exercise and the Placebo Effect by Alia J. Crum and Ellen J. Langer, Psychoogical Science 2007
- Noam Chomsky - The Purpose of Education, Learning Without Frontiers February 2012
- Why Online Tracking is Worse Than You Thought, and Why We Need Do Not Track by Arvind Narayanan, the Governance of Social Media Workshop 2011
- Will teaching children basic programming skills have a political impact? by Sam Tuke, Sam's Blog January 2012
- Beyond DNA: integrating inclusive inheritance into an extended theory of evolution, Nature Reviews Genetics 2011
- Discovery of extremely long-lived proteins may provide insight into cell aging and neurodegenerative diseases, Salk Institute February 2012
- Microbes and Mental Illness by Thomas Insel, NIMH 2010
- Infected with Insanity: Could Microbes Cause Mental Illness? by Melinda Wenner, Scientific American 2008
- Improving Classroom Performance by Challenging Student Misconceptions About Learning by Stephen L. Chew, APS Observer 2010
- Neil Burgess: How your brain tells you where you are, TEDSalon London Spring 2011
- see deep learning and Andrew Ng Bay Area Vision meetup
- Solve for X: Adrien Treuille on collaborative science, 2012
- Why stress causes people to overeat, Harvard Mental Health Letter February 2012
- The DoD’s Race Against the Machine by Pete Modigliani, Digital Pentagon February 2012
- 5 Ways to Turn Happiness Into An Advantage by Shawn Achor, Psychology Today 2011
- First Neanderthal cave paintings discovered in Spain by Fergal MacErlean, New Scientist February 2012
- Special report on memory, Scientific American Mind January 2012 Issue
- in particular for MemoryRecalls
- reconstructing memory could translate in not reading back the notes but rather rewriting them
- each recall session could become a new synthesis, while still keeping track of previous proposals
- consequently consider also how Seedea:Research/PhylogeneticFlowProgramming
could apply
- "a long-term effort to keep a bad memory out of mind may hone your inhibitory skills. Of course, trauma victims who make it to college may have good executive control to begin with."
- The Voice in the Machine by Arnie Cooper, The Atlantic 2011
- Watson's New Job: IBM Salesman by Tom Simonite, Technology Review February 2012
- Data Analysis for the People by Tom Simonite, Technology Review February 2012
- The Algorithm Thought Police by Marius Watz, Thoughts on Code and Art February 2012
- Thérapies des addictions, Avec ou sans rendez-vous, France Culture February 2012
- excellent quote at ~45min (but didn't write down)
- The Three Golden Rules for Successful Scientific Research (EWD 637), E.W. Dijkstra Archive 2003
- Pentagon's Project 'Avatar': Same as the Movie, but With Robots Instead of Aliens by Katie Drummond, Danger Room for Wired.com February 2012
- Sloppy Reporting on the Self Driving Car by Clay Johnson, Information Diet February 2012
- National Cryptologic Museum Opens New Exhibit on Dr. John Nash, NSA January 2012
- Whether or not God plays dice, I do by Scott Aaronson, Shtetl-Optimized February 2012
- How Companies Learn Your Secrets by Charles Duhigg, NYTimes.com February 2012
- Algorithmic information as a fundamental concept in physics, mathematics, and biology by Gregory Chaitin, UCM Madrid 2011
- Lectures industrielles by Alain Giffard, Ars Industrialis 2007
- Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking skills needed to optimally use them by Kamakshi Rajagopal, Desirée Joosten–ten Brinke, Jan Van Bruggen, and Peter B. Sloep, First Monday January 2012
- The implications of embodiment for behavior and cognition: animal and robotic case studies by Matej Hoffmann, Rolf Pfeifer, arXiv February 2012
- Cf Andy Clark's Where brain, body and world collide, Clark, Deadalus, 1998 discovered during SC02
- possibly equivalent to delegating computation to specialized FPGAs with sensors
- Cost of abstractions limiting higher function, more flexible, to specific tasks?
- Cf Self models (here probably equivalent to body schema)
- Thus… should an artificial creativity be embodied? If so how? Is a self model sufficient? Also simulation (here forward model), if so isn’t the filter before actual actuator sufficient?
- Sleep function and synaptic homeostasis by Giulio Tononi, Allen Institute for Brain Science Symposium 2011
- Neurons as will and representation: Recordings from the human brain by Itzhak Fried, Allen Institute for Brain Science Symposium 2011
- Thinking of Jennifer Aniston and Marilyn Monroe: Linking perception to single neurons in humans by Christof Koch, Allen Institute for Brain Science Symposium 2010
- Making Machines Creative by Roger C. Schank and Chip Cleary, The Creative Cognition Approach MIT Press 1993
- Buddhism and the Brain by David Weisman, SeedMagazine.com 2011
- Pour éviter le krach ultime by Pierre Larrouturou, Université Populaire de Bruxelles 2011
- critic of productivity gain (through automation mostly) and financial economy extracting value for a minority of capital owner rather than the workforce
- nice Einstein quote
- Researchers aim to chart intellectual trends in Arxiv by Eric Hand, Nature News February 2012
- Transhumanism and neo-buddhism by Ian Ching, 2008
- Marvin Minsky's Dreams of Immortality by Will Buckingham, thinkBuddha.org 2007
- with a comment by Marvin Minsky
- Buddhism vs. Transhumanism by Casey Rae-Hunter, The Contrarian 2007
- Buddhism vs Transhumanism? by George Dvorsky, Sentient Developments 2007
- Better Living through Transhumanism by George Dvorsky, Journal of Evolution and Technology 2008
- The Bodhisattva’s Brain, IEET Cyborg Buddha Project 2011
- ICML +50% by John Langford, February 2012
- could be useful for scientometrics if other conferences were to provide such data
- Les conspirateurs du tabac by Stéphane Foucart, LeMonde.fr February 2012
- Death Note: L, Anonymity & Eluding Entropy by Gwern Branwen, Gwern.net February 2012
- Nash and the NSA by Lance Fortnow, Computational Complexity February 2012
- What is Discovery Science? by Einoshin Suzuki, Kyushu University 2011
- Vector Calculus: Understanding the Dot Product by Kalid Azad, BetterExplained February 2012
- Greed Isn't Good: Wealth Could Make People Unethical by Brandon Keim, Wired Science for Wired.com February 2012
- “This work is important because it suggests that people often act unethically not because they are desperate and in the dumps, but because they feel entitled and want to get ahead,” said evolutionary psychologist and consumer researcher Vladas Griskevicius of the University of Minnesota
- 12 machines that want your job by Michael Brush, MSN Money February 2012
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