being and "inter-preneur" who facilitate network externalities (so to connect with social annotating !)
- recursive value building
- Everything that is not our core competency (to clarify) must be automatized even if badly (even if having to start with random algorithms) with results validation by professionals who would also provide feedback for recursive improvement of the acclimatization tools (thus added value).
- "official" valuation : get successful several Seedea based projects pass OSEO ANVAR tests
Become a black hole (one of those that can process information though) of the market.
Being the best node (top functionnalities answering key needs, cf Seedea.Funcreq) with the easiest pathways to help users to converge to it.
- build a support for the market of ideas
- facilitate ideas organization
- for an individual
- for a group
- facilitate ideas manipulation
- for an individual
- for a group
- facilitate transactions
- invite key players to join by
- providing tools
- providing ideas
- providing space (network externalities)
- establish ourselves as the center of the market
- being a key node of this newly developed network by
- managing the currency
- understanding the trends
Find a (short-term) REWARD mechanism !
for inputting ideas in the system
(so that the system can integrate them)
- build long-term win from short-term wins,
- tactical ROI to enable real strategy to take place
- strategic revenue generators should not impair the ones in place as they fuel the new ones
- use realism checkpoints to avoid over-investment
- especially against risky IPO driven by investors
Leading with Information Technology by Marshall N. Carter
Open Strategy
| Cons
- easy feedback (peer review)
- can be a model for others (coherent with FOSS philosophy)
- possible to actually still change faster than the official open plan (machiavellian)
- marketing tool (1st company to do so)
- alternatives can anticipate (competitive intelligence)
- takes some time to make it clear (also an advantage as to be perfectly clear)
- Why Platforms Are Letting Us Down - And What They Should Do About It by ReadWriteWeb
- "Apple took care of the most important part of the equation - the transaction. It was also able to insert itself in the middle and recoup some costs associated with building the App Store."
- "The platforms of the future need to think about not just short-term marketing and buzz, but long-term sustainability and monetization."
- "Perhaps my biggest concern is the belief that API creation, or release, is sufficient to refer to a platform. A platform, at its heart, must accomplish several things. But chief among these is decrease the cost (or complexity) of interaction between multiple audiences while, simultaneously, ensuring value is created for all participants.", comment by Tyler Hannan
- Le web centripète by Hubert Guillaud for : "les statistiques montrent que le trafic web est de plus en plus concentré sur les sites les plus importants, alors même que le nombre total de sites continue d’augmenter"
To integrate
notes from IA conf
"cross-network" blackohole
you can be center node between others nodes or ... whole networks !
Inspiration :
never eat alone guy to connect with
le peuple des connectors guy with
Meetup AI guy
Discussion on marketing
14:45 <Utopiah> I never used publicity/ads and never will
14:45 <Utopiah> I will contact the director of my school's incubator
14:45 <Utopiah> and offer him a free version of it
14:45 <Utopiah> to use within its incubator and with the teachers of the school
14:45 <Utopiah> I would then use this as a leverage for other top incubators of the top schools of Paris
14:45 <Utopiah> etc
14:46 <Paola> (well it doesnt have to be that publicity.. i thought more someting like mentioned or commented or an
article in a specialiced blog.... dunno something like that)
14:46 <Utopiah> but before all that and your suggestion
14:46 <Utopiah> I still have a to prepare a full demo
14:47 <Utopiah> including the online version and the device versino
14:47 <Paola> true
14:47 <Utopiah> for that I should set realistics deadlines based on the resources still available
Strategical tools
- Strategy Markup Language (StratML) enabling the organization and categorization of Government information in a way that is searchable electronically and interoperably across agencies.
Our position regarding investors
- Less control
- Getting trapped with shareholders who aim for short term benefits that harm long term goals
- Q: Any general advice to entrepreneurs seeking funding in the uncertain capital markets of today?
- A: The best money comes from customers, not external investors.
- from Updating a Classic: Writing a Great Business Plan for HBS Working Knowledge by William A. Sahlman