- Review of How Mathematicians Think by Gregory Chaitin, NewScientist 2007
- Notre Univers est-il unique ?, Continent science, France Culture October 2011
- Diurnal and Seasonal Mood Vary with Work, Sleep, and Daylength Across Diverse Cultures by Scott A. Golder and Michael W. Macy, Science September 2011
- Birth of the global mind by Tim O’Reilly, FT.com September 2011
- Fingerprinting of RFID Tags and High-Tech Stalking, 33 Bits of Entropy October 2011
- We discount the pain of people we don't like, MedicalXPress October 2011
- Cerveau et machine - rencontre avec Frédéric Kaplan, Books Cctober 2011
- Are African Americans Surging in Computer Science? by Michael Price, Science Careers September 2011
- Time to fork the FSF by Larry Cafiero, Larry the Free Software Guy October 2011
- Quand les geeks font de la politique by Yves Eudes, Le Monde M Magazine October 2011
- Aftermath Network: Metamorphosis of a Crisis, VPRO Backlight October 2011
- Simulating the Brain — The Next Decisive Years by Henry Markram, International Supercomputing Conference September 2011
- WIPO boss: the Web would have been better if it was patented and its users had to pay license fees by Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing October 2011
- Why Startup Hubs Work by Paul Graham, October 2011
- Cognitive Computing: Neuroscience, Supercomputing, Nanotechnology by Dharmendra S. Modha, Design Automation Conference August 2011
- Algorithmic symphonies from one line of code -- how and why?, countercomplex October 2011
- La chimie de l’amour with Marcel Hibert, L'Eloge du savoir, France Culture October 2011
- What Kind of Drones Arms Race Is Coming? by Kenneth Anderson, The Volokh Conspiracy October 2011
- Cloud-Powered Facial Recognition Is Terrifying by Jared Keller, The Atlantic September 2011
- Technology replacing workers… by Martin Ford, EconFuture October 2011
- Why Do Some People Learn Faster? by Jonah Lehrer, Wired Science at Wired.com October 2011
- Geoffrey West on Complexity, the FQXi Setting Time Aright August 2011
- equivalent to most of his recent talks
- highlighting the importance of time and how it goes faster with scale
- Raissa D'Souza on Complexity, the FQXi Setting Time Aright August 2011
- mention of Landauer and Bennett
- mention of Suppressing cascades of load in interdependent networks, June 2011
- slides httpL//fqxi.org/tools/download/__details/conferences/2011-talks/dsouza.pdf
- clarifying egoistic optimum and system optimum, e.g. in traffic, based on game-theory principles
- http://mae.ucdavis.edu/dsouza/
- Final note: Why statistical physics fails
- Tools for ensembles: generating functions, master equations (mean field evolution), branching processes, critical fluctuations, scaling functions...
- Real world systems are usually not "typical" members of the ensemble
- Not in equilibrium, Dynamics of and dynamics on networks, with feedback between them
- How To Lead Clever People by Karen Christensen, Forbes India Magazine September 2011
- Ibm Cognizer Really by Massimiliano Versace, Neurdon August 2011
- The Cognitive Limit of Organizations by Joi Ito, MIT Media Lab October 2011
- Networks Understanding Networks, MIT Media Lab October 2011
- on twitter #MediaLabNtwks
- Wikipedia:Ricardo Hausmann
on person-byte and economic complexity index
- Albert-László Barabási
- mention of Erdos-Renyi, cf his review paper on networks read some time ago
- nice visualization of percolation
- UCLA researchers discover rhythmic secrets of the brain by Randolph Jonsson, GizMag October 2011
Arvind Kumar and Mayank R. Mehta, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
- Paul Allen: The Singularity Isn't Near by Paul G. Allen and Mark Greaves, MIT Technology Review October 2011
- Not for Free: Creating New Revenue Models by Saul J. Berman, ParisTech Review October 2011
- How to choose a good problem by Uri Alon, Mollecular Cell 2009
- Le cerveau et la machine with Alain Prochiantz and Hervé Zwirn, Culture Académie, France culture September 2011
- Creativity and artificial evolution by Margaret A. Boden
- Is the Brain Good at What It Does? by Christopher Chabris, NYTimes.com October 2011
- "activity in a specific network of brain regions increased when men looked at female models and when cocaine addicts received a dose."
- "What the Internet does is stimulate our reward systems over and over with tiny bursts of information (tweets, status updates, e-mails) that act like primary rewards but can be delivered in more varied and less predictable sequences."
- Raison et valeur dans les sciences, Continent sciences, France Culture October 2011
- Printer Dots, Pervasive Tracking and the Transparent Society by Arvind Narayanan, 33 Bits of Entropy October 2011
- From Purple Blurb, "Computers and Creativity: The Intersection of Art and Technology", MIT Comparative Media Studies March 2011
- Cyborg philosophie, Place de la toile, France Culture October 2011
- Faut-il canoniser Steve Jobs ? Du Grain ŕ moudre, France Culture October 2011
- EmTech: Does IT Cost More Jobs than It Creates? by David Talbot, Technology Review October 2011
- The Triumphs and Tensions of Technology by Andrew McAfee, Infosys June 2011
- The Triumphs & Tensions of Technology by Andrew McAfee, Emtech MIT October 2011
- The Genesis of Information Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition by Edwin Hancock, 2010
- Robot Art I, Robots Podcast August 2011
- Doron Zeilberger's 111th Opinion by Doron Zeilberger, 2010
- on the importance of not technical over-specialization in maths
- Is Jeopardy! in Mathematicians? by Ken W. Regan, Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP August 2011
- The Origin and Growth of Mathematical Concepts by Raymond Louis Wilder, AAAS retiring address 1953
- Robot Art II, Robots Podcast August 2011
- Robot Art III, Robots Podcast August 2011
- Peut-on évaluer les risques des nanotechnologies ? Science publique, France Culture October 2011
- Race Against the Machine by Tim Worstall, Forbes October 2011
- La création scientifique: d'oů viennent les idées?, La Grande Table, France Culture October 2011
- Code-Breakers: Bletchley Park's Lost Heroes, BBC October 2011
- Marc Vidal, Cambridge Nights October 2011
- on system biology, the interactome project, mention of Marc Jacob
- Geoffrey West, Cambridge Nights October 2011
- on biological scaling law, forest as optimizing system, fractal scale
- Albert-László Barabási, Cambridge Nights October 2011
- paradigm shift from random network via availability of data
- Steve Jobs Solved the Innovator's Dilemma by James Allworth, Harvard Business Review October 2011
- Henry Roediger on MEMORY, FQXi Setting Time Aright October 2011
- The Importance of Mind-Wandering by Jonah Lehrer, Wired Science for Wired.com October 2011
- Minerals scarcity: A call for managed austerity and the elements of hope by A.M. Diederen, The Oil Drum 2009
- Ecological optics by J.J. Gibson, Vision Research 1961
- Une société de la requęte (3/3) : Comprendre Google, InternetActu Octobre 2011
- In Google We Trust (Your Identity) by Kristine Schachinger, Search Engine Watch October 2011
- How Direct is Visual Perception? Some Reflections on Gibson's 'Ecological Approach' by Jerry A. Fodor and Zenon W. Pylyshyn, Cognition 1981
- Algorithmic Information Theory and Novelty Generation, IJWCC 2007
- motivated by CreativiteArtificielleParadigmShift2011
- Defining Creativity: Finding Keywords for Creativity Using Corpus Linguistics Techniques, ICCC X
- Improvising with Creative Machines: Reflections on Human-Machine Interaction, ICCC XI
- Understanding Human Creativity for Computational Play, ICCC XI
- Computational Creativity Theory: The FACE and IDEA Descriptive Models, ICCC XI
- Evaluating Evaluation: Assessing Progress in Computational Creativity Research, ICCC XI
- No Free Lunch in the Search for Creativity, ICCC XI
- Concept Discovery in Heterogeneous Information Networks, ICCC XI
- difference between what is different and sufficiently different for the observer
- trick of using what is hard to invert, e.g. visual fractal
- mention of Kolomogorov-Chaitin
- explicitely mentions that it is not concerned aesthetics
- mention of Schmidhuber, still
- Developing Creativity: Artificial Barriers in Artificial Intelligence, IJWCC 2008
- note that he is working by Dean K Simonton http://kylejennings.com
- directly answering the "why is this needed" question by arguing that AI itself does require creativity
- importance of "creative autonomy"
- Autonomous Evaluation
- Autonomous Change
- Non-Randomness
- using cellular automata thus a potential transition from the previous talk
- see also Creativity and artificial evolution by Margaret A. Boden
- Establishing Appreciation in a Creative System, ICCC X 2010
- using ANN for tagging of visual data through human annotation
- still no generation so far but then planned
- http://darci.cs.byu.edu/DARCI/
- XXX organize the computational aesthetics too
- Search Strategies and the Creative Process, ICCC X 2010
- explanation on how creativity can be assimilated to search
- tested via visual task
- http://kylejennings.com/ already read this previous paper
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