QuantifiedSelfParis 2PM 10/06/2011
#QSParis on Twitter, identi.ca, Live Cast, TwitterStreamGraphs, Collecta, flickr
Own objectives
- comment la "democratisation"
du mouvement pourrait s'organiser
- share my own experience
- get new ideas
Attended activities
- interet des autres: health, motivation, senior, sport, web of data, web of objects, self management, human resources
- Fabien Benetou, started a wiki 3 years ago and since then done my 21Kth edit
- own tags: wiki memory creativity
- presented at centre de recherche interdisciplinaire pour approche interdisciplinaire du web
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- revolution a mettre en parallele avec le homebrew comp. club
- mention du "entrainment" (cf Hyperscanning LImagerieCerebraleDansTousSesEtats)
- mention du memex.mx par Carranza
- teste il quelques jours auparavant
- see my own wikis and Discussion:. regarding the social aspect
- possible tension between medicine and self tracking
- related Doctor House show
- supporting of existing medical protocols? double-blind, ...?
- overall seems that most want to exploit data but do not necessarily produce nor share them
- mention of QuantifiedDoctor or CuteTogether
- mention of Platforms to be more compatible with GPL/CC/...
- somebody filming himself to make correlation between bug production and position, happiness, etc
- other reviews
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- http://www.quantter.com
- from
business intelligence to personal intelligence
- seems close to OurP.IM motto
- instaGram pour les analyses personelles
- motivation sociale en partageant sur son reseau social (e.g. Facebook)
- importance des donnees dans un context
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- http://www.withings.com
- paradigme du flux des donnees plutot que de l'instantane
- developper des produits ou objets plus que des services
- presentation de tensiometre
- risque si les mesures ne sont pas prises correctement
- l'etallonage et la precision peut etre aussi synchroniser ou callibrer par rapport a son age, so position, son altitude, etc...
- possible changement au niveau de la regulation sur le stockage des donnees generees localement
- utilisation d'aggregation avec des universites americains
- question sur la limitation des donnes en locale
- consideration pour les utilisations ouvertes avec une API minimale
- 42goals a simple tool for tracking daily goals
- reference to the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy
- tracking items by type in one place
- open API but no simpler way to export data
- pre-defined set of templates
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- MYBEW.com, Comparez-vous !
- weekmate.com (@weekmate) for suggestions
- suggestion sur les etudes de "gamification"
- competiteur -> top10
- social -> 5 devant moi et 5 derriere moi
- bm
- b2c dirct (abo)
- b2b pol rh
- edu nationale
- suggestion d'une template par sport
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- Biomouv bouger c'est essentiel
- nutrition/sport
- voir pour Exercises en particulier contre
- l'ennui ou
- le manque de progression
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Overall remarks and conclusions
- important business and dissemination aspect
- official "On est la pour faire un petit de pub pour les startups."
- pervasive 2-sided-market business model?
- consequently is "community manager" the new salesman dedicated to crowds
- presence d'ethonologue, psychologues, entrepreneurs, ... impression de se faire mesurer sur un nombre dimensions infinies par toutes les personnes presentes ;)
- mention of BarCamp and community oriented yet
- 0 presentation from "the public" and
- a planning made before the event
- does it deserve the name "QSParis" while the original Bay Area QS Meetup now has the rule that if you are selling something, you can not give a presentation?
- eventually QS Conference but definitely not "QS Show&Tell"
- mostly mainly about plotting personal data
- Excel for the masses?
- quid of knowledge? wisdom? (classical PIM questions)
- recurrent question
- iPhone support? Android support? open API? open data?
- for democrazation via startups it is very interesting
- regarding new practices and peer to peer exchange rather check #lifehacking ; PSES : /tmp/lab
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Other reviews or coverage
To do
- improve Template
- add map data (:ola-point lat= lon= text='':)
- share http://open.sen.se/ to Sylvain for his EDF counter arduino project
- could be interesting to extend CognitiveEnvironments#TasksByEfficiency
- overall consider my OurPIM:PIM/MembersTools#Domotics Objects#domotic
- "tweeter son poid" and in general public display as Seedea:Content/Newconcepts#SocialAllostasis
- own view that creativity as freedom is worth more than using existing services
- see OurPIM:Papers/LimitsOfNotReinventingTheWheel
- some endpoints can be delegated but not the core
- interconnection and decision of allocation
- explore http://explorateursduweb.com
- demo of http://u-ston-demo.comatelk.fr to measure happiness in the institution but not solely from the viewpoint of the manager
- used at EADS
- supposedly anonymous yet it is proportional to the number of people involved
- small social network are easy to infer
- cf De-anonymizing Social Networks by Arvind Narayanan and Vitaly Shmatikov, IEEE Security & Privacy '09
- actually to consider for StructuralInformationAsymmetries#Consequences as the "power" of hierarchies as ideal political OWF
- does democratization automatically imply
- dumbing-down
- lock-in
- to consider for
- the RMS/Albert Jacquard debate on BiensCommunsCognitifs] just after
- creativity overall