Art Seedea
This part of Seedea is listing only art related ideas, unlike OIMP or the Small unrefined ideas that are generalist.
You can access this page directly at and each art idea at
CatArt.xml (several older ideas not yet imported here)
- "you are here" card
- offer it in touristic area
- eventually write on the back "use it anytime, anywhere. When you don't need it anymore because you really know where you are, offer it to a somebody you think might need it."
- find the machine in this pictures
- kids style of visualization
- displaying flowers, persons, robots, ... then a schematic of the political system and pictures of the conseil d'etat, their building, etc...
- networked society
- inspired by credit card as the key to unlock your own money, as if society were allowing you to eat, based on what you did for it
- see also
- self-generated-self art
- utiliser comme datasets soit pr le bruit soit pr directement "seeder" ton algo genetique des informations privees personnelles
- intersection entre l'art generatif et les informations personnelles
- consider self-replicating mechanism, reward for the host mechanism, collaboration, ecosystems, etc...
- inspired by Wikipedia:Ontogeny
and Wikipedia:Autopoiesis
- see also ALife and my articles on botnets
- art by usage
- you can make any piece of art you want with the only condition that it has to be integrated to your daily life process
- i.e. a modification can not be done just for the sake of the resulting piece of art
- inspired by optimization and ecology
- different from John Cage creating everyday actions as art actions
- think/don't think
- stickers to put on top of circulation lights representing
- in green somebody not thinking
- in red somebody thinking
- bouquet of philogenies
- glass vertical bowl holding a selection of wooden philogenies
- Inspiration
- Location
- FB, Saint-Maur des Fosses, September 2009
- there is no "virtual"
- "map" actual battles (Irak, etc) to the strategical game of the moment (like Warcraft III in Korea around 2009)
- Inspiration
- thinking about earlier strategical questions (asking go players their view on Isreal/Palestine territories, but also Needs
) while watching Taxi to the Dark Side
- Location
- FB, Saint-Maur des Fosses, August 2009
- for the curious who never saw the top of an exponential
- draw accross 3 painting a vertical straight line and on the thrid and last one, stop at half ot it
- Inspiration
- thinking about ways to fit a serie of curves in the straight angle of a room
- Location
- FB, Saint-Maur des Fosses, August 2009
- Red Queener
- a little hamster weating on his treadmil listening to the song Rat Race by The Specials while looking at the poster of a sexy depiection of the Red Queen and his trash, a sport magazine with on its cover a modernized version of Sysiphe. See also Philosophie : travail "Que représente le travail ? Liberté ou esclavage ? Éléments de réflexion avec Raphaël Enthoven et son invitée, Michela Marzano" as they discuss the picture of the Google employe running in the "cage doree" of his GooglePlex treadmil
- Inspiration
- Location
- FB, Saint-Maur des Fosses, August 2009
- sequencing bouquet
- offered the DNA sequences of a bouquet of flowers, printing them as an equivalent of "ASCII art" thus shapping the code as the expected visual result.
- Inspiration
- flower seeds as a present, offered to Paola
- Location
- FB, Saint-Maur des Fosses, August 2009
- space, design yours
- dotted line as a rectangle, equation, pen, blinking insertion symbol, all this printed then taken as a picture with a "marteau" and sand on top and text "start now, start later, your space, your choices".
- Inspiration
- thinking about the "freedom" of having one's own wiki
- quote of William Blake
"Be enslaved by somebody's else system or making yours"
- Location
- FB, Saint-Maur des Fosses, August 2009
- thinking box
- wall (or encapsulate) an invidivual into ideologies (being political, philosophical, economical with market efficiency or even religious), walls being transparent yet solid. Expressing the fact that even if he does not pay attention to the surrounding ideologies (coming from its culture, itself resulting from the earlier cultures) they shape his experience of the (natural) world and can even "limit" him.
- Inspiration
- Location
- FB, Saint-Maur des Fosses, August 2009
- eco-activist stickers
- print stickers (cheap) in form of black fumes to put over the front window (annoying yet not dangerous) of SUVs and related "imoral" car choices stating "Public transport? Shared car? Not now, next Earth!". Alternative being a smaller non-invasive but stronger sticker on the corner.
- Inspiration
- thinking about counter-strategies for car noise pollution
- Location
- FB, Saint-Maur des Fosses, August 2009
- VR ideological HUD
- in the same fashion that you can in VR add another sword to your bag, add an ideological eyewear to try and exchange them whenever you feel
- each item would correspond to a famous ideology and provide indications (as visuals, subtitles or icons) on how a person supporting this ideology perceives his surroundings
- Inspiration
- Location
- FB, Saint-Maur des Fosses, August 2009
- intellectual/cognitive assembly line
- Draw an horizontal slice (isometric view) of a factory with a classical assembly line with "little hands", workers re-shapping the influx of raw materials in order to produced finished good. Make it dirty, noisy and hot. Draw with the same perspective (horizontal slice, isometric view) a "new" assembly line, where information is being processed in open-spaces, each desktop being "isolated" from each other yet draw in dotted line the same assembly line that before that goes from desk to desk. Make it clean, shiny, and just at the right temperature. Join the 2 either by contrast, properly isolated with a keyword like "progress" preceded by the same dotted line style for "illusion of", or by fusion, making the two drawing smoothly merge into each other.
- Draw an encapsulating assembly line where the 2 previous drawings are "just" objects moving on the line. Evocating the evolution of the production line itself, thanks to strategical management (including tasks separations) and other "techniques" : rentability as the engine of productivity (and having as a mere consequence the evolution of the assembly/production line)
- Inspiration
- Location
- FB, Saint-Maur des Fosses, August 2009
To do
- use the Template for EditTemplates
- import previous ideas
- CatArt.xml
- with its ArtWorkPresentation.xsl presentation file
- specific skin with PerGroupCustomizations to customize the features of PmWiki on a per-group basis.
- The local/ subdirectory (typically in
) is used to hold local configuration files.
- The css/ subdirectory (typically in
) is used to hold local css files.
- import "E:\Work\__ my free ideas repository\artwork\actnow.txt"
- now locally available
- add this definition to experiencing distributed cognition / public algorithm