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Candidacy for Print Screen and Yafo Creative's Digital Art & VR Residency
My candidacy for the Print Screen and Yafo Creative's Digital Art & VR Residency aims at carving the physical and economical time required for my thoughts and those of others. For that the traditional techniques up to now have been meditation, religious and non religious retreat and other means relying on technology e.g writing or drawing. I propose to use current technology, i.e. virtual reality (VR), as a mean for greater and deeper introspection. As shown further I have for the last 10 years explored tools for thoughts, from papers to software. The recent democratization of VR, augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) has pushed me to re-evaluate the proxy of technology to my thoughts. There is so much for to explore and I feel that all those new technologies are radically underused, if not misused, focusing on marketing or entertainment rather than helping us to understand ourselves better.
Consequently my candidature aims at providing a VR installation that will allow to use VR as a tool for thoughts and self exploration.
This very candidature is hosted on my Personal Information Manager (PIM) with its VR interface.
Using VR headset and WebVR enabled browser allows you to enter this experience: meditate then write your ideas and visualize them thanks to in-VR painting.
Fabien Benetou
WebXR specialist
VR and AR software development on the web, VR and AR professional workshops
Cimzia, an antibody molecule, invites you to travel through the human body. The installation ordered by UCB was featured for 3 days in a pharmaceutical conference in Belgium in September 2016 using 2 top of the line virtual reality headsets by HTC Vive. The experience was also showcased on A week of Aframe.
Get injected in the human body!
July 2016
September 2016
To maximize value for money it’s important to answer those questions in that order:
What’s my audience?
How are they going to interact with my VR content?
What are the specificity of the subset of audience who will be there?
What information do they expect to gain from it?
What Is currently preventing them from acquiring now ?
Then it’s possible to sketch a scenario on how an immersive experience will help that audience.
Once that’s done then the practical questions can be asked:
Is it feasible?
What’s the deadline?
What asssts and skills are missing?
Finally in term of budget:
How much will this cost?
This process is iterative but it’s a good approximation.
Openness as a strategical advantage : how WebXR and open-source sustainably push the boundaries of innovation, XR for causes at Stereopsia, December 2020
I like to take notes. I like to take notes because I have ideas, a lot of them. Most of them are a bit stupid or not that original but, I hope, few of them are quite nice. In order to relax myself I write those ideas down. I also write down notes about events, books, recipes, etc. That helps me to organize my thoughts and, hopefully, have more and better ideas. In order to do that I used :
paper notebook, very flexible and mobile but can't search
random files, flexible but no synthesis
1 text file with numbered lines to allow for recursively reference previous ideas, quickly gets messy
multiple text files, mess
paper mindmaps and electronic mindmaps, amazing for synthesis, doesn't scale so well
About 8 years ago I settled for an online wiki which now has about 1486 pages. In fact I have a network of wikis, a lot more than just 1 wiki and some of them are even offline or not publicly accessible. I find it amazing because it lets me create new pages, link back to future and older pages, search, share with others, embed multimedia content including slideshows and even the the latest craze like 360 photos or 3D objects and animations. Unfortunately it is quite intangible. More importantly the more it grows the more I feel the need to make it tangible.
I started to work on a 3D model of it to 3D print but it didn't give any useful result. I started to print pages of it to put on my walls but it doesn't work for 2 obvious reasons :
800 pages requires a LOT of walls,
multiple pages are updated every day so reprinting isn't sustainable.
Thankfully nearly 2 years ago I tried the Oculus and was blown away. My second reaction after "Wow... that's amazing" was of course how I could apply this to my notes. I started to see what existed and didn't find anything relevant. I then started to make several prototypes with the technology available at the time (cardboard + threejs). Since then both the hardware and software evolved. My understanding also evolved thanks to failed and successful prototypes.
This brought us to, later 2016. The latest prototype then worked with 2 or more HTC Vive networked and used Aframe 0.3.1. It means 2 persons could manipulate a set of notes together, in a shared virtual space.
Here are some visuals :
Graph visualization using D3 (partial)
Relying on d3.force.layout() expected to converge then adapting positions.
Testing aframe-htmlembed-component allowing to embbed relatively simple HTML but also CSS images and SVG. Unfortunately most pages look too complex.
Thanks to its convenience though available on the entire wiki with a dedicated user action (appending ?action=xr to any page URL of this wiki)
This is also not about managing a desktop like Virtual Desktop or envelopVR . Those are also nice tools to expand a classical computer desktop but here the focus is on personal information management. Not how to start a game, how to watch a video or install a program but rather how to sort your notes about the games, how you felt watching the video and how maybe thinking and writing about both can help you discover what you truly like and eventually become able to make it yourself.
Note that this is not about memorization. I tried memorization and it doesn't work for the kind of creative tasks I'm interested in. In my opinion memorization is great for repetitive tasks required for a known optimal solution already exists. For discovering new solutions I believe understanding the structure of a problem or a set of information is way more efficient., if not the only way. Consequently the goal of this project is not to provide a way to recollect information but rather to organize visually and thanks to that process to discover the underlying structure of information, or at least a structure that allows for efficiently accessing and using that set of information, thanks to manipulation and first person spatial navigation. For memorization see instead my MemoryRecipe that relied an RSS feed to go against the Forgetting curve.
estimate if that need can make me focusing on it financially sustainable
getting funding to pay for proper visual and interaction design
See also the proper Kickstarter preview. Consider that it might also be a Patreon funding or... maybe no crowd-funding at all. This page is first and foremost a way to organize my thoughts by explaining to others. Asking for funding begs for *perfect* clarify so it makes it a good exercise.
under or on the side of a webVR experiment, provide an annotation tool
e.g. 140 characters with visual selection tool on a predefined format 600x300px, an equivalent of post-its, can be done live (network synchronized, assuming both computers have the minimum spec) with chat or recorded to be sent and checked later
generated and tweakable civilizational collapse virtual worlds based on models e.g. HANDY or Wikipedia:World3 (as learned in "Tout va s'ecrouler") and live updated feeds
BlockBuilder/InventingOnPrinciple/RapidPrototyping in VR
with live coding, live reloading, easy forking, easy sharing, collaborative debugging
"At this time, and given your lack of work status in the US, we have nothing to offer you. Please watch our website for potential openings as we grow."
tried Oculus in later 2014 via Hello Bank popup store in Brussels
Random stranger after a quick discussion asks me where VR will be in 5 years.
My prediction is : in 2 years everybody in Exki Schumann will have tried it at least once, in 5 years most people there will spend at least 30min per month in virtual reality.
Thank you first for organizing Print Screen and Yafo Creative's Digital Art & VR Residency. I believe the event itself will help to explore the boundaries of what VR can allow and how we can interact with the world around us.
Secondly thank you for taking the time to read my imperfect and lenghty canditure. It forced me to a certain extent to clarify my thoughts, which is precisely what I would like to offer to others in a more comprehensible fashion.
A special thank you to Itay Mayerovits for inviting me to apply and believing in what I'm trying to make and share with others.
Feel free to contact me for any question you would have.