CoEvolution > Oimp > VisualPersonalFinance
Visual Personal Finance
Initiator : Fabien
use a system to connect accounts visually
- manage your finance in a unified way as one single system
- making visually very clear that you have to earn more or spend less or both and adjust your proportions
You have to make strategical choice and every single buying/saving action is a decision that will have consequences for the rest (hence the notion of visual flow) : everything is an investment; even buying roses for your fiance.
(:pmgraphviz --
digraph {
incomeA [label="incomeA " style=filled fillcolor=green];
incomeB [label="incomeB" style=filled fillcolor=green];
incomes [label="incomes" style=filled shape="invtrapezium" fillcolor=green];
nutrition [label="nutrition" style=filled fillcolor=white];
housing [label="housing" style=filled fillcolor=white];
savings [label="savings" style=filled fillcolor=green];
meat [label="meat" style=filled fillcolor=white];
rest [label="rest" style=filled fillcolor=white];
valve1 [shape="octagon"];
valve11 [shape="octagon"];
valve12 [shape="octagon"];
valve2 [shape="octagon"];
valve3 [shape="octagon"];
incomeA -> incomes;
incomeB -> incomes;
incomes -> valve1 -> nutrition;
nutrition -> valve11 -> meat;
nutrition -> valve12 -> rest;
incomes -> valve2 -> housing;
incomes -> valve3;
valve3 -> savings [label="deduced from the rest" style=dotted];
Example diagram of the flow system
Abstraction of the problematic
- flow is aggregated from your sources of income
- flow is managed proportionally to key decision actuators (turning a wheel/valves)
- buying items accordingly
- products
- websites with API or online baskets
- services (including saving in a bank)
- each valve provide a history of its position
- showing how you make it change over time
- default templates provided (as actuators value) regarding the current and expected situation based on
- age
- family status
- risk aversion
- investment desire (expected return on investment)
- health considerations (ethics, culture, ...)
In situ example
- you wire your payment system to your bank account
- your bank account to your local Wallmart
- you turn a wheel to say you want to
- spend 5% on food
- save 80%
- spend the rest on clothes
- look at the result
- asking yourself "Am I making increasingly better investments according to my expected lifestyle?"
All visually and keeping statistics of it
- after each month detecting patterns to show if it's healthy, risky, etc...
The system would provide default templates based on your lifestyle
- for example if you are a young woman spend more on clothes
Get details on a specific valve, you would see the history of the values
- 10% on clothes, 10% on food, 70% on house, 10% on saving in January
- 20% on clothes, 10% on food, 70% on house, 0% on saving in February
- ...
Inspired by
- updating the PaymentSystems page with more and more micro-payments services
- using visual "pipes" system likes Yahoo! Pipes or DERI Pipes
- using my bank online website
- discussions with Sylvain regarding real estate as a key investment
Proposed solutions
- gather and organize components to connect to
- WireIt open-source javascript library to create web wirable interfaces for dataflow applications, visual programming languages, graphical modeling, or graph editors.
- Why not use a classical pie chart which is perfect for repartition?
- doesn't involve a notion of flow and that you are part of system
- no notion of continuity and future investment that a pipe system would give
- How do you plan to handle inflation/interest/... rates?
- the objective is not to provide a fully fledge long-term investment platform but to provide a simple visual and coherent way to organize personal finance
- How do you handle debt?
- no debt, the goal is precisely to avoid financially unhealthy practices!
- more seriously, it can be considered just another source income but with a visual difference (more likely red and scary)
See also
- daily life decision making support system
- script (GreaseMonkey) to overlay calories per product and calorie count per basket, or price comparison, decision making tools applied daily shopping
- the comparison system could include geolocation to compare with the nearby shops and include the time and gas mileage
- example
- if my shopping list include X, Y, Z, should I buy it at shop A or B?
- inspired by the growing amount of local supermarket with online catalogs
- see also Price comparison service (also known as shopping comparison or price engine) according to Wikipedia
- overall Fabien's Financial Tools page
- https://www.banksimple.com
- http://weboob.org/CapBank