A bit outdated, please ask us directly if you want serious and fresh information.
/!\ Detailed strategy (not for public)
Organization of the different components
- Why are the components separated ?
- From CoEvolution has emerged 3 projects
- Seedea, the core tool to provide a support structure
- Xye, the feedback mechanism based on consulting
- discover a session in Xye now.
- OIMP, the attention provider based on diffusion of results
- check the on-going OIMP projects now.
- How do they re-enforce each other ?
- Seedea is the keystone of CoEvolution. All projects are supported by it but they all provide necessary input for Seedea.
- Xye allows Seedeato be reshaped for realistic needs.
- OIMP allows Seedea to be well known and publicly display what it provides.
See Freemium : business model which works by offering basic services for free, while charging a premium for advanced or special features.
Business Model
How are we going to financially fuel the organization to reach our vision ?
Warning : this is partly out of date, please check our packages and BMI first.
(Business Model Design and Innovation: Wikipedia Needs a Business Model not Donations - plead-for-business model January 2009 should be integrated too)
Classical BM
- Directly charge user
- Advertisement
- Middle man facilitating exchange by providing a safe data carrier
- Reseller using refined data by analyzing
- Donation (really different from directly charging user ?)
Seedea BM
Building a market for ideas based on a computation resources market.
- users execute their ideas locally (or within their own team) or in the cloud provided by Seedea but at a price based on evaluated market
- clients can sell computation resources (CPU cycles and data storage) by integrating the cloud
- prices are automatically computed based on the availability of resources/demand and can be trade for others values (ideas but also workforce)
Seedea executes itself (system ideas, not users ideas) in the cloud based on the lower priced resources (Seedea dedicated servers, Amazon CS3/S2, Microsoft Live Core, users in the cloud, ...).
This could be facilitate with OpenVZ and its migration ability.
Xye BM
Provide direct consulting (hardly scalable).
Provide online consulting with specific ideas reviewers (semi-scalable).
- specialists in their domain are getting paid to review and improve inputted ideas
- non-specialists could be injected too for small tasks from Amazon Turk or similar systems
- users share ideas for reviewing on the Seedea platform
Inspired from Man vs. Machine AltSearchEngines.com podcast.
Reference :
How do we plan to make us known ?
- Low cost viral marketing
- Address the most famous media for the targeted audience
- Provide them a well organized innovation, a direct improvement or suggestion that could help them
- Mention explicitly that this work was done thanks to our products
- Example : ReadWriteWeb, Rhizome, Creativity Online the leading media brand of the creative community in advertising, marketing and design and all top media/community.