Currently selected plan
Proposal 3 because of information Z confirmation that scenario 2 is the most likely to happen and budget allows it.
Proposals of construction plan
- Proposal based on scenario 1
- Proposal based on scenario 1
- Proposal based on scenario 2
- Proposal based on scenario 3
Use architecture tools to create a construction plan.
* Philippe Vuillaume, Architect
Potential locations
ID | Location (Coordinates) | Surface | Resources available | Price of taxes | Potential risks | Specific advantages |
L1 | Latitude, Longitude | Xm2 | A, B, C | Ieuros | | Low temperature differential |
L2 | Latitude, Longitude | Ym2 | B, C, D | Jeuros | Flood | Rich soil |
L3 | Latitude, Longitude | Zm2 | A, D | Keuros | | Active neighborhood |
- Link Latitude, Longitude to a satellite map.
- Géoportail - le portail des territoires et des citoyens
- IGN - API Geoportail OpenLayers
- Add cost efficiency for each resource.
- Apply Liebig's law of the minimum to our society (consider human society as an organism) and its consumption of raw materials including uranium, oil, but also eletronic raw materials, etc...
- consider locations in other countries
- ChooseYourCountry
- list need
- e.g. agriculture, weather, risks, ...
- detect and justify new opportunity
- e.g. new technologies to harvest energy in out of the grid remote location and sustain telecommunication for work and information
- generate a cartography workshop with tools
- OpenLayers (criteres), OpenData (info eco, agro, energy), etc (a la Seedea:Utopiahanalysis/UniNetVerseVisu)
- gather land
- e.g. use API or scrap specialized websites (e.g. )
- map criteria, opportunities over available lands
Note that those values are fluctuating in time and based on the location picked.
- step X
- material required
- labor required
- cost
- step Y
- material required
- labor required
- cost
- step Z
- material required
- labor required
- cost
See also Content.FinancialTools
- Scenario resource A rare
- Scenario resource B rare
- Scenario resource C rare
Ordered by probability
To do
- integrate every sections of Projet autonomie energetique as a module
- list family properties
- sections A138/B381 in Tremusson, near La Ville Hamonet
- cadastre.jpg cadastre2.jpg
- others...
- compare against existing residences
- update the contacts section to reflect Person
See also