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Seedea, scalable creativity

Xye, consultancy for serious creators




A bit outdated, please ask us directly if you want serious and fresh information.

/!\ Detailed strategy (not for public)

Organization of the different components

See Freemium : business model which works by offering basic services for free, while charging a premium for advanced or special features.

Business Model

How are we going to financially fuel the organization to reach our vision ?

Warning : this is partly out of date, please check our packages and BMI first. (Business Model Design and Innovation: Wikipedia Needs a Business Model not Donations - plead-for-business model January 2009 should be integrated too)

Classical BM

Seedea BM

Building a market for ideas based on a computation resources market.

Seedea executes itself (system ideas, not users ideas) in the cloud based on the lower priced resources (Seedea dedicated servers, Amazon CS3/S2, Microsoft Live Core, users in the cloud, ...).

This could be facilitate with OpenVZ and its migration ability.

Xye BM

Provide direct consulting (hardly scalable).

Provide online consulting with specific ideas reviewers (semi-scalable).

Inspired from Man vs. Machine podcast.

Reference :


How do we plan to make us known ?

Page last modified on January 08, 2009, at 02:02 PM