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Seedea, scalable creativity

Xye, consultancy for serious creators




Why modelizing the "bottom" part of the chain?

  1. According to cognitive science we developed a newcortex in order to be able to model our environment so that, like few birds monkeys, we can plan an action before actually conducting it.
    1. For example, we imagine ourselves going through a tube with a tool without doing it directly which allows us to prune down branches of our solution tree.
  2. Computer science and its tools (algorithms and databases) are allowing us to push that process forward.

Consequently, integrating simulations in order to check if the idea will work and thus simulation down the innovation chain even if they are not directly part of it does matter a lot. It is fundamental for survival to extend what gives us as a biological being an edge, simulations


if you generate an architecture building you make stress tests of the different design and that's using simulation

Where in the innovation chain

Simulation will be used a bit everywhere, they are the yellow filters it can be a physical simulation, like for the building but also a patent submission simulation a finance simulation to see when it becomes valuable etc... and of course a combination of several simulatins


pool session in Saint-Maur the 9th of March 2010

Why rely on a wiki?

  1. flexibility
    1. page created instantly
      1. yet structured through groups, templates, category, ...
  2. scalability
    1. handling mostly text, history of implementations supporting millions of pages
  3. collaboration
    1. versionning, edit lock, ...
  4. openness
    1. InterMap, plugin system, ...

Page last modified on March 13, 2010, at 07:52 AM