Xye consulting seance template
Explanation - Why are we here
- Product (short-term benefits) idea with the highest potential with its clearly defined core
- Method and tools (mid-term benefits) how we did get there
- Capitalization (long-term benefits) abstraction of the process, template ready for next time and ability to improve the method and the tools
- Explanation 1%
- Warm-up 15%
- /!\ Secret ingredient 70%
- Conclusion (Warp-up ?) 14%
Get the attention from the present minds and tease, wake-up, toy, present incoherence and do everything necessary to warm-up senses and brains in the same way the Joel BenIzzy does during his fabulous story telling sessions.
Relaxed / Open / Pragmatic / Up to date / Playful
Seriousness DOES NOT EQUAL competence
Making groups
- individual questionnary to determine personal skills/mindset
- coupling required complementary ones
- allow anonymous refusal
- then re-assignment
Transition by redefining the mindset and why it matters.
Section eventually prepared few days before.
- What is the market ?
- What are the alternatives ? Upstream ? Downstream ?
- Who are the clients ? What is their particularity ?
Build the Go board and position everything on it while being creative.
- What are the new technologies in the area ? available now ? available in the near future ?
- What are do you need to use them ?
Past projects
- Names
- Objectives
- R.O.I.
- Lessons learned
- Skills acquired
- --> to add later -> How can we use them to build the next project ? else are we still working on our core-competency ?
Current Projects
- Names
- Objectives
- Projected R.O.I.
- Projected lessons learned
- Projected skills acquired
- --> to add later -> How can we use them to build the next project ? else are we still working on our core-competency ?
- Core competencies
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Values
- Goal for the future
Future Projects
- What are the requirements regarding
(refining the fitness function)
- ...
- the minimal ROI ?
- the maximum budget ?
Transition by presenting the ready to use "canvas" with all its tools set and a clear mindset.
Conclusion - What have we accomplished, how and what comes next ?
Transition by ..?
- analytical ROI with meta-analysis
- Product
- Method and tools
- Capitalization
- emotional ROI
- explanation after quick recall
- open discussion
- Critics
- Ideas
- Possible networking
- ...
Thanks for letting us learn together while having fun !
- Karl Popper Evolutionary Epistemology
- John Dewey Reflexive-Thinking Method
- Notes on Alternatives seances